Domestic drone sighting--Kansas City

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-03-2013, 10:27 AM
give JD a break , he's the type that likes to be afraid

keeps his single brain cell busy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder why you are all so quick to dismiss or so quick to accept that a drone was sighted (again) in the U.S.. Some of you adapt to so quickly to slavery that it is frightening. So who wants to be a camp guard? I am sure that we have some potential camp guards here.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-03-2013, 12:06 PM
no matter what you do JD,

Saturday night I was settling down to watch the road show production of "Spamalot" at Kansas City's Starlight Theater when I saw someone pointing. I spun around and spied a rotary unmanned vehicle orbiting behind us watching. It was the helicopter kind with a rotor span of about five feet. It was hovering less than a hundred feet off the ground as we prepared to sing the national anthem. Looked at the local news broadcast to see if they were doing some filming but no...

So who? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A hundred feet up. Hmmm. would that be in range to knock it down with a rock, then see who comes looking for it, lol. That would be interesting.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There was some joking in the crowd about who was the Tea party member and if anyone had a gun to shoot it down.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-03-2013, 01:03 PM
if the military wanted to watch you, you'd never know it

An insect-sized drone. The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's mission is to develop MAVs that can find, track and target adversaries while operating in complex urban environments
LexusLover's Avatar
if the military wanted to watch you, you'd never know it

An insect-sized drone. The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's mission is to develop MAVs that can find, track and target adversaries while operating in complex urban environments Originally Posted by CJ7
You are feeding the fear. I can't believe you did that!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-03-2013, 01:42 PM
You are feeding the fear. I can't believe you did that! Originally Posted by LexusLover

its called fucking with the simpletons tiny lil brains

there will be so many idgets staring at the sky looking for bugs with cameras, there wont be a neck in the tea party that doesn't have a crik in it ..

but youre right, mea culpa.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
its called fucking with the simpletons tiny lil brains

there will be so many idgets staring at the sky looking for bugs with cameras, there wont be a neck in the tea party that doesn't have a crik in it ..

but youre right, mea culpa. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yep, CJ7 and I were watching you. Anywhere, anytime if you displease us and be afraid, very very afraid. Get used to it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-03-2013, 01:58 PM

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Iaintliein's Avatar
Someone should have taunted it mercilessly and farted in it's general direction. "You're mother was a ceiling fan and your father smelt of Kool Aid!"..

Seriously, my guess is local LE monitoring things.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2013, 04:19 PM
My guess is JD has a new job as a Globe 'reporter'.

jbravo_123's Avatar
I, for one, welcome our new metal overlords.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't actually out to get you. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
In certain cases, it would be a blessing.

give JD a break , he's the type that likes to be afraid

keeps his single brain cell busy Originally Posted by CJ7
Yep, he's out there triangulating the height, speed and potential weapons payload. I'd say it's perfectly rational behavior - for the irrational.

I wonder why you are all so quick to dismiss or so quick to accept that a drone was sighted (again) in the U.S.. Some of you adapt to so quickly to slavery that it is frightening. So who wants to be a camp guard? I am sure that we have some potential camp guards here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nope, you've already got the job. Fortunately, there are no camps anywhere other than in the echo chamber surrounding the lone functioning brain cell.

no matter what you do JD,

DO NOT GO TO SLEEP ! Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, that's one way to stay "up."

if the military wanted to watch you, you'd never know it

An insect-sized drone. The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's mission is to develop MAVs that can find, track and target adversaries while operating in complex urban environments Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm surprised our resident guru of all things military let this slip his "mind."

its called fucking with the simpletons tiny lil brains

Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes, yes, yes it is.

But, the KC Kops might have actually had crowd safety in mind and the potential ability to DO THEIR JOB and quickly identify some who might have had some malevolent trick(s) up there sleeves. But, screw that - everyone knows that the PO-leece just want to lock everyone up just for the hell of it. Those folks really like filling out paperwork. Since everyone is everyone else's enemy and some snitch for the Great Liburral Lockup Conspiracy, we all "know" that's the "real" reason.