Leave it to WTF to make something so pleasurable sound so distasteful. I guess that is the world that WTF lives in but I choose not.
Not everything is the fault of liberals because people are people and even moderates and conservatives can make mistakes. Liberalism itself is the problem. It doesn't work in the long run. Unless there is someone around to make unpopular, tough decisions then it doesn't get done. Same for some money grubbing bastard who works hard, finds his (or hers) niche, becomes successful, creates jobs, and then gets taxed at confiscatory rates to support those who can't or won't support themselves. If they didn't do what they do then the libs would have no one to tax for the poor.
As for the mentally or emotionally unstable people walking the streets. We are not even discussing the problem even though many here do recognize that it is a problem. Where is the mental instability act? The emotionally unsecured bill? The anger management mandate? Yes, it will no doubt clash with personal freedoms but until we have the conversation it won't get fixed.
So why don't the liberals bring it up? They are the ones who say they "care" about people so I expect that they should lead the way. How far can we go to protect society? I think the libs are afraid to bring it up because someone will ask what did we do before and how did it get this way? The libs will be put in the position of having to explain what they did 30 years ago in New York.
So what can we expect? More of the same old tried and true failed policies. Since 1968 gun control has been the go to solution to violence. It hasn't worked.