Beware!!! will destroy hobby

If you have reviews, for me I need 3 reviews(eventhough i say 2) lol from providers you've seen in the last 6 mon. If you dont want to give out your name, I always tell guys to see 2-3 providers from BP who wont up and change their number/email in a week so I can verify with them. Most of those girls don't have hard screening... I DO!

Once you have provider ref. all I need is your number to get in touch with you. I dont care to know you're real name and will never mention mine!! There's kind of a don't ask don't tell rule in this business when it comes to your personal life. My job is to be discreet and I expect the same from you.

If you dont want to give out your info I suggest getting on p411 or datecheck. If not, happy hunting & WRAP IT UP! lol
I just perused this site for my region. Probably a THIRD of the listings are for NCNS or last minute cancellations.

And there is no way of verifying if the other 2/3rds are factual. But let's assume they all are and just concentrate on the NCNS listings -- and we'll assume those are all true too.

What the F4ck?

National Blacklist is just a list. It is no better or worse than the people who enter data into it. And it reflects the personalities, priorities and values of those who enter data into it.

What I have learned is that far too many escorts have no sense of proportionality.

So, a guy NCNSs the escort. In my region, that means she is likely out $300. Assuming she had to turn down someone else to make the booking, of course.Otherwise, she is out nothing.

So, in just reprisal for the loss of maybe $300, the escort feels perfectly justified in revealing the hobbyists complete personal information to the entire world -- his employer, his friends, his family. The loss to him is FAR beyond the hobby. It could cause the loss of a 6-figure job, a marriage, time with children and more.

All for a lousy 300 bucks.

Anyone who would do that to somebody over $300, at best, has VERY screwed up life values; and at worst is either insane or downright evil.

I cannot fathom ANY provider defending such practices as justified.

Oh? Really? It is justified?

How would those same escorts feel if the shoe were on the other foot? They cancel at the last minute or do an NCNS because their kid gets sick or something -- and then their full real name/address/email etc. gets published?

What? It might cost them their career? Cost them their day job and insurance? Lose custody of their kids?

This, again, reminds me of how the only things that really matter in an escort are her ethics and character. It is well worth looking high and low and waiting months to see a woman of whose character you can be confident.

Anyone else and you might end up losing your job, family and everything else you have worked for if you get a flat tire.
National Blacklist is just a list. It is no better or worse than the people who enter data into it. And it reflects the personalities, priorities and values of those who enter data into it.

What I have learned is that far too many escorts have no sense of proportionality.

So, in just reprisal for the loss of maybe $300, the escort feels perfectly justified in revealing the hobbyists complete personal information to the entire world
All for a lousy 300 bucks.

Anyone who would do that to somebody over $300, at best, has VERY screwed up life values; and at worst is either insane or downright evil.

I cannot fathom ANY provider defending such practices as justified. Originally Posted by Laurentius
Thanks for posting this. I couldn't agree more. I wish I could ad more, but you summed it up quite nicely.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Just for the record, I too have ended up on the NBL. In my case it was due to an emotionally unstable provider who I had never even contacted.

A fellow hobbyist over on another board posted a comment about this provider in what was supposed to be a hobbyist-only area. His post wasn't very flattering. He basically pointed to the girl's frequent scatterbrained posts and mused about her IQ. I responded partially defending her and saying she just seemed a little ditzy, but I didn't think she was bag-of-hammers dumb.

Some white knight then decided to email a copy of the thread to the girl and all hell broke loose. She went off like a nuke on both me and the original poster all over the other board. She then got my contact info from another provider she was friends with and posted it up to the NBL. If that wasn't bad enough, she proceeded to email every provider I had ever reviewed or even mentioned on the other board telling them that I was "dangerous" and a "woman hater". She did the same to the other guy involved.

For me it was no big deal. I see a very small number of women who know me well. I"m P411 verified and OK'd so I don't have problem with screening. My regulars who got her email wrote me and laughed it off. In the end the whole situation reflected worse on the wacko provider than it ever did on me.

It did point out a big problem with the NBL, however. While a provider can get past a bad review from a crazy hobbyist by having a bunch of good reviews to balance it, hobbyists have no such recovery from a misguided or malicious NBL listing. As Laurentis said, there are a lot of providers out there with either unstable personalities or a lack of a proportionality in their view of life. I never even contacted the crazy woman who put me on the NBL - but there's still no way for me to do anything about my name being on there. Contrary to babee's assumptions, I did not "earn my spot" on the blacklist.

For me it's no big deal, but for others it's clearly a problem. I think it's a good idea that's poorly implemented. There needs to be some sort of community verification like there is on these boards. There's just too many providers with drama issues around. I also no longer give personal info to a provider unless I'm confident from her persona on one of the boards or one of my regulars knows her and gives her the thumbs up. The NBL is hurting both sides because it's not properly authenticated or balanced.

  • npita
  • 05-14-2010, 08:15 AM
Ok, right back at ya - Don't argue if you're on a blacklist.
I think what guys are saying is that because of the lack of accountability of those sites, guys should not give providers personal information. That hurts YOU. From my experience in the hobby, few providers ever asked me for much of anything in the way of screening, so the guys have a lot less incentive to provide information to see providers who want a lot of personal information.

Given the choice, I doubt there are many, if any, clients who want to see any provider badly enough to risk having their personal information posted where it's publically viewable when they can see a provider who won't ask them for that personal information. We don't know you either, so we have no idea what you will do with that information. Once that information is given out, it cannot be taken back.

If getting a client's personal information is important to you, police yourselves and make sure that there is some accountability and discretion with regard to reporting clients. In particular, if you report a client to a dns list which posts his personal information on a publically accessible website, you have outed that client to his family, friends, employer and evryone else just as if you called those people.

Discretion is (or ought to be) a provider's most important business asset. If you out clients or even support the idea of outing clients to their family, friends and employers for something like an NCNS, no one who values discretion will want to see you. That's bad for your business as long as there are providers who exercise more discretion.

Now, is it abused? No more and no less than the provider review system is.
How often has your real name been posted in a review? Do you think your personal information should be posted in public in a bad review or if you NCNS a client? If not, you cannot justify support for a website which does those things to clients without having a very weird sense of ethics.
i dont give out anything real.....not to datecheck or p411 either. the federal government will soon find a loop hole and supena records. There is always a paper trail. ill take my chances meeting the girl who will accept a reasonable risk.

personally the entrapment rule is good enuff for meeting you for counseling....I cannot help it we had sex....and good sex at that.
lionheart's Avatar
How often has your real name been posted in a review? Do you think your personal information should be posted in public in a bad review or if you NCNS a client? If not, you cannot justify support for a website which does those things to clients without having a very weird sense of ethics. Originally Posted by npita

Great point npita.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 05-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Here's another problem, nothing ever really gets deleted from a hard drive, so how are we to gauratee that the information is no longer in our hands? Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I can help with the technical point. Sdelete is a free program that overwrites the data on disk with zeros and has an option to make multipal passes before deleting the file name pointer in the superblock. Pretty much any delete utility that is written to the DoD 5220.22-M sanitize spec will do. Becareful with a utility like that because when its gone its gone!
Just for the record, I too agree with the fact that a NCNS should NOT be listed anywhere! Or last minute cancellations!
A girl is out of a session, yes, and that sucks but the gentlmen is also out of a great time. no one is winning. That is life. Just how it goes. No reason to cry over spilt milk.

My beleif is that one should only find themselves on a NBL if the had assualted the lady, have a known crimal record for assualt, abuse, molestation, rape, ect., or has stiffed a provider on purpose. I also think that a reason has to be selected from a drop down menu, and based on the reason there should be like a gradeing scale of how major the fault is (such as stiffing a provider once, should not be on the same level as physical abuse, however stiffing a provider more then once is worse then just doing it once...ect., and so forth)

As far as real information? I beleive information should be limited...such as perhaps only a first, last name and state for the minor offenses, and only more information for major offenses, but i do not beleive address, place of employment, and phone number should ever be released due to the fact that it effects much more then just the hobbiest when that information is up for public veiw.

I do beleive the NBL was meant for good, but it does need a lot of work to make it reliable. I for one do not depend on it. As it is currently, I wouldnt trust the NBL list no more then I would beleive the average, unstable CL girl!
I can help with the technical point. Sdelete is a free program that overwrites the data on disk with zeros and has an option to make multipal passes before deleting the file name pointer in the superblock. Pretty much any delete utility that is written to the DoD 5220.22-M sanitize spec will do. Becareful with a utility like that because when its gone its gone! Originally Posted by ness
Thank you so much for this info! I have been needing to screen gentlemen with their real information ever since I have registered on It makes me cringe each time I ask for it, and I am sure they cringe much more!

Normally, I agree with your posts, but not this time. See my comments below.

Just for the record, I too agree with the fact that a NCNS should NOT be listed anywhere! I strongly disagree with this. If you can't show, at least call, even if just a little late. I've only had one NCNS from a provider, but it cost me $75 out of pocket, and an hour and a half of my time. She never contacted me. Because of that experience, I only do outcalls now. It limits the provider pool somewhat, but I'm determined not to be NCNSd ever again. And my rule is to never see a lady that has NCNSd another person. Or last minute cancellations! This is slightly ok, but not a preference.
A girl is out of a session, yes, and that sucks but the gentlmen is also out of a great time. I'm out more than a great time. Just like providers, my time is valuable. Normally, when I schedule a session, it's the only time I have available, so when a lady NCNSs me or cancels, she has stolen my time with a provider who would have shown. That is the very reason I try to schedule only with reliable providers. no one is winning. That is life. Just how it goes. No reason to cry over spilt milk.

My beleif is that one should only find themselves on a NBL if the had assualted the lady, have a known crimal record for assualt, abuse, molestation, rape, ect., or has stiffed a provider on purpose. I also think that a reason has to be selected from a drop down menu, and based on the reason there should be like a gradeing scale of how major the fault is (such as stiffing a provider once, should not be on the same level as physical abuse, however stiffing a provider more then once is worse then just doing it once...ect., and so forth)

As far as real information? No, for all the reasons Laurentius stated in his post above...and then some. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. Oh, maybe some providers might think so, but reasonable people would probably disagree. I beleive information should be limited...such as perhaps only a first, last name and state for the minor offenses, and only more information for major offenses, but i do not beleive address, place of employment, and phone number should ever be released due to the fact that it effects much more then just the hobbiest when that information is up for public veiw. In any event, I don't think real names should be used at all. NBL should stick to the screen names that most hobbyists go by. You made the date with screen names, reviews are posted with screen names, and everyone knows the screen names. Only in the event that you required real names, should real names be used. As an aside, I would never see a lady that requires my real name. So, I'll never see some HDHs (for other reasons, also, lol) who require real names for screening.

I do beleive the NBL was meant for good, but it does need a lot of work to make it reliable. I for one do not depend on it. As it is currently, I wouldnt trust the NBL list no more then I would beleive the average, unstable CL girl!

I think that is part of Laurentius' is unreliable!!! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Thank you so much for this info! I have been needing to screen gentlemen with their real information ever since I have registered on It makes me cringe each time I ask for it, and I am sure they cringe much more! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I would cringe. And as I said above, you wouldn't get. IMO, if a lady won't take my P411 info, then I'm not going to see her. For more reasons than one.
OMG Charles, what are you thinking? misunderstood dear. I was only referring to the men being NCNS, I wasn't referring to the women AT ALL! Men can be NCNS for many reasons, bc for the most part, they are sneaking around behind a spouses back and things have to go just right for them to make the appointments. I would never black ball a gentlemen over something minor such as this.

A man can very easily change his screen name....I don't beleive in freely giving it out, for anything minor, or even a little major, but for the more larger issues such as pyscial abuse that required a provider to see LE, then YES! I agree with devulding real names on that one!

I do not ask for any personal info from P411 members, should go without say. Only the gentlmen that do not belong to a verification site and no references.

I am so going to bring my rideing crop to our just wait!

Now stop disagreeing with me, Dang it!
Black Sedan's Avatar
If you don't do bad things; your info will never be on a blacklist. If you do bad things you earned your spot. Originally Posted by babee
Yeah, and that assumes that the ladies are all sane and reasonable when they are posting to it.
pyramider's Avatar
You play by the ladies rules or you keep hunting. Your choice.
have any of you signed up for a membership to make sure you were not on there and successfully cancelled afterwards? Signing up requires credit card information. I would hate to try to cancel after registering, and then somehow having my personal info on the site.