No, no, no, no, no....

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or even Jon Huntsman. I think I could have supported Huntsman. Christie is an idiot.
Christie is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gee, I did not know that Governor Christie was a member of the StupidOldLyingFart clan!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not aware that the WHINY voter profile is very important to anybody...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If the Republicans get a good candidate and win the election, the liberals are going to be so surprised they may suspect voter fraud! At this point the only thing that appears able to beat them is overconfidence, but things can change. Nobody ever thought of Obama as a President when he was a lackluster junior Senator from Illinois, paying back the machine with patronage jobs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Say good night Gracie.
... a thousand times no.

No more Bushes, no more Kennedy's, no more Clintons, no more Browns, now more Romneys, no more Cuomos, no more Bidens.

What the fuck is wrong with the American people that they keep trying to set up political dynasties? Don't they care about the dangers of nepotism?

Jeb might not have ruled out a run in 2016, but he doesn't need to. I've already done it for him. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ron Paul...NO, Gary Johnson...NO, or even Jon Huntsman...a thousand times, HELL NO!! I think I could have supported Huntsman. Christie is an idiot...+1. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fixed that for ya, COG. I hate compromise, but we've got to put up electable candidates or conservatism and libertarianism will be relegated to the scrap heap.

Old-T's Avatar
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  • 03-06-2013, 07:58 AM
Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or even Jon Huntsman. I think I could have supported Huntsman. Christie is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A candidate who is unelectable is not a "better candidate". You may think they would make a better president, but if they have no realistic chance to get there he/she is a a pipe dream.

Neither Paul nor Johnson was (is) electable. Huntsman I don't know enough about to comment.
jbravo_123's Avatar
If the Republicans get a good candidate and win the election, the liberals are going to be so surprised they may suspect voter fraud! At this point the only thing that appears able to beat them is overconfidence, but things can change. Nobody ever thought of Obama as a President when he was a lackluster junior Senator from Illinois, paying back the machine with patronage jobs. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The same thing happened to the Democrats in the late 80's / early 90's when it was thought that the Republicans had such an unbreakable hold, but the Democrats managed to rebuild party and put Clinton in office.

I think the Republicans have the ability to take a step back and reevaluate their approach and party stance on many issues and if they can adapt to the changing times, they can also take back the White House.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, you nominated Romney because he was "electable". How'd that work out for you? Reagan was considered "unelectable". I guess he never made it.
WWII NavyVet's Avatar
Strongly agree with the ex-NYer on this one.

Nepotism works out poorly much more often than not. Same thing in the business world. Clients of ours were occasionally small companies where an SMU frat boy took the reins of daddy's company. Others who were in many cases smarter or better qualified got squeezed out and became resentful. Good way to fuck up a company.

Looks like people get pissed off easily on this site, so hope I don't offend anybody with the following!

I thought Daddy Bush was a decent man who always wanted to do what was right and was perhaps a better president than most, or at least many. But W was sort of like a spoiled frat boy who never grew up. He just had no business being president.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama has it in his power to fix this. He can resign and appoint a former bus driver to replace him. That's how they do in Venezuela. We are close to that now. When senator Biden road that train everyday to Washington he failed to mention that he got to wear an engineers hat and sit next to the driver.
Actually I am looking forward to another Clinton beating another Bush. Originally Posted by bigtex

As I remember, both Clintons beat alot of bush when Bill was POTUS. And some shaved ones too!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2013, 11:06 AM
I'd like to make it through 2013 before worrying about 2016.

Besides, Rubio is you next nominee.

CC might have put Hugo in his pool but I put all my money on him going next. Call me the Death Whisper. I'm pretty good at picking canidates too. Anybody wanna bet?

Rubio one and Jeb a distant second. Christie does not need the headache. He will turn to TV like Huckabee.
If Hillary had beaten Obama in the primaries in 2007 and gone on to become president, it would have been 24 straight years of either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House.

And she would have won, too, 'cause Dubya fucked it up so badly, Hugo Chavez would have beaten McCain.