CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Brownback wants to be President. In order to do that, he wants to turn Kansas into a conservative utopia. He can't do that with moderates. If he could leave his religion and social issue control out of it, it might work. But I don't think an evangelical theocracy is going to make him popular in the swing states.
Not true. They do it all the time; John McCain is famous for his votes against pork. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Against military pork?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suppose as goes Alma (in the GOP primary) so goes the nation...

The article says that it isn't social issues, but fiscal concerns that is pulling party politics right.

Brownback wants to be President. In order to do that, he wants to turn Kansas into a conservative utopia. He can't do that with moderates. If he could leave his religion and social issue control out of it, it might work. But I don't think an evangelical theocracy is going to make him popular in the swing states. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know, I just hope that Brownback understands that.
The TP is.........


Looks like that is what the tea party will get you.Thought they were anti government? Originally Posted by ekim008