Socialism works fine untill you run out of someone elses money

Who were the workers in this nation that toiled to produce (work!) and got fucked when their jobs were shit-canned to Red China and elsewhere? Who sold those same workers out? Ah, it was wealthy Capitalists, right? Originally Posted by Frank Zappatista
The flaw in your thinking is that workers don't have any "equity" in their jobs. They were paid for what they produced. End of discussion. If they wanted equity, there would have been a much different compensation structure -- which most workers wouldn't want.
The flaw in your thinking is that workers don't have any "equity" in their jobs. They were paid for what they produced. End of discussion. If they wanted equity, there would have been a much different compensation structure -- which most workers wouldn't want. Originally Posted by pjorourke
The result is, there's no loyalty to U.S. corporations or even mom/pop businesses. There's no motive to be loyal. Fuck 'em if they go out of business. At least they (mom/pops) won't collect unemployment. They'll just suffer.

As for corporate executives, the system rewards them no matter what. They can be the worst manager (read AIG), and still get bonuses. Now, that really is an unjust system that is in dire need of extreme termination. And that is not socialism, but capitalism at its worst.
John Bull's Avatar
No question there are some abuses inherent in capitalism but when you compare with the other systems, Wow! We looked pretty good until the Progressives took over.

Interesting enough, there was already a backlash against excessive corporate payscales before the last two administrations. It came from the pension funds and the mutual funds, who had the clout at annual meeting time to put a brake on it. That's capitalism working, guys!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I think a lot of people are still defining corporatism as capitalism. Just as we see that the country is falling into oligarchy where the corporatist companies are buying and selling politicians like commodities. The libs aren't immune, they just refuse to believe that their party is just as bad as the RINOs.

There are abuses in all systems. Businesses that fail should fall, a bailout to any company isn’t capitalism it's corporatism. Both parties are purveyors of corporate greed.

Both Dems and Re-pubes need to realize that they have both been sold a bill-of-goods by their respective parties and stop allowing them access to the American piggy-bank. The only way any of this can be fixed is to stop voting for career politicians who have completely lost touch with their constituencies and reality.

When is everyone going to wake up to the 2 party, or good vs. evil pardigm where we are forced to vote for the lessor or 2 evils?
John Bull's Avatar
Well said DFW5Traveler