hiding IP address

Can you IP address be traced back to hotel or home? Originally Posted by Dakota_Lynn
Real world IP's ( not the 192.168.xxx.xxx or or 172.16.xxx.xxx Ip ranges)

but REAL world IP's can be traced back to the network provider, the city and state. The network provider is required to maintain the DHCP log of what account had what IP for 2 years.... in other words, yes it can be traced back to an address.

Fortunately hotels that offer free wifi do what is called NAT or network address translation.. where 1 IP is handed to their router, it in turns handles the sub net of the 192.168.xxx.xxx which means 253 devices using that ip schema 192.168.xxx.xxxx are represented as the single REAL world. confusing but it works

Court orders are required for network companies.. but hotels, bars etc... seldom if at all log anything...

use a proxy, it makes you appear in a different city

research "The TOR project" I use it all the time when I do evil and it makes me look like I am in Europe.
Tex9401's Avatar

It is called spoofing. Here is the basic info about it.
TOR is the way to go but I also recommend a program called Anonymizer.
  • thx
  • 11-06-2012, 10:43 PM
Short answer is yes. Even if you use methods to tor/etc, you need to disable your plugins as they may leak.
This guide is not provided for any illegal use or promote such use in anyway. I take no liability for any damages to any party who use this guide. Everything I write on this forum are my fantasies. Always Always use VPN( corporate level secure network). However, VPN providers can get in trouble for not providing information to 'asked' people. So you need to use out of country provider, and you need to use vpn provider who doesn't store user log in/log out i.p address information. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/buy-vpn/ $39.95. then change your computer MAC-address by using http://www.technitium.com/tmac/index.html. Always run ESET or Kaspersky internet security software. Lastly not the least use Truecrypt or Hard drive encryption with at least 32 to 64 character password. Anything less than 32 character can be cracked with brute force attack. Don't use any words in dictionary for your password, and get used to ^#).>, numbers, and capital letters. Truecrypt is free. It is a great tool for usb drives
Remember, Hard drive encryption is better, but it require $100/yearly software to support the drive. ex:WinMagic is one of very few companies that has software for hard drive encryption.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16822168002 cost only $80 for Opal compliant hard drive encryption. software encryption(like truecrypt) is slower and less secure. It is less secure because of Cold boot attack (they come and take our laptop while keys are still present in RAM). The hard drive encryption does not store keys in RAM.. Anyhow, Make sure you use hidden drive and a decoy drive with aes+serpent+twofish if you still decide to go with less secure software encryption(truecrypt),
And before you do all this, wipe clean your drive using DoD 7 passes because Encryption protects you only from the day you start encryption. http://www.dban.org/ for deleting(technically rewriting) the old hard drive for free(open source)
Anything you've done on that computer prior to encryption will still be accessible using EnCase(forensic tool)
Again, there are many forensic software available- http://www.lostpassword.com/kit-forensic.htm - for decrypting Any 'software' encryption(true-crypt,Bitlocker ..etc).
SuckMeDry69's Avatar
Real world IP's ( not the 192.168.xxx.xxx or or 172.16.xxx.xxx Ip ranges)

but REAL world IP's can be traced back to the network provider, the city and state. The network provider is required to maintain the DHCP log of what account had what IP for 2 years.... in other words, yes it can be traced back to an address.

Fortunately hotels that offer free wifi do what is called NAT or network address translation.. where 1 IP is handed to their router, it in turns handles the sub net of the 192.168.xxx.xxx which means 253 devices using that ip schema 192.168.xxx.xxxx are represented as the single REAL world. confusing but it works

Court orders are required for network companies.. but hotels, bars etc... seldom if at all log anything...

use a proxy, it makes you appear in a different city

research "The TOR project" I use it all the time when I do evil and it makes me look like I am in Europe. Originally Posted by Spirit13
Hotels, bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. I use a proxy everytime, now.
SuckMeDry69's Avatar
Real world IP's ( not the 192.168.xxx.xxx or or 172.16.xxx.xxx Ip ranges)

but REAL world IP's can be traced back to the network provider, the city and state. The network provider is required to maintain the DHCP log of what account had what IP for 2 years.... in other words, yes it can be traced back to an address.

Fortunately hotels that offer free wifi do what is called NAT or network address translation.. where 1 IP is handed to their router, it in turns handles the sub net of the 192.168.xxx.xxx which means 253 devices using that ip schema 192.168.xxx.xxxx are represented as the single REAL world. confusing but it works

Court orders are required for network companies.. but hotels, bars etc... seldom if at all log anything...

use a proxy, it makes you appear in a different city

research "The TOR project" I use it all the time when I do evil and it makes me look like I am in Europe. Originally Posted by Spirit13
Hotels, bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. I use a proxy everytime, now.
I've used proxy servers for years. Never had a problem.....
sky_wire's Avatar

Do not think it would take a court order for your ISP to finger you. If the COPS ask they give it out, just only to get the COPS off their back

I do not see them giving out IP information to private parties though, as it would mean losing their jobs Originally Posted by instfixer

Completely correct.
The Specialist's Avatar
It wouldn't happen to be a Lifebook would it because they are known for having that problem and there there is no inexpensive fix.
I have been trying to research this very subject recently and when I saw this thread, I thought YIPPEE! But there is no concise answer, or one that I can understand anyway. SO frustrating!
it just not possible to hide everything unless you invest your time and money into it by learning ever changing subject of information security.

VPN service is not fool proof, and it can sometimes adversely affect your free speech. Read terms and conditions of each VPN service, and it is bad business for them to tell customers they are not really 'secure'. Many or majority of VPN 'connections' can cause identify theft because you're ' inside a secure network browsing internet' with another people just like you who may be attackers. In some cases, you're far better of using ISP than using VPN service.

Work cited from Truecrypt "" On some types of storage media, when data is overwritten with other data, it may be possible to recover the overwritten data using techniques such as magnetic microscopy. This also applies to data that are overwritten with their encrypted form (which applies when Truecrypt initially encrypts an unencrypted partition or drive). According to some studies and governmental publications, recovery of overwritten data can be prevented ( or made very difficult) by overwriting the data with pseudorandom and certain non-random data a certain number of times. Therefore, if you believe that an adversary might be able to use such techniques to recover the data you intend encrypt, you may want to select one of the wipe modes. "

This guide is not provided for any illegal use or promote such use in anyway. I take no liability for any damages to any party who use this guide. Everything I write on this forum are my fantasies.
guy fawkes's Avatar
use free vpn anchorfree with unlimited bandwidth if you just need one for porn. http://www.anchorfree.com/. and don't use credit card or login to online banking when using vpn. Don't make electronic payment to vpn service if the whole purpose of vpn is privacy.

This guide is not provided for any illegal use or promote such use in anyway. I take no liability for any damages to any party who use this guide. Everything I write on this forum are my fantasies.