Pink Floyd's Avatar
Where is Obama on this one - out playing golf.
This will be gone and forgotten in a day or two...typical liberal media
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-20-2013, 04:52 PM
Have a trial, find them guilty, take them out to the courthouse square, put a bullet between their eyes. Leave em lay there for the buzzards, and the flies to pick their sorry ass bones clean. Fuck those three cocksuckers, bet they all had oscumbo phones also.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Post the link CORPY!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Tie their worthless asses down to fire ant hills and televise the fun. Where is that fucking asshole Obama on this? That's right he is shedding tears over his Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is doing what we should do to the street gangs. Hunt them down like the cockroaches they are.
Post the link CORPY! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He did post the link Yobyssis Rider...
A news source that actually contains names and photos of the accused? What a concept! Originally Posted by ramblinman69
I bet Obama, Sharpton, Beyonce, Oprah, et. all won't say a thing about this.
JCM800's Avatar
Where is Obama on this one - out playing golf. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
nope ....he's busy with the '72 Dolphins
roaringfork's Avatar
Stories such as this always remind me of the explanation I once heard offered by a young female psychologist after a similar incident: "Some people just feel so unvalued...."
I B Hankering's Avatar
Post the link CORPY! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A citation was provided, you ignorant, dumb-fuck golem jackass.
Obama must be so proud of his son killing the baseball player!
On the news tonight one of the fucktards still thinks it is a joke.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If Obama had a son he would look and act just like the thugs that killed that boy because they were bored.
If Obama had a son he would look and act just like the thugs that killed that boy because they were bored. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Where 2Pups reaches his conclusions! ----->
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A citation was provided, you ignorant, dumb-fuck golem jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
THE LINK was never posted, you lying sack of shit. NEVER. Except of course, by ME!

Can't dance around the truth, you fecally obsessed creep.

Deny the truth. Come on!