Texas Mods?

berryberry's Avatar
Wait, the mods are from Texas?

Damn, learn something new everyday
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I know, hard to believe we are so lucky.

seriously, I have been to your fine city and spent sometime in one of the little hamlets just outside of there. Did not have any opportunity to hobby and doubt I ever will unless I am there on business again which is highly unlikely.
Took one of the river boat rides to see the three rivers and was impressed. The experience of coming through that tunnel from the airport and there it is was really awesome.
I really enjoyed winning some of your cash at the craps table too.

I understand the fanaticism that you have for your sports teams too. Houston is very much a Cosmopolitan city with immigrants from all over the world. It is interesting when a group gets together to find out who is a native and who is not. Not that it matters because once they a here they want to become Texans as quickly as possible.
loneshark's Avatar
LOL a Pimp wants the rules enforced. Not against Dames4u just funny
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 07-14-2013, 10:36 PM
I see the back and forth, it seems like there is some personal animosity and backstory here. That's a separate issue, as far as I'm concerned.

I would like to know one thing. Is political commentary now allowed outside the DMZ, and does the 2dogs post in the whorehouse thread considered political?

No panties, no wads - I'm genuinely curious as to what's allowed, and what will be enforced.

loneshark's Avatar
Sure you can tell us how much you love Obama and how Trayvon Martin was not doing anything wrong