Unfortunately there are many buffoons whose mouths are like the rear end of a cow and each time they open their yaps it's only to expel another load of crap!
. . . Yes, you know who you are and dumb enough to even labeled yourself as such!
The "Stand By Your Ad" provision (SBYA) of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA, also known as "McCain-Feingold"), enacted in 2002, that requires candidates in the United States for federal political office, as well as interest groups and political parties supporting or opposing a candidate, to include in political advertisements on television and radio "a statement by the candidate that identifies the candidate and states that the candidate has approved the communication." The provision was intended to force political candidates running any campaign for office in the United States to associate themselves with their television and radio advertising, thereby discouraging them from making controversial claims or attack ads.[1][2][3]
In American politics, "I approve this message" (sometimes in the past tense, also with "authorize" in place of "approve" or with "ad" instead of "message") is a phrase said by candidates for federal office to comply with this provision. Originally Posted by CJ7