Age differences

My benefactor is almost 40 years my senior. When people see us they say, "there's LilMynx and her own personal J Howard Marshall."

I love the power and money that come with being with an older wealthy's my aphrodisiac.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I've been with those at each end of the spectrum and have enjoyed both for various reasons. I've always had a bit of a "dirty old man complex," that being said, varity is the spice of life!

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I personally prefer older gentleman because the young ones can be hotheads...I would make an exception as long as he is respectful!
I've been with those at each end of the spectrum and have enjoyed both for various reasons. I've always had a bit of a "dirty old man complex," that being said, varity is the spice of life!

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
We have so much in common. xoxo
Squarenot's Avatar
Welcome to this sport SS.
Age gaps around here are not a problem generally, and you should not be intimidated whatsoever. If you have cash - you are good to go. And, if you can satisfy a woman - then you are golden.
I am near your age too. Consider your involvement in this sport as a reason to hit the gym and follow a more healthy life-style. This sport can keep you young.
Happy trails.
Good to hear something from the other side of the table. Young and Female. Appreciated all the feedback from the guys, but another prospective is always best. More interesting in what way?
I sure all of us gizzers would love to hear this from straight from the mouth of babes!!!!
I am new to the hobby and relatively new to Texas. I have seen a lovely range of suitors and am not sure I would limit myself by saying I have an absolute preference - as someone said earlier, everyone brings something great and different to the dance... But that said, I am enchanted by the older Texas gentleman. Most have so far been smart, successful, sweet - absolute perfect company. Great conversation, laughs, dinner, but attentive and experienced BCD. With a longer date, stamina and repeat performance aren't a problem. And with of us both being just a little closer in age, more to talk about between acts. I am 39 but petite and look younger than my years, so perhaps the best of both worlds. I am new, as well, so have passion, enthusiasm, a genuine interest, but great life experience. I'm old enough not to draw uncomfortable attention, but look young enough, and striking for any age, to make any man look good with me on his arm. And my reviews are anything to go by, seem to have a knack for the hobby, lol xxx

The lovely thing about the hobby is there is something / someone for everyone. Go get em, SS!!

rz7crs's Avatar
I was a dirty young man long before I became a dirty old man. Age truly is just a number. Do whatever makes you happy!
It is not so much the age but the attitude.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 02-08-2014, 03:52 PM
It is not so much the age but the attitude. Originally Posted by Truly Passion
what she said.
Doglegg's Avatar
55 here, and been hobbying almost ten years.

My preference is 30's although I have found a certain black provider around 25 and up that makes me feel as special as the 30ish ladies that I also see.

We have an 50+ Asian down here that is an absolute ass kicker (as in GREAT time) that if you are lucky enough to connect with that can make me feel great as well.

The younger ones (early twenties) just don't have the TCB and BCD skills that make my experience as enjoyable, but that of course is my opinion and true as anything else, YMMV.

Find the ones with patience and a very good mix of TCB and BCD and they can be the right cup of tea regardless of age.

Have fun!

Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm in my late 40s. I prefer younger ladies. Most of the ones I have been seeing lately are mid 20s to early 30s. That is fine with me, but I would like younger 18-22, college co-ed types.
Late 50s here. I'm really interested in this thread.

I have a couple of favorite ladies in their 40s that I see.....I really seem to click with them. They're smart and talented.

But I would lie if I said I didn't find some of the younger gals really hot. But I've held off 'cause, well, isn't it silly for me to presume upon these younger gals? Doesn't it seem.......well.......creepy?

Please understand, I'm not criticising you older guys who see younger gals. More power to you. But unlike you I look my age, and I'd like an honest answer from the gals: how can you handle seeing a guy 40 years your senior?

Just like it would not be right to show up for a session drunk or dirty, it just would not be fair to impose my old self on a 21 year old.
Hands_on_alot's Avatar
I've always liked women in their 30's. I loved them when I was in my 20's. My experience with women in their twenties was that they were emotionally immature and didn't know what they were doing BCD. I still love them in my 50's, they're just younger than me now.

My ATF is HunterGrace and she has pretty much taken me off the market. The perfect part-time mistress.
The rule to tell if a woman is too young for you is your age divided by two, then add 10. So if you're 50, a woman under 35 is too young for you.

But rules are made to be broken.