Sober Healthcare Discussion

dirty dog's Avatar
when this was discussed way back before the vote it was stated by the Obama team that the reason it is extended until 26 is that this group is the most under insured demographic. Party because they could not afford it and party because they feel they dont need it and would rather spend their money on other things. So they thought was that by extended them under their parents insurance acheives the goal of cutting down on uninsured doctors bills. This was a way of forcing coverage on to this age group without it being a financial burden on them. Remember, "he aint heavy, he's my brother..........".
The only people I see bitching about it are a bunch of old fuckers on medicare also known as free health care.
dirty dog's Avatar
Wow, I am on Medicare??? shit did not know that. Fuck then I do have insurance and i guess i dont need to put the doctors visit off anymore. I will just take my old ass to bed now.
I have paid for my own healthcare since I graduated from high school. This is while I was employed part-time and going to college living at home with my parents until I was out of college at age 22, had a full time job, and moved out 6 months after graduating. I do not mind having my kids under my health care plan until they graduate from college, but once they graduate or reach age 22, even if they are living at home, I expect them to pay for their own health care, even if they're going for an advanced degree. If either decides not to go to college, once they turn 18 and have graduated high school, even if they're living at home, I expect them to get their own healthcare.

And, cpi, I am still 20 years away from collecting Medicare, and I am complaining, bitching and planning on repealing this horrid piece of shit.

Fuck you, Obama.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
so sad its just sad mad mad people stress over nothing you know stress kills the most. you read a bill & look for the worst thing in it. you know what makes me mad is paying 7.5 on sales taxes one dollar for every eight I spend that makes me mad. before this bill was thought up companies were rasing their prices & employers were thinking how they could not give it to their workers. so just let it go.
dirty dog's Avatar
"is paying 7.5 on sales taxes one dollar for every eight"

Then your going to be a really made person over the next couple of years Cheap. Its not stressing me out. I dont get made I look at it rationally, then express my opinion. But stress over it, naw, no reason nothing I do it going to change anything.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
close enough, dirty I just care, I might get mad if they raise my life insurance
BiggestBest's Avatar
"is paying 7.5 on sales taxes one dollar for every eight"

Then your going to be a really made person over the next couple of years Cheap... Originally Posted by dirty dog
No need to wait. Kansas just raised the sales tax by a full 1%. Locally it is 7.65% and on July 1 (about 12 days from now) it will jump to 8.65%.

The good news is that 8.65% is only 1 in 11 dollars (which is a lot less than 1 in 8).

So no reason to stress, right?
john_galt's Avatar
I have a problem with any law that defines a "child" (incapable of being an adult) as anyone over 18 years old. I celebrated my 18th birthday in the US Navy. When will we let our children grow up? By growing up I mean taking responsibility just like an adult and earning the rights that come with being an adult.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
galt back when you were young (1907) things were different woman cook the meals & took care of the kids. Men worked the land or helped dad run what ever trade he had. Some men help better the world & join the armed forces. ahh the simple days were you could trade a chicken or grains for a doctors visit hell your doctor might just come to the house & deliver your kids or see you if sick. Galt don't you hate cokes an't 5 cents no more. WARNING ALL OF THIS IN GOOD HUMOR
dirty dog's Avatar
I just noticed that my computer is changing mad to made everytime I type it, what the heck is causing that. I left the Vodka alone yesterday.
dirty dog's Avatar
close enough, dirty I just care, I might get mad if they raise my life insurance Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
Well Cheap you better prepare yourself for it, cause its going to happen.
I really don't think I'm just searching for the bad stuff. This thread was started with specific items that BCBS has put us on notice about. "Unless we negotiate out some other benefits, our rates will go up 25% in year one of the 'reform'. Much more will follow. I'm just documenting things as they come. Its not a theoretical discussion...just the reality of how BCBS of Kansas is reacting. Seems they aren't willing to absorb the cost themselves.

We have been having a discussion about the age limit for kids coverage. My complaint is that it is now useless to have that discussion. My company no longer has any choice in the matter..the age is mandated. So, they will negotiate a higher deductible or something like that...even though most of us would rather not raise the deductible and not cover 26 y/o kids. Oh well. Doesn't make me mean or greedy for complaining about it. We haven't even got to the 'give-away' part of the healthcare bill - I'm just talking about mandates that only affect existing plans

Somebody mentioned medicare. I know somebody who has just retired. He remembers when medicare was first taken out of his check. Like clockwork, for forty years, he has contributed to a mandated program. Now, literally weeks before he retires, the healthcare bill passes with $100 billion in medicare cuts. He is upset about it, because something that he paid into has been taken from him....I don't blame him. It doesn't make him greedy, or hypocritical. A promise has been broken.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 06-21-2010, 05:47 PM
What the insurance companies need to do is charge additional fees for each family member who is covered, instead of one fee for family coverage. Being half of a childless couple, my cost for two individual policies (out-of-pocket) is way more than what I see people paying for family coverage. I know this is pretty cold, but I'm in favor of ER and hospitals only doing a bare minimum of treatment for people who go without health insurance. You should get what you pay for.