The past is a bitch and so are our words

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
[COLOR=red]Cute Old Guy....what can I say, you fucked up! There are many others as many of you know but I'm not going to take the time to dig them all up. I want to leave you with this; this will happen again and again. As long as the poverty pimps and liberal plantation owners can make money or get face time they will gin up crimes that come from tragedy. Next time take the time to pause and really look at what we KNOW instead of what people want you to believe. Try not to jump to conclusions. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I fucked up? How, JD? By stating an opinion?

Let me tell you what is fucked up. This Martin/Zimmerman scenario is replayed every day in cities across America. While it is a tragedy, nothing that happened that night in Florida has ANY EFFECT on anyone other than the families involved. However, the media runs with it, and since that night it has been practically wall-to-wall coverage. Seriously? Look at this board. The longest and most heated threads are about the Zimmerman case. Pompous piety on parade. And it means NOTHING!

While you are all arguing over who was more righteous, Trayvon (the arrogant, wannabe gangsta punk) or Zimmerman (the self-important, whiny, ignorant "neighborhood protector") guess what?

Yes, that's right. The NSA was still spying on you, people were still being indefinitely detained, the Obama administration was still targeting political opponents, Obamacare was still proving to be an even bigger debacle than we dreamed, Eric Holder remains AG, the US is arming Islamic Jihadists in Syria, the National Debt spirals out of control - but the government-controlled media want you to focus on the Zimmerman trial. Why?


Mindless simpletons. You deserve the police state. Stay blind, but be sure to feel good about yourself, whether you stand with Trayvon, and against racism, or with Zimmerman, and "justice".
Black on black crime never draws attention. They kiling themselves off, but let someone else pop one and all hell brakes loose. People gonna believe how they want to believe. Why should I give a fuck about some punk ass kid getting killed because he attacked a guy with ,when confronted. Instead , we get a two week trial with several witnesses that make the negro race look near iliterate and scared of anyone who looks across the street at them. Then we get one of the two most dumb fuck political supremist (Sharpton and Jackson) screaming bloody murder just to gain popluarity.
This whole dam thing was a pitiful shame on the justice system and shows that people will exploit tragedy to the fullest.

Let the parents grieve.

Go to a predominate black foreign country and ask them how they feel about blacks in amerika. It may surprise you to find how much they loath the whiney, snieveling blacks in this country.

POTUS will posture like he always does , but he doesnt have a dog in this fight. And the rule of law is against the federal guvment interferring.

A tragic death as a result of a tragic decision on both parties.

There was no winner in that court room,but you rest assured the law in that state will soon change as a result of this. Blacks will not be any more safe than they are currently.

Most anyone who post about this would do everything in their power to survive a life or death confrontation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well put, But you're wrong.

About half of the "boys" in this forum wish THEY were Zimmerman. Shit, we even have one who has taken his name, another his image.

Naw, I think we've got a slew of red-blooded patriots here who'd give their eye tooth to be out there tracking suspicious kids...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am surprised COG. You asked a question but didn't bother to wait for an answer before going off on a rant. What you did wrong was decide to convict Zimmerman without the trial or evidence. Considering your background, I am surprised.
I fucked up? How, JD? By stating an opinion?

Let me tell you what is fucked up. This Martin/Zimmerman scenario is replayed every day in cities across America. While it is a tragedy, nothing that happened that night in Florida has ANY EFFECT on anyone other than the families involved. However, the media runs with it, and since that night it has been practically wall-to-wall coverage. Seriously? Look at this board. The longest and most heated threads are about the Zimmerman case. Pompous piety on parade. And it means NOTHING!

While you are all arguing over who was more righteous, Trayvon (the arrogant, wannabe gangsta punk) or Zimmerman (the self-important, whiny, ignorant "neighborhood protector") guess what?

Yes, that's right. The NSA was still spying on you, people were still being indefinitely detained, the Obama administration was still targeting political opponents, Obamacare was still proving to be an even bigger debacle than we dreamed, Eric Holder remains AG, the US is arming Islamic Jihadists in Syria, the National Debt spirals out of control - but the government-controlled media want you to focus on the Zimmerman trial. Why?


Mindless simpletons. You deserve the police state. Stay blind, but be sure to feel good about yourself, whether you stand with Trayvon, and against racism, or with Zimmerman, and "justice". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Nice rant shows your pompous piety . You deserve your RV parking in Atchison ..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In other words, Whiny... We need to be ever mindful that the sky is falling.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 10:01 AM
Fox just interviewed Hillary. They asked her about the Zimmerman trial. She said"WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If the wingers would let it die we could all move on and worry about drones ect..
If the wingers would let it die we could all move on and worry about drones ect.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You know, the real important stuff.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
If the wingers would let it die we could all move on and worry about drones ect.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You say the right wingers won't let it die so we could all move on? Tell that to Eric Holder who says his DOJ will investigate possible civil rights or hate crime violations, even though this jury and his FBI found no racial bias on Zimmerman's part. And while you are at it, tell it to the protesters and rioters in the streets as well as the racists who in some instances are commiting violent acts against innocent whites and hispanics.
So you are saying if he was found guilty the whites and Hispanics would be rioting? Lots of people don't understand Florida law, not that it makes them right. Although I was speaking of this board.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Why do the left/liberal/bleeding heart/professional victims require the law abiding conservatives to be silent before they will stop whining about their hurt feelings?

If the whiners had never replied to, or started these threads, it would have been over already.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do the left/liberal/bleeding heart/professional victims require the law abiding conservatives to be silent before they will stop whining about their hurt feelings?

If the whiners had never replied to, or started these threads, it would have been over already. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
You, sir, are a fucking idiot?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
You sir, can only attack the messenger, because your arguments have no merits.
Why do the left/liberal/bleeding heart/professional victims require the law abiding conservatives to be silent before they will stop whining about their hurt feelings?

If the whiners had never replied to, or started these threads, it would have been over already. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

You sir can only attach the messenger as your reply's have no merit.