I'm curious to see if the ladies will answer this one...

Everyone has completely missed the thought behind this......in business, I have several accts I enjoy visiting more than others...for various reasons.....I have no doubt this business for the ladies is similar, they enjoy visits with some more than others.....all I asked is what are some of those reasons? Is it chemistry, personality, gifts someone brings, etc.....I've been at this way too long to think its about anything more than $$$, but sometimes 2 people do get along well, keeping in mind that it is a business though.

I hope this clears it up for some.

Everyone has completely missed the thought behind this......in business, I have several accts I enjoy visiting more than others...for various reasons.....I have no doubt this business for the ladies is similar, they enjoy visits with some more than others.....all I asked is what are some of those reasons? Is it chemistry, personality, gifts someone brings, etc.....I've been at this way too long to think its about anything more than $$$, but sometimes 2 people do get along well, keeping in mind that it is a business though.

I hope this clears it up for some.

Cheers Originally Posted by haya1300

Perhaps the point of the honorable gentleman was missed. If so, many apologies. There seem to be several issues by the poster.
1. To let everyone know what a special time he had with a remarkable lady with numerous admirers in your reading audience, and perhaps to invite her testimony to the same.
This is obvious from the enthusiastic nature of this posting. Unfortunately the lady has not spoken. Perhaps because it is important to every lady that her client feel special. If she speaks out that you or someone else are her favorites, how might all her other "special clients" receive the news? When you were small did your mother ever tell you which of her children she loved the most? Even if they do, a good mother does not tell.
2. To elicit,although perhaps this is a secondary goal, from other providers the information that some clients are her favorites, and she likes them more than others.
Once more, it is unlikely that any lady who wishes to remain solvent is going to admit they have favorites for the same reason stated in number one.This may also be why most ladies never start threads like"MrChan is my favorite." Although surely it must be true.
3.Now, since the honorable, and very hopeful poster has stated that in his business he treats his customers differently depending on how much he likes them. Do you let those not on the list know you have favorites?
Your post was well meant and bespeaks a special relationship with an excellent provider. Is it really necessary to tell her other customers that Mommy loves you the best?
Mr Chan, you always post very respectfully.....but with regards to one of your comments, I do not treat any of my clients differently when I visit them, I simply have some I enjoy visiting more than others for various reasons......if the ladies dont want to respond, fine....it was what I thought was a simple question, but I guess people are reading into it like I wanted them to name names of people. That is NOT what I wanted, as their job IS to make every appt feel special....I could have been more tactful and not named who I visited with, but regardless, its out there, and its her choice if she wants to reply or not, I'm not offended if she doesnt. lol

Maybe Mr Happy should just close this as no one seems to want to answer a simple question....

No offense. It is sometimes difficult to see a thing clearly unless one steps back a little, but may I say I meant no harm. I was just trying to explain why ladies might not respond to the query. I may have been too frank. 93 years of sweating confessions out of murderers will leave a man with diminished social skills.
No harm no foul Mr Chan.....it goes along with my initial post of "I'll be curious to see if its answered" and obviously its not. lol Why, I dont know, it was more of an inquiry as to what makes some appts more special to a lady than others, nothing more, no names needed to be mentioned, etc.....your replies are always insightful and respectful, I enjoy reading them. I thank you for your input....

Of COURSE we have favorites. Of COURSE we have clients who are work - period. The better ladies never let on which is which.

Right now my current local favvie brings me a bottle of Noir, calls me "imp" and grins.

A lot.
Babee, that is EXACTLY the type of answer I was hoping to get....just hearing the little things that make the time more enjoyable for the ladies.....it can be gifts, maybe a personality, etc....I was hoping to simply hear from the ladies the little things that make things more enjoyable for them.

Thank you for answering.
