hookers be sensitive these days...

harkontume's Avatar
As we all know .. Hooker was first a reference to the "ladies" that followed General Hookers Army in the War Between the States.

And since General Hooker led the Texas Volunteers, then it is of course a Texas noun and should be pronounced with a slight Texas drawl.
  • Annef
  • 12-12-2012, 02:58 PM
concur, kind of. Being a dentist is not fraught with about a thousand years worth of gender politics and social stigma. So, theoretically, yes, but in actuality, no. When a lot of these guys on the board use the word hooker it is to denotate someone who is stupid., or of bad character. That might have been the case in 1912, but that's' not s the lived reality in 2012. Sometimes when the social stigma of a term begins to outlive the lived reality of it, the term goes through a politically correct transformation. personally, I don't have a term that a I like. I kind of like hooker. I'm kinda old school and enjoy that I'm kind of an outlaw. Sex-worker is good, but it's a little technical. I dunno,
ATXbrad- technically, semantically, you aren't wrong. But there is a very negative connotation associated with those terms, and if we ever want this hobby to be legal, as it rightfully should be, I think the first step to that end, is changing the language that we use to describe these women, and also, we need to change the way we treat these women.

Can you imagine treating a doctor or lawyer with the wanton disregard and lack of respect that these providers are treated with?

Of course not. We'd never dream of it (without just cause), and the attitude that goes hand and hand with that treatment is a very big reason that lawmakers feel justified in the continued persecution of this profession.
Please allow me to retort!!!!

And apparently dnt like the word Hooker. Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Given the title of the thread and the tone (whether you mean it that way or not) in the above statement, I believe (and let's face it this one is ultimately open to the Staff's judgement) that this is intended as a a vulgar slang term used to describe fellow members and falls under the following posting guideline:
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

2 years ago it was hooktard. Thats prob my fav Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Hooktard is on the list of no, no's for use on the open board, period.

The message here is that anytime you call another member something meant to demean them as a person it is NOT ACCEPTABLE conduct and will be met with the appropriate sanctions. It is my opinion that unless you have an intimate familarity with a lady and she would know that if you said something like this in a post that it was in jest (and I do not think that is how it was used here or in the thread referred to by annef) then it is an unacceptable term to use.

And no it is not the same as calling a dentist a dentist anymore than calling me a son of a bitch is acceptable even though everyone knows I am one!!!

Can everyone just Fucking Be Nice, Already????????

Mr Blonde's Avatar
It would be. The whole reason for this thread is that you insulted a woman for trying to offer valid advice about what to do during a heart attack. I actually know several "hookers" who are also nurses. Would you prefer that they NOT administer CPR on you whilst operating in "hooker" capacity because you find that to be ridiculous. My point is, your response on that thread was very patronizing. That being said, I do kind of like hooktard, but it is not a noun. It's an adjective. Originally Posted by Annef
MY point was that it wasn't good advice...medically...

I meant no disrespect with the word. I'm not sensitive... I didn't find fucktard offensive when that was a term for the men. Actually... Both words are more offensive for special needs individuals.

This thread was just a reminder that ladies a re sensitive and dnt like the word. I have been known to call my civi lady friends Hookers from time to time.

I am aware that nurses are 'prostituting' (that better) I work with them. Studies have shown that nursing is in the top 3 female professions that cheat. So it makes sense.

I have a DNR order and bring it to all my dates.
Still Looking's Avatar
I (heart) hookers!

My exwifes attorney is a "SON OF A BITCH!" I even think its says so in his ads!
Still Looking's Avatar
Just to be clear.... saying it is one thing, calling someone the very same is another!

Happy Holidays!

Guest092815's Avatar
I think it is a sad commentary that a gal tries to raise awareness as to "do the right thing" in a potential medical crisis, and it turns into a "hooker", "hooktard" name-calling session. That is completely ridiculous.

Mr. Blonde: you have no position to defend. Surely, you would not want a fellow having a potential heart attack to be ignored?

It is not unprecedented, you know? There was a provider in Dallas, who lived through this exact scenario--a regular client had a heart attack and died suddenly at her incall. The gal in question never really got over her fear that it could happen again and she avoided older clients and if in doubt, she inquired about a guy's condition while setting up appts. (it is detailed on the former asp* board)

Personally, I don't care what anyone calls me.. I am a savior of sorts. I know where I belong and what I am good at. names cannot hurt me, nor can the "judgement" of fools.

I am ready to help others, always, even at the inconvenience of myself. I hope there are a few souls left in the world who feel like I do.

Peace and love,
Mr Blonde's Avatar
I think it is a sad commentary that a gal tries to raise awareness as to "do the right thing" in a potential medical crisis, and it turns into a "hooker", "hooktard" name-calling session. That is completely ridiculous.

Mr. Blonde: you have no position to defend. Surely, you would not want a fellow having a potential heart attack to be ignored?

Personally, I don't care what anyone calls me.. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Jesus.... Can we all get in the same page here??? Was it advise or humor?

She informed me she was not giving medical advise... But it was more for humor or entertainment purposes. Well obviously it sounded like advise to others...

I never said ignore someone needing medical care... But taking a nitro if u just took a cock pill ... Or giving aspirin...if they already took some...is not the Damn answer and may kill someone . Obviously I do care... Enuf to say something. Shirt advise can go wrong in so many ways.

Wasn't name calling... It was taken that way. Just surprised one could be so sensitive about a word...especially if one gets paid to have their Ass slapped hair pulled and called daddy's little slut. By a man that may or may not have just had his thumb up ur Ass...followed by Pissing in each others faces.

So my other point was let's calm down.

I have friends ...that are in fact 'ladies of the night' ... If that works better for everyone... That I consider real life friends that I would do anything for. But oh no... I said the word Hookers... I must be a real asshole.

U want to know what is real sad miss kitty...
The important part of all this just ignored. Next u will read about an 18 year old PROVIDER ...that thought her 'JON' .... Was having a heart attack... So she dumps a bottle of nitro down his throat...while he lay there passed out.
Why did she do that u ask... Cuz she figures well the more Xanex the better...so this must be the same.

I have a headache.. anyone have some tylenol
FastWheels's Avatar
I don't like those words, and I actually kind of like "Provider"... More sterile and certainly no negativity with it. Considering the recent movie that came out, Sexual Surrogate might work...though that is a bit to clinically specific and would technically be reserved for a "provider" working with someone with some sort of handicap or disability...

Just my $.02. YMMV
Mr Blonde's Avatar
Ironically....provider... Is another term for a medical doctor. So I guess I was wrong
Guest092815's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mr Blonde;1052034125]"especially if one gets paid to have their Ass slapped hair pulled and called daddy's little slut. By a man that may or may not have just had his thumb up ur Ass...followed by Pissing in each others faces.

So my other point was let's calm down.

I am very calm. You are a sick man, if you think the above statement is accurate.

U want to know what is real sad miss kitty...
The important part of all this just ignored. Next u will read about an 18 year old PROVIDER ...that thought her 'JON' .... Was having a heart attack... So she dumps a bottle of nitro down his throat...while he lay there passed out"

I guess you think providers are complete morons with no judgement at all. Why would you be going to visit an 18 y.o. anyway? Do you really think a "barely legal" 18 y.o. would have the presence of mind to try to help, besides calling 911?

Puh-leez. Enjoy your tylenol and banish the headache.

Mr Blonde's Avatar
Sigh... Not my style... But I have read the reviews where all that takes place.

I'm fairly young myself... So I dnt see the over 40 crowd.

And if thats the case... The 18 year old would be more helpful just calling 911... Rather than giving him pills that will bottom out his blood pressure. Thats why we have 911
Guest092815's Avatar
you believe that what you read in reviews is real and happens in every session? wow. That explains a bit.
Mr Blonde's Avatar
I guess tuha...dirty talk...golden showers...and Ass slapping are like bbfs...it doesn't really happen?