List Five POSITIVE Things The Current Person In Office Has Done For AMERICA

TexTushHog's Avatar

1. Appointed decent Federal judges. The single most implant and lasting thing a President can do.
2. Ended the dumbest war in American history. One down, one to go.
3. Passed a stimulus bill that, while too small, did avert a major depression.
4. Passed a flawed, but but still very important first ever health care bill that will approximate universal coverage.
5. While he foolishly bought into the idea of a "war on terror," at least he started fighting it like he wanted to win instead of just enriching the defense industry, expanding executive power, and cutting back on civil liberties.
6. Stopped enforcing some, but not enough, foolish immigration laws.
7. Repealed don't ask, don't tell. And just as importantly, the President finally stood up and said that the government shoud tell you who you can and can't marry.
8. Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
9. Said torture is unacceptable no matter what the circumstances.
10. Restored out standing in the world. Now when you travel abroad, you don't have to be embarrassed about the President of the United States
Next question?
I see this thread has been taken care of...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
1. He has given us an insight into how tyranny will prevail in this country.
2. He has exposed the Republicans for being as anti-freedom and anti-American as the Democrats by obtaining bipartisan support for the NDAA.
3. He has strengthened the hands of banksters by refusing to rein in the Fed, or support an audit thereof.
4. He has shown us how good our medical system used to be before he handed control of it to the IRS.
5. He has (hopefully) galvanized the Liberty Movement to take back the country from the statists in four years, should there be any country left.
LexusLover's Avatar
maybe you should learn what youre talking about before you talk ..


The bill, HR 3200, specifically bars coverage for illegal immigrants. Section 246, which is included in the part of the bill that sets up a health insurance exchange, forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States. Originally Posted by CJ7
I have read it ... you should read it again .. thoroughly ... and wait for the "regs" ... after the ink gets dry......

Here is what I said ...

" provide health care for 15 million people (not all U.S. citizens).." and here

is what you twisted to make your ignorant snide marginallizing dismissive remark ...

"forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States" ..... a world of difference ....

.. particularly when there is a movement afoot to prohibit one from asking for documents to show that one is legally in the United States .... we can't even require an ID to cast a vote in the upcoming elections .....

there are millions of people in this country who are "legally" in the United States, but they ae not citizens of the United States and then are they no longer "legally" in the United States after the ... say student status expires? ... children of those illegally in the U.S. .... those getting married to U.S. citizens .... the list is almost endless ...
LexusLover's Avatar
10. Restored out standing in the world. Now when you travel abroad, you don't have to be embarrassed about the President of the United States Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is funny here ... if it weren't so sad.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 05:00 PM
I have read it ... you should read it again .. thoroughly ... and wait for the "regs" ... after the ink gets dry......

Here is what I said ...

" provide health care for 15 million people (not all U.S. citizens).." and here

is what you twisted to make your ignorant snide marginallizing dismissive remark ...

"forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States" ..... a world of difference ....

.. particularly when there is a movement afoot to prohibit one from asking for documents to show that one is legally in the United States .... we can't even require an ID to cast a vote in the upcoming elections .....

there are millions of people in this country who are "legally" in the United States, but they ae not citizens of the United States and then are they no longer "legally" in the United States after the ... say student status expires? ... children of those illegally in the U.S. .... those getting married to U.S. citizens .... the list is almost endless ... Originally Posted by LexusLover

viva voter registration talking points ... you twisted to make your ignorant snide marginallizing dismissive remark.

however, as the healthcare law begins to take effect, documentation will be requried to recieve healthcare benefits provided by the law.

deatils details details ... theres the devil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This from the king of "ignorant, snide, marginalizing, dismissive" remarks. (I corrected the spelling and punctuation for you, CBJ7. You're welcome!)
10. Restored out standing in the world. Now when you travel abroad, you don't have to be embarrassed about the President of the United States Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah, I'm wondering what the hell you're thinking here, too.

He only just posted this question, so I know you posted this AFTER the shit storm riots in all the Islamic countries over the blasphemy film.

Somehow, I don't think our standing in the world has improved in the Islamic world or most of the rest of the world outside Western Europe.

Obama made that supposedly great outreach speech to the Muslim world a couple of years back and it appears to have changed absolutely nothing. In fact, the ragheads in Egypt are demanding that the US pass blasphemy laws to punish anyone who criticizes Islam. Apparently our rights and our first Amendment mean jack shit to them.

Too many on the left think the "rest of the world" means other leftwingers in Europe who already think like them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 05:07 PM
This from the king of "ignorant, snide, marginalizing, dismissive" remarks. (I corrected the spelling and punctuation for you, CBJ7. You're welcome!) Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


I copy/pasted lexus's words dumbass ....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I knew you couldn't have had an original thought.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 05:21 PM
I knew you couldn't have had an original thought.

Dumbass. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

what Im not an Obamazombie for making you look like an idiot?

clue ... I noticed the needed corrections just like you did, thus I c/p'd the exact words waiting for some asswipe to take a shot at me ... you won.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Like you have the mental ability to pull something like that off.

You make it too easy.

LovingKayla's Avatar
1. Affordable Care Act
2. Ended the War in Iraq
3. Saved the auto industry
4. Killed Bin Laden
5. Saved the major financial institutions from collapse (people seem to forget that)

Oh and here is about 50 MORE! Originally Posted by markroxny

Oh this one IS going to be fun.

It's ok hunny bunny. You will fit right in with the rest of the precious pets. Your cute little ears are just twitching!
...Passed a stimulus bill that, while too small, did avert a major depression. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Too small? And served to "avert a major depression?" Geez!

How about a reality check? The happiest face that can be put on that $860 billion collection of payoffs to favored constituencies is that it perhaps made the recession slightly less bad in 2009-2010 than otherwise would have been the case. The obvious fact that the economy began recovering (although slowly) before any of the money was actually spent, and before the supposedly "temporary" tax cuts that made up about one-third of the total "stimulus" had a chance to take hold, shows that claims that the ARRA "averted a major depression" are laughably ridiculous.

...Restored out standing in the world. Originally Posted by TexTushHog


Long ago I was at a high school basketball game where a ref made an obviously bad call. The guy in front of me stood up and yelled, "Hey ref! Are you and I watching the same game?"

I have the same feeling here. You must be looking at a different world.

Perhaps I could quibble with some of other items on your list of Obama's "accomplishments", but those are a couple of pretty juicy servings of low-hanging fruit.