George Strait Tickets :)

dbeartx's Avatar
DD, if I end up with an extra ticket, you'll for sure get to go... I'm forever heavy hearted by probably the saddest look I've ever seen when we were talking about the Eli Young Band tickets a couple weeks back.

Gotta take care of my siblings first though.
BigpoppaC's Avatar
I got floor seats!!!
dbeartx's Avatar
@BigpoppaC... I'm jealous... How'd you get those? I thought about doing the Troubadour package, there are still some left $1100 bucks, giving my brother & sister my other two and just sitting by myself lol.
delivery guy's Avatar
I got my tickets yesterday. Took a while to get threw and a couple of computers going at the same time but finally got in and got 2 plaza level not to bed even tho I wanted floor seats.
nofeedbak's Avatar
A couple of months ago, I met one of the leaders of his tech crew team. Confirmed this George is taking a break for a couple of years. That said, what better way to sell this tour and the "welcome back" tour.
dbeartx's Avatar
Haha, a "welcome back" tour would be shady as heck... lol, but i'd be first in line to get tickets