It just want go away. Now the nuns are guilty of voter fraud.

I B Hankering's Avatar
there you go again, Corpy, talking about another guy's junk!

What IS it with you boys? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Because the only smaller unit of measure known to man is your puny putz, Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – which has posted still another one of his factually vacuous brain-farts.

joe bloe's Avatar
Obama got 100% of the vote against Romney in 59 precincts in Pennsylvania. Thats 19,605 to 0. I don't buy it. Romney must have got a few votes even in the inner city. Ninety three percent of blacks voted for Obama in 2012. That means Romney should have gotten 1,372 votes in those 59 precincts; not zero. That's voter fraud. It was Eric Holder's job to investigate it; what a joke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama got 100% of the vote against Romney in 59 precincts in Pennsylvania. Thats 19,605 to 0. I don't buy it. Romney must have got a few votes even in the inner city. Ninety three percent of blacks voted for Obama in 2012. That means Romney should have gotten 1,372 votes in those 59 precincts; not zero. That's voter fraud. It was Eric Holder's job to investigate it; what a joke. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Glenn ain't buying it either.

bojulay's Avatar
I would rather the amount of time and money spent on trying to chase down the relatively small problem of voter fraud be spent on one of the myriad of other greater problems we have right now.

Back to the house on fire metaphor - some people just want to change out their printer toner while their house is burning down around them. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Yes there are many entitlement programs out there that could
use a boost.

My Motto: Vote early and vote often, your new cell phones are
just waiting to be activated.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-11-2013, 05:21 PM
there you go again, Corpy, talking about another guy's junk!

What IS it with you boys? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
in case you havent heard, Sam has IB trained to love man junk....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I didn't think nuns were allowed to vote...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think everyone here has complained about voter fraud and not democratic voter fraud. It just so happens (and you can't prove otherwise) that most voter fraud seems to involve democrats. I think ALL voter fraud needs to be punished and it is about time that you admit that it does exist. Now if you can only continue to remember that in the future when you say something stupid on the topic again.
LexusLover's Avatar
It just so happens (and you can't prove otherwise) that most voter fraud seems to involve democrats. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since you are so "attached" with our constitutional form of government, you should understand that the burden of proof is on the one who asserts "the claim," and not the one challenging "the claim." It's called "due process."
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I think everyone here has complained about voter fraud and not democratic voter fraud. It just so happens (and you can't prove otherwise) that most voter fraud seems to involve democrats. I think ALL voter fraud needs to be punished and it is about time that you admit that it does exist. Now if you can only continue to remember that in the future when you say something stupid on the topic again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Corneyhole, your tiara is showing again. Here we go with this line of ridiculousness - you make some kind of distorted statement based on truthiness and challenge anyone, in a manly sort of way (you think), to "disprove" it. Fuck you very much.

As LL points out, all of your ranting and raving about "The Constitution" is just meaningless showboating coming from am immature intellect, like the German Nazis you supposedly hate. If you're going to attempt to be the swivel-hipped, slashing runner (in an intellecutal sense) like Walter Payton - be sure to be able to run the 40 in less than a day and a half.

Other than Glenna having your log in information, there is only one explanation for your lack of sense - you've been into the floor stripper again.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not a taker Candy? You can't come up with story after story of GOP culpability? I can do that with the democrats and have. I'm proven my claim. As for speed, before my injury I was very fast; school, boot camp, early commands, right up to when I was about 28 years old. Then I had to settle for endurance instead of speed. According to the providers who know you Candy you still opt for speed.

As for the comments by LL, too many parts of the country have the offenders in charge of the investigations to determine who has been offending people. Think of the south in the 1940s and you're a northern FBI agent trying to investigate a racial hate crime. Why the Sheriff might have been wearing the hood the night of the lynching. Many parts of the country where the voting apparatus is ran and controlled by the democratic party. How do you explain at least two poll workers in Ohio who have admitted to voter fraud for years but still insist that they have done nothing wrong? Kind of hard to investigate when the investigator or witness is the person doing the fraud.
LexusLover's Avatar
...and you're a northern FBI agent trying to investigate a racial hate crime. ..... Kind of hard to investigate when the investigator or witness is the person doing the fraud. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you suggesting that the "northern FBI agent" is a Democrat, commiting fraud?

And that is the reason why you cannot prove your allegations, but expect others ...

.. to disprove them?

Another "pesky" little "technicality" in the US Constitution is .. the ... err ...

"Equal Protection Clause"!

Sooooo as a U.S. Constitutional scholar and enforcer/defender ... why ....

would you have one standard for yourself and a different one for someone else?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Eos is also a cool convertible from VW.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
If you're going to attempt to be the swivel-hipped, slashing runner (in an intellecutal sense) like Walter Payton - be sure to be able to run the 40 in less than a day and a half. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
As for speed, before my injury I was very fast; school, boot camp, early commands, right up to when I was about 28 years old. Then I had to settle for endurance instead of speed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's a shame that Corneyhole has been relegated to having to deal with whatever the name would be for his mental flaw that leads to his meandering reply to my statement. I hope that he can come closer to hitting a target with one of his firearms - even if it is some kind of weirdo calliber with "readily available" ammunition - than he did in his response. Of course, challenging our favorite kommunity kollege janitor on an intellectual level was sort of unfair, like asking an unarmed country to show up at a nuclear war.

It sounds like we have a delusional ex-high school jock has been - make that never was - and wannabe military "hero" ..... cue up Springsteen's "Glory Days" and fade to black.
Three ballots out of 422,000? A virtual epidemic. Clearly organized at the highest levels of the Democratic party as well....I'm sure the nun and the widower were contacted by President Obama (probably by secret decoder ring) and asked to vote for their dead fellow nun and wife. And thank goodness. Those two votes changed the outcome and saved the elections for the democrats.

You stupid fucking halfwits. Is this really the best you can do?

And comparisons to serial killers? JD, you grow crazier by the day. That analogy is so stupid it defies a response.
Was this back when you used to sneak up on deer in the woods? Before the head injury?

Not a taker Candy? You can't come up with story after story of GOP culpability? I can do that with the democrats and have. I'm proven my claim. As for speed, before my injury I was very fast; school, boot camp, early commands, right up to when I was about 28 years old. Then I had to settle for endurance instead of speed. According to the providers who know you Candy you still opt for speed.

As for the comments by LL, too many parts of the country have the offenders in charge of the investigations to determine who has been offending people. Think of the south in the 1940s and you're a northern FBI agent trying to investigate a racial hate crime. Why the Sheriff might have been wearing the hood the night of the lynching. Many parts of the country where the voting apparatus is ran and controlled by the democratic party. How do you explain at least two poll workers in Ohio who have admitted to voter fraud for years but still insist that they have done nothing wrong? Kind of hard to investigate when the investigator or witness is the person doing the fraud. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn