Police use Taser on 95 year old man in retirement home, then use bean bag round to his gut, which killed him.

LexusLover's Avatar
One of these days people are going to realize that one does not attack law enforcement officers.

One of these days. Until then there will be more incidents like this one.

May be the old vet was having flashbacks ... was the officer "oriental" in appearance?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All too often the police act with impunity because the political system backs them up. The government is all about controlling the population and if you do not show that you are capable of dealing immediate justice you lose control. It is necessary for the general populace to have a certain amount of fear of the "authorities" or you can no longer keep them in control.
LexusLover's Avatar
All too often the police act with impunity because the political system backs them up. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
What started this reported event flowing in the wrong direction?

It is unfortunate (tragic) that the old guy died from what is considered a nonlethal weapon ... but more than likely had he not tried to attack officers with his cane then this thread wouldn't exist.

His age doesn't matter.
Sure his age matters. More specifically his aged, physical condition. Whats the policy if a 6 year old attacks? My guess, the officers are to physically restrain the child until restraints can be applied, not to hit them with a Taser. Same principle.

How many officers where there? And a Taser didn't disable this guy? Ridiculous. Most of them need to be disciplined and the committee who writes their procedures disciplined.
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  • 08-31-2013, 12:16 PM
Sure his age matters. More specifically his aged, physical condition. Whats the policy if a 6 year old attacks? My guess, the officers are to physically restrain the child until restraints can be applied, not to hit them with a Taser. Same principle.

How many officers where there? And a Taser didn't disable this guy? Ridiculous. Most of them need to be disciplined and the committee who writes their procedures disciplined. Originally Posted by gnadfly

If you feel the need to taser a 95 year old human being you should not be on the police force. Period. God Damn, I agree with JD and gnadfly on this one.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
: God Damn, I agree with JD and gnadfly on this one. Originally Posted by WTF
Kinda leaves a sulpher taste in the back of your mouth, huh?
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
One of these days people are going to realize that one does not attack law enforcement officers.

One of these days. Until then there will be more incidents like this one.

May be the old vet was having flashbacks ... was the officer "oriental" in appearance? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Wait wut? The guy was in a wheelchair wasn't he? Damn I think it all got started when he was refusing some medical aid.. and the stupid nursing staff called the cops. I think that in itself is retarded that he is in some nursing care home and they feel the need to call the cops, because he doesn't want medical care or help? I dunno, there are way too many of these type police reports these days.
LexusLover's Avatar

If you feel the need to taser a 95 year old human being you should not be on the police force. Period. God Damn, I agree with JD and gnadfly on this one. Originally Posted by WTF
That seems to be contraproductive of you WEEDING out the old folks!
LexusLover's Avatar
Sure his age matters. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If he is assaulting nursing staff and/or the police with his cane ... his age doesn't matter ...

..... using a 6-year-old as an example is not a valid comparison ... #1 ... in most states 6 is too young for the juvenile system and therefore the police to "handle" ...

.... in both instances the officer(s) used generally considered "nonlethal" responses ...

even though Tazers, bean bags, and pepper spray CAN KILL ... just like a cane CAN KILL.

Wrestling the guy to the ground and putting restraints on him "could have" killed him also.

If you wan to blame every friggin thing that happens you don't like on police and give everyone else a pass on their behavior ... then so be it, but don't make up lame excuses.
thisguy23's Avatar
A feel good thread here, I don't fucking believe it.

Group Hug Everyone!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-31-2013, 07:05 PM
That seems to be contraproductive of you WEEDING out the old folks! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't want to weed out the spunky old bastards like this guy, just the selfish old fucks that want the younger generation to pay for their end of life care no matter the costs!

Kinda leaves a sulpher taste in the back of your mouth, huh? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'm just glad to see that those two can get one right every now and again.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-31-2013, 07:12 PM

Just a reminder on the criminal(s) LL is for tasering!
Demintica. FUCKERS...Quit crying, yea it's sad.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just a reminder on the criminal(s) LL is for tasering! Originally Posted by WTF
As opposed to drilling them with a .40 round, yes, .......... or bean bag ..

......... if the criminal is engaged in aggravated assault with a non-firearm-explosive weapon.
LexusLover's Avatar
...Quit crying, yea it's sad. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It makes them feel better to whine and cry ...

........ while they are sending them to the death panels for end of life treatment decisions.