Evolution? Intelligent Design? God did it all in 7 days?

bojulay's Avatar
Brilliant! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Did you or did you not have sex with that Sasquatch????

Inquiring minds want to know.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ducbutter's Avatar
I'm gonna count that one in the 7 day list. Along with the rest of the brain-dead idiots who vote that way. Originally Posted by timpage

To begin with, to assume that belief in a diety, or god precludes reason seems rather foolish. The list of philosophers who have supported the idea and proven it through logic and sylogism is long and varied. Kierkegaard, Descarte, Kant , Anselm, Spinoza, Voltaire, etc. Some argued for a "personal" god, others didn't. You could take issue with their premises and such but to think of it as illogical, again, seems foolish. Not all of those that believe in the existence of a higher power (god) think of it as the great santa claus in the sky.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ducbutter's Avatar
Yeah I love the science Dawkins is bringing us.

UFO conspiracy, the answer to the origin of life on our planet.

I think I read an article like that in the National Inquirer.

Yeah, it was right after the Yssup marries a Bigfoot article.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay

To that point Frerd Hoyle, who coined the term "The Big Bang Theory" had this to say
“The likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 naughts after it…. It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution.” {Hoyle, Sir Fred, and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Evolution from Space, 1984, p. 148}

His point was that the chance of life forming spontaneously on earth was so low it was effectively zero. Life on this planet must have an extra terrestrial source.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please, DL.

THIS PROVES WHAT? That God created heaven and Earth in a week?

I suppose you thought the Scopes trial was test marketing for mouthwash, too!
Ducbutter's Avatar
Please, DL.

THIS PROVES WHAT? That God created heaven and Earth in a week?

I suppose you thought the Scopes trial was test marketing for mouthwash, too! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

A literal interpretation of the bible by the christian world is a relatively new construct (the last century and a half maybe). And it's certainly not shared by the entirety of christian believers. The Jews, to the best of my knowledge, have never fallen into that trap.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is much to be learned in the Book of Genesis, but it is not science. It is metaphor.
no matter what you believe about evolution, it doesnt have the answers, the questions remain, and the unknown and unknowable yield to a Force or God, if you will.

the universe and its mysteries are far beyond a tree frog's adaptation
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-15-2013, 07:57 AM
Did you or did you not have sex with that Sasquatch????

Inquiring minds want to know.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
And here it is, in all it's glory, sup's sweetheart, isn't she cute? LMFAO

The question is, what is a day in the creation of earth? The day we know is a 24 four period, or one revolution around the sun. The sun and moon to which we use as a standard of time were not created until the 4th day. Day in Genesis 1:5 is reckoned from evening to evening, in accordance with the order noted in the account of Creation, namely, "And there was evening and there was morning, one day". We do not know the source of this light and darkness to measure a day.

So the earth was not created in a 7 revolutions around the sun. But could have been created in seven days to which no one knows how to measure.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Meh, 7 periods of however God wants to measure time. Keep in mind that these creation stories were told by and to peoples who would make certain current S American and African tribes look like highly developed societies.

C.O.Ggritsforbrains, stfu. Your continual club-footed tap dancing in the sadly sorry attempt to appear to be a thinker is getting tiresome.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
A literal interpretation of the bible by the christian world is a relatively new construct (the last century and a half maybe). And it's certainly not shared by the entirety of christian believers. The Jews, to the best of my knowledge, have never fallen into that trap. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
No, we haven't fallen in to that particular trap.
You should all try to explain how inorganic material becomes organic with the stuff of life in it.
Once some scientist demonstrates turning dirt into life, then I won't need God to explain the supernatural.
Ducbutter's Avatar
No, we haven't fallen in to that particular trap.
You should all try to explain how inorganic material becomes organic with the stuff of life in it.
Once some scientist demonstrates turning dirt into life, then I won't need God to explain the supernatural. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

If a group of experimental biologists engineer a lab environment wherein they develop conditions that spawn a primitive cell, is that proof of life without a creator?
joe bloe's Avatar
Ben Stein corners Richard Dawkins on the question of intelligent design
and Dawkins contradicts himself on Colbert.

Stein vs Dawkins
Dawkins says there is a possibility of intelligent design

Dawkins on Colbert
Dawkins says there is no possibility of intelligent design

Dawkins says to Stein "Intelligent design could have come from a higher
intelligence from somewhere in the universe"

The concept of God (A higher intelligence from somewhere in the universe)

But Dawkins doesn't believe in God, he is talking about outer space men.
I half expected him to pull a tinfoil hat out from under the table.

And Dawkins is pretty much the proclaimed spiritual leader of the

You asked. Originally Posted by bojulay
If Dawkins thinks it's possible that we were designed by intelligent life from another planet, the question then becomes who designed them? Life is too complex not to have been designed. There has to be intelligence behind it.

Francis Crick, an atheist and co-discoverer of the DNA molecule, also said we were designed by an intelligent life form from another planet. Crick says the DNA molecule is too complex to have been formed by natural selection.