A Question for THE DANNIE and Other Ladies

White Tiger's Avatar
Dannie could have been talking about me because I wasn't there, either. But if she had said it, it would have been true.
Well I really wasn't there at the party that didn't happen. If THE DANNIE is handing out labels I will step up.
pmdelites's Avatar
so, where do we get our T-shirts?? or slut puppy man-whore badges?

i know, i know, it's kind of like catch-22 : if you call yourself a man-whore, you arent one.
guess it's just reserved for the women to call us that.

so, i'll just be a hush-puppy :^)
Boltfan's Avatar
Can you be a man-whore and a BFE?

Just want to be sure into which catagory I will fit.
Can you be a man-whore and a BFE?
Originally Posted by Boltfan

I conduct BFE training classes, M-F, 6 am-6 pm. I must investigate to give you honest feedback.

From what I did not see of you at the event that did not happen, you are super BFE!! And also, you're drunk!

You are on my radar!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Boltfan, if you are going to class, order up Dannie 1) Fresh out of the shower and 2) T-shirt only (The Beatles in the background optional).
Boltfan's Avatar
Hmmm, and I have a hall pass this week too. Do these classes count towards any sort of degree program?
Randy4Candy's Avatar

3 guesses as to what that means...LOL!
It counts towards your degree in BFE fuckology 101! Classes/credits are transferable.
Boltfan's Avatar
Well good because I need something to go along with my doctorate at the University of Dallas Austin Troy - Yellow campus.
You are both......but you are more BFE with me.

Dannie hands off, unless you keep him more BFE, don't turn him into a full man-whore. :-(.

BFE's are hard to find........just saying.....(giggling)

Can you be a man-whore and a BFE?

Just want to be sure into which catagory I will fit. Originally Posted by Boltfan
One of my Dearest friends asked me yesterday what I had been doing, I said not much and she said "BS I know you, you are a man whore". Damn THE DANNIE must be telling everyone.
Redsan's Avatar
Dannie I will be your Man Whore, Bitch, BFE or
what ever you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 07-24-2010, 06:35 PM
WOW! Dannie you have your hads full with all these admirers!! You gonna whore every one of em?

All these Man-Whores, BFEs and stuff.

Glad I don't fall into any of those Labels....

For I am PPE..... And I am under Jade...... Nice pics, Babycakes!