Not A Good Week

Danielle Reid's Avatar
That meaning doesn't make much sense in the context it is used. Of course, I shouldn't expect a pimp to make sense anyway.
According to the Urban Dictionary, definition 2, that meaning was in use around 1940. Today it has a different meaning, which you will have to read for yourself.

HTGB (Hope things get better) Originally Posted by tuckahoe
The pimp and the guy that sent the email are two different guys. I don't even know if the pimp was black or not as I only spoke with him through text and never asked race.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
My personal preference for not seeing black men is a little psychological. I haven't dated a black guy since freshmen year, and since then something clicked...whatever it was I'm sure a shrink could bring it up as repressed childhood horror. I LOVE white men and if I'm going to give them the greatest gift I have to offer, then I expect there to be some sort of personal connection even if it's just lust.
willro's Avatar
It's tough for the black men in the hobby. There are a significant number of providers that are not willing to see them. When I was new and I first started noticing this, I often wondered why. My internal thoughts were "isn't their money green and gray too?"

One day I ask a provider and she explained that she had zero problems with escorting a black man, but because of the high number of wanna be pimps in the younger black generation, she had just started making it a rule that she would not see black men. I've heard this explanation echoed from other providers as well. Some may just have personal preferences such as what MaryBeth explained. Some may not see black men because of some type of racist beliefs. However, I think the largest number of providers that are not "black dude friendly" are just pushed away by the young black losers wanting to create a stable of girls that they can "protect and manage". There seems to be a cultural breakdown to the point where this type of life appears glamorous to some, and unfortunately, this culture is somewhat predominant among younger black males.

It would be tough to be a black man in the hobby that isn't one of these wanna be pimps. You would often be unfairly judged based on race, and that is never a good feeling. I have noticed that many independent girls put "no pimp" disclaimers in their ads rather than "no black men". I think this would be a better approach for trying to weed out the undesirables, but I do agree that every working girl has the ultimate right to decide what clients she wishes to see.

PS, MaryBeth, I would not worry too much about his little threat to report you to LE. It's not like they don't know P411 exists, and he's probably just full of shit anyway.
Awnaw's Avatar
  • Awnaw
  • 07-26-2013, 01:19 PM
MaryBeth, to take the time to explain your reasons is one of those great things about you. You have a choice and in this play ground I don't think explaining will change another persons perceptions but I hope it does.
Willro, does express several reasons that I have heard before. But being a man and having the blessing of being able to travel. I can assure you pimps come in all colors and ages. Not really sure why they choose to pimp. I've heard everything from it just started as a friend protecting a lady in a rough business to they don't have the goodies to barter so they get a girl for it. Yes young black males seem to want the mantle of pimp on their record to shine next to their ADC(in the case of Arkansas)number, instead of choosing something they could put on a resume and shine as a respectable man. Again I'm not sure what his intent was for NBA, I know it can mean a couple of things. Just sort of sad that he reports he would call the law.....I can't find the words to express how that really makes this black man feel. I have had many things happen to me over the decades and not once felt the urge to involve the law. We have so much self hate in our communities that this young lady has haters for just being herself.
Marybeth be you, do you and forget the haters. Hopefully the rest of this week provides opportunities to overshadow the BS you have had so far.
mr naw seems like a nice guy. you an honest minister?
Sorry you're having a hard time this week, Marybeth!

Remember the old saying... "This too shall pass."

Go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!

That always makes me feel better. LOL. 👠👠
Mary Beth,

Did that message come by e-mail? If so, please PM me.

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Sorry you're having a hard time this week, Marybeth!

Remember the old saying... "This too shall pass."

Go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!

That always makes me feel better. LOL. 👠👠 Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Shoes make me feel better as well but since we're moving, again, I have to curve the spending but I will go get my hair done all cute like
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Mary Beth,

Did that message come by e-mail? If so, please PM me.

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Yes he emailed my hobby address which is only posted on this site and my escort site. (My escort site address is only posted here)

PMing you soon
Awnaw's Avatar
  • Awnaw
  • 07-26-2013, 04:47 PM
Not a minister, but I am the son of one. So needless to say I have several skeletons tucked away(not literally of course) just when I read what he sent in the context of why he sent it to her. Had to throw my two cents in. Really tired of seeing over grown children making it harder on hard working men...... And women in is particular case.
christylynn's Avatar
Mary beth i was just gonna say get your hair done make yourself feel good. sometimes for me its just taking my dog for a walk to forget a bad week. and that pimp u can forget him you dont need him. he needs you to make his lifestyle a reality and not a fantasy. keep your head up.
LittleRockLover's Avatar
I know some Caucasian providers that date black men exclusively in their personal life but won't see them in the hobby. One of the reasons I have heard is that their AA boyfriend (sometimes pimp) don't mind them fucking and sucking white dick in the hobby because they know their snow bunny is not really attracted to white boyz. Bottom line, they want to make sure that they are the only BBD she plays with.

Different strokes for different folks. We all should respect each others preferences.

Mary Beth - we have yet to meet although we have communicated. You seem like a sweetheart and I hope everything is looking up for you soon!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
We'll meet soon, LittleRockLover

I just got moved to my new place (view of the pool and weight room!) And everything seems to be working out so far. Keeping my head up though
I rarely actually post on this forum, but this topic just makes me want to respond. I'm a black guy, and it is extremely difficult to find a provider at times, but if someone doesn't want to see me because they assume that I'm a thug (even though I'm highly educated and make a six-figure income) then that's their loss. I have about three providers at any given time that will see me, and it's only when one of those three aren't available that it's a pain trying to find someone that will hang out with me. I know that some black guys get offended by those of you that are "NBA", but I don't let it upset me because I know who I am, and I know that I'm not the pants-sagging black kids you see in hip hop videos like some of you assume that all black guys are.
LittleRockLover's Avatar
Well said Lookie and I agree. I wish more people would see that it is about the content of our character and not the pigmentation of our skin. It goes back to that Sunday School song I learned as a child... "Red, yellow, black & white, their all precious in his sight".....