Medical giant Stryker cuts 1,170 jobs, citing ObamaCare

I work for myself, by myself. I'm filling a niche Obamacare doesn't cover. If I had employees, it would be a completely different story. No way I would start a business that required hiring employees in this climate. So I'm taking advantage of a bad situation. I would do well without Obamacare, too. But Obamacare does help me stand out. I'd rather not have Obamacare, however. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Odd they had a news item on KC the other day showing a web site for new start up businesses that were needing employees.
Odd they had a news item on KC the other day showing a web site for new start up businesses that were needing employees. Originally Posted by ekim008
It appears that StupidOldFart doesn't care as long as he personally benefits. Screw everybody else!

Unfortunately, some people are just that way.
Wow - this has to be propaganda. A company that is poised for growth and will be hiring despite Obamacare. Hmmm ....
...BTW, you can provide me with links to US business leaders/CEOs who say that Obamacare is going to actually help their business. Or you can be an Obamaton and keep denying you're an Obamaton. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Again, nobody is providing links to US business leaders/CEOs who say that Obamacare is going to actually help their business.
Again, nobody is providing links to US business leaders/CEOs who say that Obamacare is going to actually help their business. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Who died and appointed a Turdfly as the new Director of Traffic?

Obama won, your guy lost! Even Boehner agrees, Obamacare is now the Law of the Land!

You can either get over it or you might be able to join StupidOldFart in Beautiful Downtown Damascus.

Doesn't matter to me, either way you're a loser!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obamacare IS the law of the land. It is also a disaster waiting to happen. But it IS the law of the land.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Again, nobody is providing links to US business leaders/CEOs who say that Obamacare is going to actually help their business. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Here's another one that's cutting back.

Pennsylvania's Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is slashing the hours of 400 adjunct instructors, support staff, and part-time instructors to dodge paying for Obamacare.
"It's kind of a double whammy for us because we are facing a legal requirement [under the new law] to get health care and if the college is reducing our hours, we don't have the money to pay for it," said adjunct biology professor Adam Davis.

On Tuesday, CCAC employees were notified that Obamacare defines full-time employees as those working 30 hours or more per week and that on Dec. 31 temporary part-time employees will be cut back to 25 hours. The move will save an estimated $6 million.

"While it is of course the college’s preference to provide coverage to these positions, there simply are not funds available to do so," said CCAC spokesperson David Hoovler. "Several years of cuts or largely flat funding from our government supporters have led to significant cost reductions by CCAC, leaving little room to trim the college’s budget further."

The solution, says United Steelworkers representative Jeff Cech, is that adjunct professors should unionize in an attempt to thwart schools seeking similar cost-savings efforts from avoiding Obamacare.

"They may be complying with the letter of the law, but the letter of law and the spirit of the law are two different things," said Mr. Cech. "If they are doing it at CCAC, it can't be long before they do it other places."

Under the new CCAC policy, adjunct professors will only be allowed to teach 10 credit hours a semester. Adjuncts are paid $730 per credit hour.
"We all know we are expendable," said Mr. Davis, "and there are plenty of people out there in this economy who would be willing to have our jobs."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-22-2012, 09:32 PM
Again, nobody is providing links to US business leaders/CEOs who say that Obamacare is going to actually help their business. Originally Posted by gnadfly
corporations that own and run hospitals
pick an insurance company
pick a drug company

again, do the big shots you chat with already offer healthcare?

disclaimer; clip copy paste ... not my words cof

In large corporations, there’s probably not that much to be done. Most may already offer a broad menu of benefits through their existing health plans. They’ve already been pushing more costs onto their employees and cajoling higher-risk ones into wellness programs to keep those costs down. If anything, the fierce debate around health care has offered large companies cover to make these shifts by drawing attention to soaring health costs and the burden employers bear.

Again, no link from the libtards although I would likely believe that hospital CEOs are in love with the law. Its like Pizza chains getting free cheese.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-22-2012, 09:52 PM
Again, no link from the libtards although I would likely believe that hospital CEOs are in love with the law. Its like Pizza chains getting free cheese. Originally Posted by gnadfly
again you wont answer a question?? sup?

your turn

while your waiting, another clip from a finance article

Major insurance stocks are also up strongly since March 2010, when Congress passed the law. UnitedHealth is up 72 percent in that time, Aetna 18 percent and Cigna 22 percent. The Standard & Poor's 500 index is up 15 percent in that time.

Read more: Hospital Stocks Jump After Obamacare Ruling
Important: Can you afford to Retire?

i can see a company that had a 72% increase in their stock price throwing employees out the 10th story window because Obiecare crushed their business

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Businesses are in business for one reason, and one reason only.


I don't know why it is so hard to get you cretins to understand that. Why do you have the job you do? Or own the business that you own? It's to make money. Plain and simple. Unless your a priest or something, your goal is to make money.

Now, If you hire an employee for $10 p/h, that employee has to return value to the company in excess of that amount, such as the hourly wage plus a rate of return. If the employee doesn't do that, that employee is costing the company money, and will be dismissed.

Simple economics.

The reason companies offer benefits is so they can better compete in the labor market. This helps them attract and retain better employees. Still, if the employee is paid $10 p/h, plus benefits of $5 p/h, that employee needs to return $15+ of value to the company. If they don't, they will dismissed.

Now, if government steps in and tells employers that you have to pay employees a certain amount in benefits, such as health care, that arbitrarily increases the amount of return the employee has to return to the company. So if a company has a group of employees that are being paid $10 p/h, and returning $10 p/h + rate of return, and then is told that those employees now need an additional $5 p/h in benefits, what do you think will happen? Now the employer needs $15+ return in value from their employees.

What's likely to happen is:

1. The company will have to raise the price of its product or service, and in turn will find that the amount of demand will decrease.

2. The company will have to raise the work requirements of the employees to cover the additional cost, which will cause unrest among the employees, or

3. Reduce the number of employees to minimize the effect of the higher labor costs.

For some companies, like insurance companies, this will be easy because demand for their product will rise, along with prices. For others, it will not be good. Less skilled workers will find themselves out of a job, and higher skilled workers will be asked to do more, or dismissed.

Fewer companies will benefit from Obamacare than will be harmed by it. It's simple economics. The bottom line is what counts. A few companies will thrive, most will cut back, and some will either move their operations overseas, or simply close.

That's the way things work, folks. But they're just like you. If the cost of doing your job, or running your business exceeds what you need to take out of it, you will do something else.

Flame me if you want, but that is how it is.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Nope. You don't sit in on HR meetings or know people who work in HR for several major Houston companies. We've even taken out from the HR literature references to retiring with medical benefits for the few new hires who actually walk in the door. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Just goes to show that most businesses are run on gut feel, ignorance and fear and good management practice, facts and numbers have gone out the window in a hurried rush to get "nimble". I consult at many of the largest financial, insurance and healthcare companies in the country and world along with the largest software and consulting companies and 95% of their operations, particularly IT are pretty much run totally seat of the pants as little fiefdoms for anyone who had a sponsor and mentor and could make it that far up the corporate ladder no matter if they did a good job or not.

I often point out to my clients that the top companies in many verticals train their employees extensively and the response I usually get is "when we are at the top we will too". They just don't get it and the general attitude is, "if we train anybody they might leave" except at the few really well run companies. Management, including top management is generally so poor across industries these days that it is a wonder that most companies stay in business at all (and many don't in fact).

BTW, the Affordable Care Act was not passed to help companies make profits in the quarterly short run (the only thing American companies care about these days), it was passed to help the middle class and workers stay healthy so there was not a lot of lost productivity and people didn't lose their homes and retirement when they had health issues because, WHEN MAIN STREET DOES WELL, WALL ST. and everybody else does well too, but not the other way around. Maybe it isn't a perfect law or the absolute best way to do that, but it IS a START after 80 years of trying (even by Richard Milhouse Nixon that damn socialist - look it up). If big business had its way it would suck all the wealth out of the middle class and move to Switzerland or Monaco or wherever leaving the U.S.A. in shambles all for a few quarters of quarterly profits and a bunch of big bonuses. Henry Ford got this and all his competitors vilified him for it. The decade following WWII had the greatest expansion of GDP in the history of the world and the middle class grew and prospered even with up to 90% to tax rates (not that I would recommend that today), but we have forgotten that and are going to destroy our middle class and democracy to have a plutocracy where the top 1% will flee the country eventually with all their wealth leaving just a shell and not caring one whit. Look at the trends since the 80's and what don't you get about that?
tttalinky's Avatar
Don't get me started on the education system. The financials for most institutions of higher learning are fucked anyway because they are ill-equipped to become profit centers, even though they vainly attempt to do so.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like the same mantra that has been yelled from the mountaintops by business leaders each time their is a profound change in legislation which affects how they run their business --- Minimum Wage Act, GLBA, SOX, etc.

Yes, businesses exist to make profit and Obamacare cuts into that. The landscape has changed. Adapt and overcome or go the way of the caveman!

Does this article fit the bill regarding companies that are going to profit. Btw, I love the denigrate the opposition debate style (not) -
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 11:42 AM
Just goes to show that most businesses are run on gut feel, ignorance and fear and good management practice, facts and numbers have gone out the window in a hurried rush to get "nimble". I consult at many of the largest financial, insurance and healthcare companies in the country and world along with the largest software and consulting companies and 95% of their operations, particularly IT are pretty much run totally seat of the pants as little fiefdoms for anyone who had a sponsor and mentor and could make it that far up the corporate ladder no matter if they did a good job or not.

I often point out to my clients that the top companies in many verticals train their employees extensively and the response I usually get is "when we are at the top we will too". They just don't get it and the general attitude is, "if we train anybody they might leave" except at the few really well run companies. Management, including top management is generally so poor across industries these days that it is a wonder that most companies stay in business at all (and many don't in fact).

BTW, the Affordable Care Act was not passed to help companies make profits in the quarterly short run (the only thing American companies care about these days), it was passed to help the middle class and workers stay healthy so there was not a lot of lost productivity and people didn't lose their homes and retirement when they had health issues because, WHEN MAIN STREET DOES WELL, WALL ST. and everybody else does well too, but not the other way around. Maybe it isn't a perfect law or the absolute best way to do that, but it IS a START after 80 years of trying (even by Richard Milhouse Nixon that damn socialist - look it up). If big business had its way it would suck all the wealth out of the middle class and move to Switzerland or Monaco or wherever leaving the U.S.A. in shambles all for a few quarters of quarterly profits and a bunch of big bonuses. Henry Ford got this and all his competitors vilified him for it. The decade following WWII had the greatest expansion of GDP in the history of the world and the middle class grew and prospered even with up to 90% to tax rates (not that I would recommend that today), but we have forgotten that and are going to destroy our middle class and democracy to have a plutocracy where the top 1% will flee the country eventually with all their wealth leaving just a shell and not caring one whit. Look at the trends since the 80's and what don't you get about that? Originally Posted by austxjr

but its beyond the simpletons grasp to fathom that