Hobbies On BP Cant Be Respectful?

CharismaCaptures's Avatar
You can advertize on Bp ,Date-check Eccie Pre411 ,The major problem with Bp Is the guys have No respect !
,I advertise I was visiting a new area in NY ,If you have to cancel Please dont tell me at the last min,This guy calls me in the early afternoon a day before Im arriving only to find out I only have a few available spots open .,Im up every morning at 7am ,As Im driving the guy calls me to tell me hes canceling ,thats at noontime ,he has a date with me at 3pm How am I going to book a date 3 hrs later ,,I have to check in ,settle in ,etc,,, .Then wants to know if im available for the following day in the morning ,Are you kidding me ,Im booked !
,Whats he do he harrasses me to know end by calling my phone at least 20 X from 5pm till 10:00pm and calls me with 3 different area codes and number every 2 sec-- red flag !!!!
Somethings wrong if a guy has to call you 20x in 5 hrs Hes either LE or crazy.Guys dont call a lady 20x they just dont !
.If I dont answer my phone the 2nd time for him what makes him think im going to answer hes call at all if he was serious he would have left me a message which he didnt ,guys here and on the major boards email you they have to cancel a day before that gives the lady enuff time to fill the spot ,I dont have time to do a research when I have others whom already booked in advance.. my .02 ..
cinderbella's Avatar
Dearheart, please understand I mean you no disrespect here- but as you live and learn you will find that a publiclly visible phone number is gonna get called by a nutjob no matter what you write otherwise. It's called swimming with sharks and sometimes they bite.

Sick, twisted warped minds are prevelant and you are going to make yourself crazy trying to reason with the unreasonable. These types of wack jobs are commonly referred to as "Trolls" and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it except pray he wears himself out.

What's that saying, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs" Well, you have to wade thru the trolls to find your perfect client date. In the meantime, I guess you always have eccie to vent on and learn from!

I am always surprised how many good clients are out there, waiting in the wings and how many stalkers there are, how tough they are to identify initially and what lengths they will go to just to contact a provider. Sorry that happened to you, total complete bummer.
midwestmonique's Avatar
It's not illegal to discuss rates especially since being an escort isn't illegal. Its the what am I going to get for this much money question that is the problem. When they allowed escorting to be legal, they knew there would be a charge for services, so again its not illegal to discuss. My answer to the question of what am I getting for X amount of dollars is X amount of my time. PERIOD.

MR MAN FROM BUFFALO AND ANY OTHER IDIOTS THAT THINK I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU PLAY BY PLAY...I'M NOT!!!! You know the game and you know how to check reviews. If I have 30 reviews all basically saying the same thing and nothing about greek, then hey no need to ask and get hung up on. Clearly NO I don't! Some of these idiots are such jokes you just gotta talk a little shiz and hang up.
oooh, juccy, i have seen you posted round my are! i'd like to see you up close and personal! grrl!
mirandalee's Avatar
I started off BP and then a guy I met on there told me about this site and I like it, but I also have met great guys on BP you just have to be really carefull and trust your gut, and not say anything to incrimidate yourself and you will be fine.. I never had any issues in the 4 years ive done this..
AngeLisa's Avatar
Bp is a trip yes but I've yet to have a issue with it
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If a guy says he is not LE then why not go from there. Tell him rates and services Originally Posted by waynedk1
I'm sorry, but that is so stupid it is worth quoting.
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
I almost fell of the bed lmao ,A gent calls me today and says *what does the 300 an hr include ,My reply to him was Sir,I can brush your teeth and wash your hair ,He then says Are you a gfe my reply back was Im a greatfriendlyenforcer! I dont think he'll be calling back lolololololol
Texmedic's Avatar
This is just my take on BP. I go back to the ASPD days, and BP has always been a questionable source of "quality" ladies. as a Hobbiest, the type of men who use BP, are generally lazy. they dont want to put out the effort to read reviews, research other review sites, and to get verified by any of the usual common sense verification avenues. you never find a new Mercedes at a flea market. usually will fall way short for both decent providers and decent Hobbiests.
I use BP everyday,and have met some wonderful people from it....That being said, In the year I have been in this hobby,I have discovered that you can usually tell "gentlemen:" from the " strokers within the first 5 seconds of the phone call.....It seems to me that most Eccie members,do have the good graces to call when they have to cancel,BUT they also seem to be the ones who except more ...JUST because they belong here......So,in my opinion as long as You ( the provider) are on top of there game,all should be well...
So this thread is about BP and it is also like the Hall of Shame of Hobbyists calling! Yes, I have had many greatful and enthusiastic gentlemen since it has been my base when I am on the sceen for the last few years! Having set myself up as a full time provider, and on eccie, P411 is my next stop! WANTED: Men, women and cpls to work out a great deal to help get me verified! I am based out of the FL panhandle and am willing to travel up to 8 hrs to another city and/or state if requested! This limit is because of prior obligations that only allow me to be away for 6 days @ a time! I have reviews, but not from the more reputable hobbyists! I am a thick girl with a pretty face! Face pics will only be forwarded to those with and have given @ least 5 reviews! Even better, a P411 member! I have worked hard to set myself up on eccie and produce a lil less than good enough web site! I am not asking for a hand out, nor do I think you should ask me too, but will be flexible! THNX!
I am going to try BP for my travel, I have never used it b/c my regulars but I think it has potential to be a fun experience if a person goes through all the usual verifications.
The way I figure it is that a man who is unwilling or to unwise not to go through verification is begging to get busted or setting themselves up for disappointment. I don't k ow if it will work for me but it has for others so here's me with crossed fingers
Randilyn's Avatar
Any legit hobby'ist knows the deal girls.......... they know not to ask price,they know not to ask do's and dont's ! they know to check out rev's and do there research. therefore with that being said only see ppl that dont make you put up a red flag. every provider has theyre own way of screening but we ALL(both legit providers and hobbyists ) KNOW NOT TO SPEAK OF ANYTHING !!!!except for what time? and how long!!!!! this goes for anysite that we use not just backpage ... hang up on the rude ones dont waste your time but yes there is alot more of stupidity and rudeness coming from bp... although there is rudeness and stupidity coming from everysite just more so on bp!!!
just remember the golden rule i stated above and you'll be fine!!!!
I believe this can be summed up as "research, research, research!"
MajorStamina's Avatar
Any legit hobby'ist knows the deal girls.......... they know not to ask price,they know not to ask do's and dont's ! they know to check out rev's and do there research. therefore with that being said only see ppl that dont make you put up a red flag. every provider has theyre own way of screening but we ALL(both legit providers and hobbyists ) KNOW NOT TO SPEAK OF ANYTHING !!!!except for what time? and how long!!!!! this goes for anysite that we use not just backpage ... hang up on the rude ones dont waste your time but yes there is alot more of stupidity and rudeness coming from bp... although there is rudeness and stupidity coming from everysite just more so on bp!!!
just remember the golden rule i stated above and you'll be fine!!!! Originally Posted by randigirl
I personally think this goes too far the other way, although the premis is sound. Someone else said it earlier, but it is worth restating. You can say price, so please do so. Any hobbyist that asks for services is a moron, so say goodbye. But price for time is a legit question. Especially if the add they saw did not list any rates. It is a bad assumption that the client has the time to research you.

Example. I was traveling and booked a date, but it fell through. The anticipation got the best of me though and I went looking for what I could find last minute. Most p411 dates take a day or so to set up, which I didn't have. BP is perfect for last minute dates. BP ads don't normally have any indication of rates. So it is fair to expect that even legit hobbyists would want to ask what is the rate for an hour of you time?

Ladies, this should be ok, IMO. Idiots that ask more than that though, should get to hear nothing more than dial tone.