He tricked me to turn the water and ran out

I'm so sorry to hear that happened. When someone is in the shower, its a good window to confirm and secure the donation in a not so obvious place. It's always funny to walk out and catch em rifling through the nightstand drawer.
He was using his friend's phone for hobby. His friend contacted me and gave me all his info.
His cell is 832-891-38**
His house is 225-303-33**
The latest phones number were not in use. He is pretending to be his friend and giving me a wrong number. He also pretended to be nice to me. What a loser! What an asshole. Ugh!!! I wish I could never meet this kind of jerk in my life.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Wtf. Blast this guy and make sure assholes like this never get to see another provider again.
Sarunga's Avatar
He was using his friend's phone for hobby. His friend contacted me and gave me all his info.
His cell is 832-891-38**
His house is 225-303-33** Originally Posted by asianjj
The latest phones number were not in use. He is pretending to be his friend and giving me a wrong number. He also pretended to be nice to me. What a loser! What an asshole. Ugh!!! I wish I could never meet this kind of jerk in my life. Originally Posted by asianjj
The fact that this guy contacted you and tried to deflect the blame to a "friend" means that this thread is already working for you.

It's still not too late for him to make this right...apologize for what he did...and give your money back. People make mistakes...that's human nature.
Sexy JJ, you should have had Ove waiting for him in the hallway with a baseball bat...just kidding.
Looks like this guy is long gone, and I highly doubt he is going to log in here and respond. Seems to be the way he hobbies, pathetic bastard.
Hell, I'll ante up the $100 when I do get to see you.

You've put the bastard on blast. Too bad he's not responding. Wait! This bastard's online as I type. Too bad he won't be banned and too bad this alert won't be attached to his profile.


What I did was pathetic ignorant dumb etc. I'm not gonna sit here and make up some excuse for my actions bc there is none. I have NCNS a couple of ladies bc honestly I try to talk myself out of doing this before I see someone. This hobby isn't for me but that gives me no right to waste anyone's time in the first place or pull a move like I did. Without sounding too much like a drama queen and rambling I feel guilty as hell and hate myself everytime I do this and after I saw JJ I wanted to pay her back in some way to make her feel like i felt as if it was her fault that u did this ha. sound pathetic crazy and overdramatic right? im sure it does. Pretty dumb when she is just trying to do her job. JJ i truly apologize and will be back in houston in 2 weeks and will gladly make it up to u with an extra donation i could meet u somewhere to end any beef and hard feelings even though im sure it wont help much and i dont want it to. Im not here trying to put myself in the clear for the future bc i dont want anything to do with this hobby again after today.im done with this. To all the black hobbyist I'm sorry that I made our already bad rep even worse and I pulled a coward move and hope it doesn't affect u too much I know none of u guys would pull some shit like that I just hope the ladies realize that. But my race has nothing to do with it I'm a nice guy just let emotions get the better of me and lost and confused ha.(I know..sounds lame) Mods if you will please delete my account. JJ I will be in contact with you via email until I get my phone back. Good luck to all of u
Please delete my acct or ban me don't really care. Jj sorry once again anyone who has seen u knows ur the last person that deserved something like that.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Please delete my acct or ban me don't really care. Jj sorry once again anyone who has seen u knows ur the last person that deserved something like that. Originally Posted by TigerTy22
Sounds like you already got your new handle. In other words, bullshit.

I'll admit to being wrong when JJ gets her money and lets us know you stepped up. Ha.
I am full of shit a bullshitter all that. Say what u will, doesnt matter. Only person I'm here to explain to is JJ. after this I'm not responding. The good thing is you'll have 1 less bullshitter around on here. Good luck hope none of you have to ever deal with a asshole like me
dearhunter's Avatar
take away his premium access
I'd rather it just get deleted, I don't wanna have any reason to come back to this site so mods if you could just delete it. Start up a new account? Please. This place hasn't brought me anything but guilt and unnecessary stress. There's way more to life than sex
yardbird74's Avatar
What I did was pathetic ignorant dumb etc. I'm not gonna sit here and make up some excuse for my actions bc there is none. I have NCNS a couple of ladies bc honestly I try to talk myself out of doing this before I see someone. This hobby isn't for me but that gives me no right to waste anyone's time in the first place or pull a move like I did. Without sounding too much like a drama queen and rambling I feel guilty as hell and hate myself everytime I do this and after I saw JJ I wanted to pay her back in some way to make her feel like i felt as if it was her fault that u did this ha. Originally Posted by TigerTy22
Maybe you should take the money you STOLE and put it towards some psychiatric help. If what you are writing is your actual mental thought process then you are exhibiting the mentality of a fairly dangerous person who could only escalate from here.

I don't know JJ, but she should NEVER let you get anywhere close to her physical proximity again.

Quit relying on mods to delete your account - log off - go get some help.

Exhibit some self-control and be a man.
yardbird74's Avatar
Only person I'm here to explain to is JJ. after this I'm not responding. Originally Posted by TigerTy22
I'd rather it just get deleted, I don't wanna have any reason to come back to this site so mods if you could just delete it. Start up a new account? Please. This place hasn't brought me anything but guilt and unnecessary stress. There's way more to life than sex Originally Posted by TigerTy22
Sorry that I am responding when I said I'd stop but let's get something straight. No matter how screwed up u may think I am in the head I'm not. I've just simply been trying to change the way I am and it's only natural I feel guilty if I don't follow through. most of you guys couldnt understand where im coming from bc u can get with a woman and sleep fine at night. not me. which is why its pointless for me to keep this up. all i wanna do is make right where i went wrong and put this crap of a life behind me. I would never put my hands on a woman PERIOD. My mental state is just fine Im not some damn time bomb that's gonna eventually hurt someone, that's not me.