When is too big...too big?

jjchmiel78's Avatar
Having a big dick is like being rich. Wish I had either problem for a change of pace.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I no longer allow the cowgirl position. Heard a snap and was very painful for lonnnnng time. OK now but I have no wish to repeat the experience. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Heard that porn star Prince Yashua just broke his dick for a second time lol. OUCH! Dunno if it was in cg but he liked doing a lot of interesting moves in his pornos.
Well I thought I was just average in both categories. The last 2 providers I met said i was big for the hobby industry. Whatever that means. Lol but both thanked me for being gentle!
I no longer allow the cowgirl position. Heard a snap and was very painful for lonnnnng time. OK now but I have no wish to repeat the experience. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
My eyes watered just reading that
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely aware that none of the women I have met through this hobby could possibly find me attractive in "civilian" life. Originally Posted by budmanstrong1975
Not true! You are quite attractive AND a delight...in more ways than one! ;-)
Not true! You are quite attractive AND a delight...in more ways than one! ;-) Originally Posted by LayneLaughlin
Well, thank you love! You're a beautiful person yourself, and certainly one with whom any gentleman would be quite blessed to spend time!
burkalini's Avatar
I heard I was too big once. It was the cleaning lady when I was trying to fuck the door lock. I gave her a ten dollar tip went looking for a knothole.
snowbeard's Avatar
As several have said, I don't worry about being too big. I hope that when I visit a lady that she sees me as a gentle man who is gentlemanly. The overall experience of the hourly relationship depends upon more than physical size, personally or equipment, IMO.

As Lady Y said, some of us try to accommodate in other aspects of the visit, even if we are not always successful in that venture.
'Too big' has been a problem. Some women love the size, and some shy away. It depends on the woman to determine if I'm too big. I can usually tell by her expressions and reactions if she wants me to take it easy at first. As for Greek, I have to assume it won't happen.
I will tell you this... It is a huge ego boost when a professional provider's face and eyes light up when she first sees was she has to work with.