Dr. James D Manning on Obama

bambino's Avatar
Among other accusations, he called Obama's mother "white trash" for becoming pregnant by a black man out of wedlock,[13] an issue he discussed during a press conference at the National Press Club on December 8, 2008.[14]
It is common knowledge that African men, coming from the continent of Africa—especially for the first time—do diligently seek out white women to have sexual intercourse with. Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with these men. So it's usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they're going to have sex.


Yea or Nay.
Originally Posted by CJ7
I never said he was a racist... EVER.


reading and comprehension isn't a strong suit for a select few. Originally Posted by CJ7
You pretty much insinuated it. Quit trying to hide behind your silly bullshit, you know what your message really was and so does everyone else.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2013, 11:56 AM
You pretty much insinuated it. Quit trying to hide behind your silly bullshit, you know what your message really was and so does everyone else. Originally Posted by acp5762


if you're a black man, James doesn't like you all that much.. another bible banging Baptist loudmouth .... until Obie showed up, he was best known for hammering Black men because they fucked white women ... racist?

you decide

I gave YOU some rope, and a tree... You did the rest.
bambino's Avatar
No more racist than The "Reverand" Jessi Jackson calling NYC Hymie town.

if you're a black man, James doesn't like you all that much.. another bible banging Baptist loudmouth .... until Obie showed up, he was best known for hammering Black men because they fucked white women ... racist?

you decide

I gave YOU some rope, and a tree... You did the rest. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well lets see if you can loosen that noose around your neck. Is Manning a Racist or non racist?
bambino's Avatar
The important word in Hardings talk was failure. Of course liberal pukes are going to deflect the complete failure that Obama is and play the race card. They're experts at it. It's all they have. Maybe CJ will list all of Obamas successes. Lowering his handicap doesn't qualify.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Well lets see if you can loosen that noose around your neck. Is Manning a Racist or non racist? Originally Posted by acp5762
I don't care either way ... Manning is a birther, and Tea Party activist, and a total idiot IMO ... notice the birth certificate sign over his left shoulder in the video ?

Nuff said.
I don't care either way ... Manning is a birther, and Tea Party activist, and a total idiot IMO ... notice the birth certificate sign over his left shoulder in the video ?

Nuff said. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well it's obvious you didn't like the question cause you couldn't answer it. Instead you dodged it by going off on a tangent proclaiming Manning as a Tea Party activist and a Birther. Which incidentally has nothing to do with racism. I'll clarify Manning like this. He doesn't hate Blacks nor is Manning a racist. Manning's attitude towards Blacks is his disappointment in Blacks in the way they view the world politically, Religiously and Socially. That's all it is with him, and he projects himself very bluntly.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2013, 03:46 PM
Well it's obvious you didn't like the question cause you couldn't answer it. Instead you dodged it by going off on a tangent proclaiming Manning as a Tea Party activist and a Birther. Which incidentally has nothing to do with racism. I'll clarify Manning like this. He doesn't hate Blacks nor is Manning a racist. Manning's attitude towards Blacks is his disappointment in Blacks in the way they view the world politically, Religiously and Socially. That's all it is with him, and he projects himself very bluntly. Originally Posted by acp5762

sure I did ... what part of "I don't care" escapes you.


would I be a racist if I said "back men are trash for sleeping with white women"

Manning is an idiot Birther.
sure I did ... what part of "I don't care" escapes you.


would I be a racist if I said "back men are trash for sleeping with white women"

Manning is an idiot Birther. Originally Posted by CJ7
Nothing escapes me. Saying you don't care isn't an answer. That sort of reply is open ended so you can plug and play as you go along.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2013, 04:54 PM
Nothing escapes me. Saying you don't care isn't an answer. That sort of reply is open ended so you can plug and play as you go along. Originally Posted by acp5762
fine, argue with yourself. I've said everything that I wanted to say.
bambino's Avatar
Of course CJ is babbling on. He still hasn't come up with any Obama success stories. He's still trying to conjure up some bullshit.
Of course CJ is babbling on. He still hasn't come up with any Obama success stories. He's still trying to conjure up some bullshit. Originally Posted by bambino
CJ thinks Oblabla "IS" great but that depends on what....

I B Hankering's Avatar
Of course CJ is babbling on. He still hasn't come up with any Obama success stories. He's still trying to conjure up some bullshit. Originally Posted by bambino
Now that's not true, Odumbo, deservedly earned Politifact's "Lie Of The Year" award. CBJ7 is just too shy to talk about it.
fine, argue with yourself. I've said everything that I wanted to say. Originally Posted by CJ7
Nice Punt, hahahaha.