News Story of Interest

TinMan's Avatar
Based on the extensive story in the DMN, LE knew something was up. Pretty obvious when your target closes shop as you're about to raid it.

They started leaning on the girlfriend, as well as the studio owners, and eventually got their man. His using his RW phone for hobbying made it easier, but they already had his name.

His days were numbered when he decided to date a studio girl. It was just a matter of time.
TinMan's Avatar
Double post
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Stupidity is always a liability.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't understand why the other girls at the studio ratted him out. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
A surprisingly high number of people -- certainly a majority -- just can't keep their mouths shut about anything. If you are the kind of person who can, it's shocking to watch. But as a lawyer, you see it all the time. If a lay witness has bern told not to reveal something, just give them enough time and they will blurt it out.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-17-2013, 07:03 AM
A surprisingly high number of people -- certainly a majority -- just can't keep their mouths shut about anything. If you are the kind of person who can, it's shocking to watch. But as a lawyer, you see it all the time. If a lay witness has bern told not to reveal something, just give them enough time and they will blurt it out. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I never understood "The Tell Tale Heart" for the same reason, it just so seems to be against your own interest to reveal things. In addition, he was helping those girls out - they owed him something in return. Perhaps they didn't understand they would ruin his life.
forkboy's Avatar
Keep your mouth shut until your lawyer tells you to open it. If your rep is any good you've already been rehearsed to say what is needed. Nothing more ever!
Interesting things to note, DPD was not involved in the investigation. It required the FBI and Coppell PD to take action. It appears that DPD's vice unit is non-existent or they have all become customers, which is more likely.
A surprisingly high number of people -- certainly a majority -- just can't keep their mouths shut about anything. If you are the kind of person who can, it's shocking to watch. But as a lawyer, you see it all the time. If a lay witness has bern told not to reveal something, just give them enough time and they will blurt it out. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Or they get coerced with threats to their own safety and well-being (jail) if they don't cooperate. Most people wouldn't snitch for the sake of snitching. They do it to save their own asses from something *they perceive* as worse.

Its about riding out the pressure of what may come if they don't give LE what they want. Some people can't handle it; they miss the bigger picture.

Jose shoulda briefed the girls or told his atf to brief them about how to hold it together when/if a raid were to happen. Obviously he wasnt thinking things thru very far anyway or he WOULD HAVE HAD A FUCKING HOBBY PHONE!!!!

Hobby number folks! Hobby number!! If you take nothing else away from this unfortunate story, at the very least get ur ass a hobby phone! A good lawyer maybe could have created reasonable doubt around the witness IDs or shitty surveillance videos but the phone number!! The dood's personal WORK number! That was what really fucked him in the end.
It reminds me of when pot-growing Nancy on "Weeds" was dating a DEA agent.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Heard through the grapevine that he was extorting her more than supporting her.
Don't know if that's true or not but that would explain some things about his lack of caution and the tables turning on him.
Wow!!! Life imitates art!!

That's what happened to Nancy on "Weeds"! The DEA agent (through surveillance) heard her saying that she didn't love him and was going to end things after her current harvest was done. Then he extorted money from her.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Hummm ... To me all this raids sound more like someone didn't pay his dues to high government officials in exchange of protection or there was a problem with two of the main trafficking subjects we don't discuss here that even brought the FBI into the scene ...

C'mon, If we were in charge of the vice unit against prostitution or some other trafficking, we will exactly know where and where to hit ... They are pros, its their Job ... and we think they don't know what we know?

Again, this as many other illicit businesses like the bootleggers at its time, couldnt operate with a substantial high government officials help and protection ...

Just ask Nooky Thompson tonight ... LOL
Maybe that's why the AMPs are considered more safe. Asians handle their shit. Ghetto-ass self-minded Americans get greedy and stupid a lot easier than a tight knit bunch of group-minded Asians. Ijs

I'm just thinking out loud here so don't hold it against me please. It was just a thought.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-17-2013, 10:18 PM
Maybe that's why the AMPs are considered more safe. Asians handle their shit. Ghetto-ass self-minded Americans get greedy and stupid a lot easier than a tight knit bunch of group-minded Asians. Ijs

I'm just thinking out loud here so don't hold it against me please. It was just a thought. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Maybe the girls invent a story about being promised a job as a waitress and getting coerced into the business, or feign an inability to speak English.
No doubt! I'm sure they do get promised legit jobs and end up trapped in and AMP. And worse even. My point is that Asian cultures systematically focuses on the group, whereas American culture focuses on the individual. When it comes to owning and operating a utr enterprise, the former is more likely to persevere.