taking a little break but.....

Hey guys thank u do much honest!! I am some what back in biz. I am back n forth from dads to dallas trying to make dallas perm. But having lil issues cuz no will from dad n extra shit.... thats to the point if yahll will please bare with me i will honestly greatly n show u i apreciate it for workin with me. Please give me a call or email no pms at the moment please its easier to get in contact by email or phone if u will thank u!! 972 997 6569 alana.nicole20@gmail.com
planojim's Avatar
Hang in there cutie! You can make it through all the extra shit just fine!
So sorry for your loss. You won't remember me, but we met once years and years ago (probably on the old board) and I always thought you were very kind and sweet. Estate stuff can be a nightmare, but if it's here in Texas, I know a guy who does that kind of stuff pretty cheap and easy. If you need help, just shoot me a pm and I'll send you his name.
mkemnl's Avatar
sorry to hear abut your loss baby....

Hang in there and deal with all the stuff you have to. Had this happen to me recently... took forver to sort through everything.

Just saw this. So sorry for your loss. We've never met, but I've seen you on the boards and pray you get through this as easily as possible.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Things will get better, they always do!