Kansas Secretary of State to Eric Holder: Stay Out of Kansas – You Don’t Understand the Constitution

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yeah, Kansas has debt but then we had a democratic governor until she got tapped by Obama for Obamacare. It takes a while to overcome what the democrats do to you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Maybe Kansas ought to amend their constitution to allow the legislature to be in charge of state spending.

You missed a spot over by the free throw line.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Good, I'm going to record this that Candy and Biggen do understand how spending is done in government. Now the next time they accuse Bush of increasing the debt...
Good, I'm going to record this that Candy and Biggen do understand how spending is done in government. Now the next time they accuse Bush of increasing the debt... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You need to go to the wizard to see if he will replace the Barley for brains. You are the one giving Brownback a pass because there was a Dem in office prior to him,but still think Obie has had time to undo all that Bush did. Funny