With EVERYTHING going on in the World, Obama Tweets a photo of himself today with Swashbuckler to celebrate Talk Lake a Pirate Day!

LexusLover's Avatar
LOL. I love how you guys can never accept reality. When you lose, it has to be because something was rigged. Originally Posted by markroxny
You mean like "hanging" chads and the bad counts in Florida?
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Originally Posted by SEE3772
Isn't that what's his name over at Horndogs? Kosar?

I knew he was a Lib!
You mean like "hanging" chads and the bad counts in Florida? Originally Posted by LexusLover

My current favorite excuse for the failure of liberal policies is "the stimulus wasn't big enough!"
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 12:09 PM
My current favorite excuse for the failure of liberal policies is "the stimulus wasn't big enough!"
Originally Posted by ChoomCzar

my current favorite excuse for rightwing idiots is theyre just idiots who dont get out much ..

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Actually, that's true. The White House never set an appointment with Netanyahu, because the President's "schedule was too full." Yes, he had time to meet with Letterman, JayZ, Beyonce, and a guy dressed as a pirate.

No wonder they couldn't squeeze in a meeting with our strongest ally in the most volatile section of the world. Couldn't diss the pirate, now could we?

Do you understand how stupid your continual defense of whatever Obama is doing is sounding? It is totally amazing! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What a dumb ass you are- the day Netanyahu will be in the U.S he and Obama will be in different places- if a person's schedule is full that's different than Netanayahu asking Obama hey let's meet and Obama turning him down- the Isreali official said there was never a discussion about a meeting so get your facts correct.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, right, WE. We all know what's going on, but you refuse to see it. By the way, how did you like the pic of your guy interviewing a fake pirate? While the Middle East is burning?
LexusLover's Avatar
What a dumb ass you are- the day Netanyahu will be in the U.S he and Obama will be in different places- if a person's schedule is full that's different than Netanayahu asking Obama hey let's meet and Obama turning him down- the Isreali official said there was never a discussion about a meeting so get your facts correct. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What are the "facts"?

Was Obama's schedule full?
Was Obama's schdule full of meetings that were more important than Netanyahu?
Was AF-1 not able to fly to meet Netanyahu?
Was a meeting "never" discussed?

Are those all "facts"? Or are those all what people said to the media?

If my most loyal client who pays all his bills on time comes a third of the way around the world and is in the same country in which I am in, I am going to reschedule my meeting at Chucky-Cheese, give him a call, and invite him to meet me wherever he wants to meet when he can ... if my trip to Disney Land needs to be shuffled I'll do that too ... especially if his home is surrounded by raging mad men burning, sacking, and killing those who resist. If meeting with him keeps him safe and the savages at a distance from his home, then a little inconvenience could save a lot of inconvenience down the road.

Any body who doesn't know what "my schedule was full" to the arrival of a major leader of a country that is strategically located is either extremely ignorant or is just playing dumb to make some political points.

Obaminable knows what it means, but the German Chancellor did it to him .. when he was trying to impress everyone in Europe with his dazzling footwork and snake oil. She didn't buy it, and wasn't gonna be played.

I was giving Obaminable the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that their little dance was "cover" to present some conflict between them in anticipation of a first strike by the Israelis prior to the election so that Obaminable can appear like the Israelis went on without consulting with him or respecting his wishes ... but since that is not the case .. then Obaminable was plain RUDE!
TexTushHog's Avatar
There is a 99% likelihood that this a rigged poll.

I haven't been able to find the breakdown, for the number of Democrats sampled, compared to Republicans and independents sampled, in this poll. There have been several outLIER polls that sample Dimo's 2 to 1 over Republicans; Pew Research did that recently.

I'd be willing to bet this is just another crooked poll designed to discourage Republicans. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Then get in on the betting action before I start asking for odds!!!

And why should Obama meet with Bibi? Netenyahu hasn't done Obama any favors. In fact, he's damn near farted in his face by trying to meddle in the election. If I were Obama, I'd tell the SOB unless is want every fucking penny of U.S. aid cut off that he'd better not say one more thing about red lines until after the election or the only red lines he'll see are on appropriations legislation and it will be through all the aid that we give to Israel and that they can try to get the UK, France or Russia to attack Iran for them. Oh, and by the way, about those defensive missiles we want back, we'll be packing those up the day after the election while we're at it. Netanyahu seems to misapprehend to is the supplicant and who has what the other side wants.
joe bloe's Avatar
Then get in on the betting action before I start asking for odds!!!

And why should Obama meet with Bibi? Netenyahu hasn't done Obama any favors. In fact, he's damn near farted in his face by trying to meddle in the election. If I were Obama, I'd tell the SOB unless is want every fucking penny of U.S. aid cut off that he'd better not say one more thing about red lines until after the election or the only red lines he'll see are on appropriations legislation and it will be through all the aid that we give to Israel and that they can try to get the UK, France or Russia to attack Iran for them. Oh, and by the way, about those defensive missiles we want back, we'll be packing those up the day after the election while we're at it. Netanyahu seems to misapprehend to is the supplicant and who has what the other side wants. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Thank God you're not president. It sounds like you might even be worse than Obama.
Then get in on the betting action before I start asking for odds!!!

And why should Obama meet with Bibi? Netenyahu hasn't done Obama any favors. In fact, he's damn near farted in his face by trying to meddle in the election. If I were Obama, I'd tell the SOB unless is want every fucking penny of U.S. aid cut off that he'd better not say one more thing about red lines until after the election or the only red lines he'll see are on appropriations legislation and it will be through all the aid that we give to Israel and that they can try to get the UK, France or Russia to attack Iran for them. Oh, and by the way, about those defensive missiles we want back, we'll be packing those up the day after the election while we're at it. Netanyahu seems to misapprehend to is the supplicant and who has what the other side wants. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

you immoral anti-semite scum........
  • Annef
  • 09-21-2012, 05:26 PM
Yeah, right, WE. We all know what's going on, but you refuse to see it. By the way, how did you like the pic of your guy interviewing a fake pirate? While the Middle East is burning? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
photo was taken in 2009. God, I'm sorry, I usually don't insult, But, that is just unusually stupid. Photo was taken three years ago. For the love of God, ween yourself off of fox news. It's causing brain rot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I NEVER watch Fox News, sorry. Obama tweeted it, not me. This is how he responds to world events. Stupid picture, incompetent President.
joe bloe's Avatar
photo was taken in 2009. God, I'm sorry, I usually don't insult, But, that is just unusually stupid. Photo was taken three years ago. For the love of God, ween yourself off of fox news. It's causing brain rot. Originally Posted by Annef
Fox News rules!
budman33's Avatar
I NEVER watch Fox News, sorry. Obama tweeted it, not me. This is how he responds to world events. Stupid picture, incompetent President. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No he didnt. His campaign tweeted a picture 3 years old. please note the lack of grey hair. it was a tweet you twit. if this is what constitutes a gaff worthy of ridicule, please try not to watch or listen to Romney until November 7th.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did anyone notice that it wasn't until Annef's post #26 that any of you (including me) learned that it was a pic from 2009? I didn't even start this thread, and all of you are calling me a liar? All of you thought it was current. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Except Annef. She got it right.

It's still a stupid picture for the Obama campaign to tweet at this time. Or any time.