Private messages


I get that and so do others, but that's not the way the board works......and it won't work that way. I just don't see the reason for making it a big deal. The only reason I could see a chick having a problem with it is if they're worried the guys are secretly talking about them. Who cares if they are....the guys on this board aren't going to make or break you. The only person who is going to make or break you

Why should the verified providers have access to private chatting? If it was something the guys wanted us to know, they would've said it out in the open to begin with.

This board like all other boards are geared towards the men......always has been and always will be. Why? Because the men are the ones who pay for the access.

Hell, a lot of guys secretly wish that the only presence the chicks have on the boards is to advertise and that's it.