8 billion cost overrun, where's the outrage?

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  • CJ7
  • 10-30-2013, 08:57 AM
Obama stated in at least two occasions there is 200 BILLION dollars of Medicare fraud a year. THAT'S 200,000,000,000 dollars A YEAR.

It makes this 8 Billion dollar overrun paltry.

I read your article and stopped when I saw one of the contractors was Accenture. We don't let them in our shop anymore. Originally Posted by gnadfly

all of you idiots prolly don't care if the AHCA battles fraud do you?

Tough new rules and sentences for criminals: The law increases federal sentencing guidelines for health care fraud by 20-50% for crimes with over $1 million in losses.
Enhanced screening: Providers and suppliers who may pose a higher risk of fraud or abuse are now required to undergo more scrutiny, including license checks and site visits.
State-of-the-art technology: To target resources to highly suspect behaviors, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services now uses advanced predictive modeling technology.
New resources: The law provides an additional $350 million over 10 years to boost anti-fraud efforts.

Learn more about how the Affordable Care Act fights fraud
So I guess what you're saying is we can't walk and chew gum at the same time? Originally Posted by drluv1
No, what I'm saying is what I wrote. You coming to this "conclusion" is causing alarm bells to go off.

No doubt there is waste and abuse in the medicare system and The Obama administration has recovered twice as much as the previous administration from the abusers. The 200 billion figure is only an estimate, the official GAO figure is 48 billion. Originally Posted by drluv1
I'm only quoting what the President said twice. I read the 48 billion dollar figure somewhere. I wonder why he didn't use that number.

Do you think that my example is the only cost overrun? Originally Posted by drluv1
More bells are going off. How old do you think I am?

It's estimated that 1/3 of major pentagon expenditures have cost overruns. For instance in 2007, in 95 pentagon programs audited there were 295 billion in cost overruns. That figure is not "paltry". Originally Posted by drluv1
I see, you have a reading comprehension issue. I was comparing $200Billion in "fraud" to $8 billion in "cost overruns" - not to entire national defense budget "overrun." You also have an inability to draw logical conclusions.

Moreover, What threats to US security justify spending 650 billion on defense? Explain the benefit to taxpayers of the 3 or 4 trillion spent on the Iraq and afghanistan wars. Originally Posted by drluv1

The process started in the bush administration, it's just anther problem that bush left for Obama to clean up. Originally Posted by drluv1
Full blown "Bush Derangement Syndrome." Wait in BigKotex's refrigerator until he gets back from his elk hunting trip, he'll welcome you.

all of you idiots prolly don't care if the AHCA battles fraud do you? Originally Posted by CJ7
What a dumbass troll would say for $1000, Alex.