The Germans finally get it why can't you?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me tell you a true story how it works.
In 1992 I was living in Jacksonville, FL. Governor Clinton was campaigning for president. They announced that an OPEN townhall meeting was going to happen at one of the local TV stations. The commericial told everyone to come and ask a question. I figured what the hell. I arrived a couple of hours ahead of time and found out that a ticket was needed to get in. I asked where do you get a ticket. I was told that from that woman over there. I went to that woman over there and she said she had tickets. She wanted to see some ID and she had a list of registered DEMOCRATIC voters in Duval County. I told her that I was a registered independent. She slapped the book shut and said that no tickets were available. I told her about the radio ad and she said this event was for democrats only. I told her that was false advertising and illegal. She said that it was not her problem and if I didn't move along then the Secret Service would detain me (a threat!). I hung around the edges and saw Skippy (steponallofus) having everyone line up and giving them index cards. They were supposed to put their questions on the cards. Further down the line they picked up the cards (while the voters still stood in line with a temperature of 95 degrees. Later it was revealed that the cards were handed back to certain people and were told to ask the rewritten question EXACTLY how it was written on the card. Afterwards, the TV station put on a BBQ for Clinton while outside the perimeter there were more protesters than there were supporters. You all watched the finished product on TV that night. It was broadcast nationwide.
A couple of weeks earlier I was working downtown when George H. W. Bush came to the Landing. From my vantage point at a parking garage I could see close to 100,000 people waiting for the president. That same TV station reported that "a few thousand people" showed up for the rally and presented strategically presented video to show a small crowd. Didn't get to see the actual rally as the Secret Service ran us out for security reasons.

I think Mel Brooks had it right; Tickets! tickets! We don't need no stinking tickets!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2013, 01:48 PM
Having been involved in politics myself I understand the "ticket" angle. You, apparently, don't. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes I do....there was a potential for 6k people to show up(that was how many tickets there were). It was hot as fuck and 4500 showed up.

What fucking part of the distortion between 2008 and now are you having a problem with?

No go tell us another dumb ass story to show your ignorance. Retell the fluff story on the Navy ship with the Marines.

Let us recap this thread:

JD tries to compare apples to oranges.

When called out, he tries to do a shuffle of telling a half ass story that is basically another apples to oranges comparison. Jacksonville, FL is a GOP hot bed. If Clinton cam,e to visit to raise money, I'm sure he tried to control the situtation and that HWBush had a large gathering. . .....but that story has nothing to do with Obama and his two different Germany trips.

I do not believe his version of how the news was reported. I think JD is the biggest liar on here. He wants to be a writer, a fiction writer it appears
CJ7's Avatar
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  • 06-22-2013, 02:29 PM
JD's too dumb to lie
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-22-2013, 02:32 PM
JD's too dumb to lie Originally Posted by CJ7

Just because JD believes it, don't mean it ain't a lie.

Kinda like Bush and WMD's.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2013, 02:40 PM
Just because JD believes it, don't mean it ain't a lie.

Kinda like Bush and WMD's. Originally Posted by WTF

hes too dumb to believe it too
Here is the problem with arguing with certain people. Attacking them personally is not productive. Picking apart what they are saying is not personal.

I would love to see people stop saying that xxxxx is a dumbass cocksucking liar. Attacking the person is just not productive, not respectful, and lowers you to their level.

If they say something factually wrong, or you disagree with an opinion, then by all means feel free to take exception to the content of their post and respectfully discuss your opinion of the content.

Other members have discussed how a lot of people have dropped out of the forums because of the perceived hostility. That is not good for open discussion or the board.
I understand the guidelines of this forum. I just think we can do better.

For those who can't reduce an argument to insults and attacks on other persons personalities, we should ignore their posts.

I am gonna repeat this in a separate post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You could always research the topic and the story and try, TRY, to prove that I was wrong in my personal story. You can't, but you can try.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2013, 08:37 PM
You could always research the topic and the story and try, TRY, to prove that I was wrong in my personal story. You can't, but you can try. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't give a shit about your personal had nothing to do with you taking out of context the number of people at the two different speechs by Obama.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Too much for you SSOB? Sorry.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2013, 10:44 PM
Nothing you have posted about your personal experience changes the lying distortion of your thread.

Maybe you should change into your shorts and run around a ship pretenting to be a Marine!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I just think it's funny that WikiPostingFraud has the balls to call ANYONE a liar!

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Other members have discussed how a lot of people have dropped out of the forums because of the perceived hostility. That is not good for open discussion or the board.
I understand the guidelines of this forum. I just think we can do better.

For those who can't reduce an argument to insults and attacks on other persons personalities, we should ignore their posts.

I am gonna repeat this in a separate post. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
The more thin-skinned have The Sandbox to post about anything non-hobby related that they want to (including any political discussions). Those thread over there will be moderated (by me and the Col.) just as any other pubic thread would be across the board.

That is precisely why these type discussions were peeled out of The Sandbox and into a separate forum. You were a major advocate of doing exactly that, along with many others, as I recall.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2013, 05:35 AM
I just think it's funny that WikiPostingFraud has the balls to call ANYONE a liar!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I got the balls to meet you for a drink anytime you lil fence sitting monkey.

I got the balls to meet you for a drink anytime you lil fence sitting monkey.

Originally Posted by WTF
Congrats should go to WTF for capturing this recent snapshot of Hanoi COG in his natural habitat.

Nothing beats a cell phone camera for capturing those special Kodak moments!
A Hanoi monkey?