What does “Verified” actually mean?

OldGrump's Avatar
I may have missed something but why not:

1. Post a review.
2. Post a short one-liner in her Welcome Wagon thread.
3. Report your experience to Gina in case she tries to get a P411 account.
4. Give us a better clue.
5. All of the above.

If we don't look after each other, who will? Zagat doesn't have a category for the menu served here.
melannie_star's Avatar
I think I know who the provider is, I contacted her about a review special...

she said she gives a five-finger discount Originally Posted by Chung Tran

On a serious note that is a shame about who ever that provider may be and there is a reason she is not yet verified I'm sure. Lazy for sure is the best way I can put it. It's a shame. I wish the best for the OP and I agree, outing her will save a lot of men on this board some grief and will help us ladies out as well.Have a great day!
corona's Avatar
Make with the information EXCHANGE already bub...
Please pm her info
jerkn2u's Avatar
The pen is mightier than the sword. Write a review, put her name on this thread, write about her in the welcome wagon, and post an alert.. She'll be verified but what does that mean if she has 0 clients.. I'm just sayin'
boomvang's Avatar
I have to ask this question (so please forgive me in advance) - did she steal your stereo?

and....was it a Kenwood? Originally Posted by SD2011
You must be kidding its a Denon, And she didn't get it. Now the one I had before was taken by a woman under much different circumstance. Let's just say it was part of a severance package.

Thank's for responding everybody, To have your character complimented by people that only know you from reading about things that set you off is a real compliment and not one I would ever expect from people that actually know me.

A thread ain't a thread without taint, Pyramider

This woman is not a problem right now I promise and when/if she is soon I will sing like a canary. That's all I can say. I was warned about this from a couple of the mods, but does anybody ever actually listen to them? I probably should have. My reason for posting was to bitch about how little influence someone that has been around 10 -12 years has when he knows something is bad, I never thought that becoming Verified included a background check or a blood test. After all they did let me in didn't they. But in all my time around here and all the things I've said I haven't ever even been issued points. That may change very soon. BUT it was very frustrating to tried and head something off and find out that there was absolutely no preemptive strike I could make. I was so pissed off by that I went ahead and made this post. In hindsight (always 20/20). A review, an alert, or just a comment on her first review would have been much more intelligent, Unfortunately when I get pisssed off that is the first thing I loose. I promise everyone of you that when this situation changes I will be Johnny on the spot. It really was a bad feeling to let someone in your house, only to find out minutes later that you had been ripped off.

I had every intention of stirring up some shit. But my recipe has to have be off, Because this just isn't the shit I had in mind. Its just a reminder that a limp dick can come from anywhere.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-24-2013, 02:30 PM
You also have to remember, that if they just took every member who has been around a while.. took their word as golden, we would have a LOT more agenda bullshit than we already do. Most people never use their powers for good.
Uh Oh..bandwidth wasting..."Gosh I always wanted to be under ~ze~"

More to the point, verified means they can fog a mirror, collect the fee and pretend to have enjoyable sex with you. Maybe. The third qualification is not an imperative.
pmdelites's Avatar
...On a serious note that is a shame about who ever that provider may be and there is a reason she is not yet verified I'm sure. ... I wish the best for the OP and I agree, outing her will save a lot of men on this board some grief and will help us ladies out as well.Have a great day! Originally Posted by melannie_star
perhaps you meant publicize her hobby/provider name, link to ad, etc.

Outing is publicizing real life information and is not at all discrete!!!!!!!!!!
boomvang's Avatar
[QUOTE=~Ze~;1054056799]You also have to remember, that if they just took every member who has been around a while.. took their word as golden, we would have a LOT more agenda bullshit than we already do. Most people never use their powers for good.[/

Ze, What are you Catholic? That's a little jaded even for me. I know what I stand for and I thought everyone else here did too. Truth, Justice and the American Way,

Every one that got that should just go have a nap before supper time.
pmdelites's Avatar
boomvang, sorry that you had a such a undeliteful, hell, crappy encounter with that woman. if you know for sure that she carried off your property, you could file a police report. at a minimum, i think you should let us know who she is so she doesnt carry off someone else's property.

wrt "verified" provider.

For those that want to know, here is the How to get verifyed post.
http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=455269 Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
"Submit your info to the staff at dallas@eccie.net
1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted."

"verified" and "legit" have a special defn when used here in eccie land.
all it means it what is quoted above.

smdh. All the instructional and educational posts and this is still a problem?

Cheap unverified pussy ain't good and good verified pussy ain't cheap.

This one must have no Midi-chlorians in his system at all. he will never make it past storm trooper.
Interesting that this year old post was bumped suddenly...hmm? Maybe not. Yo no se...
That was my bad. I got multiple windows confused with a search and just sounded off on a few old threads.

My apologies.

I was PWI.

Fortunately, it is more of a suggestion now than the fast and hard rule it once was.
Boltfan's Avatar
Bumped old, yet more relevant that ever, especially considering some can't help but repeat mistakes of the past.

Beside, the midiclorians work in was genius.