best at giving refs?

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Betsi is the best I've ever found at giving ref's the quickest.

Kat is a close 2nd and one thing I love about Kat's references is how detailed they are. She really knows her men and knows what they like -- she shares her insider secrets on how to please them.

Angelina Adams is another one that gives extremely detailed references.

Ella is pretty lightening quick and adds helpful info.

I could go on and on. The girls in Austin really take care of each other and it's so nice to have such a wonderful community of ladies.

The only ones I have a problem with are out of towners.
Topshelf Tess, Sensual Sophia and Kat... but I'm biased
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 09-15-2010, 07:57 AM
-- she shares her insider secrets on how to please them. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Is this typical? Although the main purpose of a reference is "Is the guy safe?", do most ladies share info about the guys likes, dislikes, techniques, etc?
Makes me wonder just how much information they are keeping on us, and for how long.

I want references, but don't want them keeping any more information than they have to.
I can't speak for everyone. I don't keep personal info on gents. However its nice to let the next lady know say for example, jo blow is a very sweet and repectable guy. I had a blast with him and would not blink an eye at seeing him again! However just so you know, Joe Blow does not like for you to touch his hair and he loves DFK and is very good at it. I have fun and tell im I said hey!

There is nothing like, hey Joe Blow works for Dell and has 3 kids that play baseball. Oh and here is his work number and house number ect... at least I have never come across anythig like that.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I can't speak for everyone. I don't keep personal info on gents. However its nice to let the next lady know say for example, jo blow is a very sweet and repectable guy. I had a blast with him and would not blink an eye at seeing him again! However just so you know, Joe Blow does not like for you to touch his hair and he loves DFK and is very good at it. I have fun and tell im I said hey!

There is nothing like, hey Joe Blow works for Dell and has 3 kids that play baseball. Oh and here is his work number and house number ect... at least I have never come across anythig like that. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne


I have never shared personal info such as address or real name, etc.

But I have a cliient for example that does not like BBBJs, but rather prefers CBJs. I think the next lady would like to know that so she doesn't automatically try to do a BBBJ and he freaks out. (that could be a slight buzz kill on the mood)

Or another 1 of my previous friends uses lamb skin condoms instead of regular latex ones....I think the lovely would like to know this beforehand.

Just my input before guys start really freaking out on the info we may or may not have.

But of course, I can only speak for myself.

Genesis Nicole~
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 09-15-2010, 12:26 PM
Or another 1 of my previous friends uses lamb skin condoms instead of regular latex ones....I think the lovely would like to know this beforehand.
Uh, not trying to get another one started, just FYI :

Trojan Naturalamb lambskin condoms are the finest lambskin condoms available. These condoms help prevent pregnancy, but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
I do my best to reply as soon as I can.
Sometimes I must ask for additional info to 'jog' my memory.
(darn 'Some-timer's Syndrome')lol
I ONLY give my vouch, if I actually DO remember!
There's NOWAY I could keep my own peice of mind, otherwise.

My standard vouch, gives no real personal info.
Tips or otherwise, unless specifically asked.
Here's an example.

Donation Correct,
Hygiene Good,
Polite & Respectful.
Please tell him I said Hi & ya'll have fun"

As for those that have been timely & reference friendly...
TOO many to list, I have yet to have a problem with any vouch I have requested
I keep most info. Upstairs and I never forget who has treated me with respect and who hasn't. I always let the lady know a very brief description of my experience with that client. Ie....client is very nice, somewhat shy, mid. 30's, and likes dfk. Or client seemed nice but had terrible body odor and oral hygiene and reviews show a history of never being pleased.QUOTE=JJones;589935]Makes me wonder just how much information they are keeping on us, and for how long.

I want references, but don't want them keeping any more information than they have to.[/QUOTE]
blenderhead's Avatar
Is this typical? Although the main purpose of a reference is "Is the guy safe?", do most ladies share info about the guys likes, dislikes, techniques, etc? Originally Posted by ezman
I got to talking about references with one girl and she gave me an example of what she would share about me if asked, which included a lot of way too personal info and also about what she thought I liked in sessions. Her intentions were good, but I don't like that one bit. There's no excuse for giving out personal info, ever. And likes/dislikes are pointless, because I'm not that predictable. What I like depends on who I'm with.
Btw...I have only given maybe one or two references like my latter example! Just in case anyone was wondering I don't even save numbers in my hobby phone and I try to keep my email inbox empty. Most of the references between ladies look like this.....have you seen so and so and is he safe? Do you approve? Yes he is safe, clean, and respectful. Sometimes girls will say...doesn't ring a bell. Can you give me more info? At that point the lady needs something significant to remember you by. UOTE=BritneyBangs;597359]I keep most info. Upstairs and I never forget who has treated me with respect and who hasn't. I always let the lady know a very brief description of my experience with that client. Ie....client is very nice, somewhat shy, mid. 30's, and likes dfk. Or client seemed nice but had terrible body odor and oral hygiene and reviews show a history of never being pleased.QUOTE=JJones;589935]Makes me wonder just how much information they are keeping on us, and for how long.

I want references, but don't want them keeping any more information than they have to.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Agree totally BlenderHead......

Safe, respectful, gentleman, and trusted should be pretty much all that is needed, just because one session with one provider is Type A Session does not mean with the next provider will be Type A Session, it just might be Type C... Sort of comes back to Chemistry.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My info is from memory which you can verify by the number of times ladies would call & it was obvious I was responding off the top of my head. Also, when clients request a referral to someone who may have a certain forte or fit a fantasy he's shared, that's an obvious piece of info to be shared when supplying the reference. Geez! No reason to jump to the wrong conclusions immediately, now is there? Just being artfully vague in our responses here so as to avoid that misperception but it doesn't seem to have worked. Anyway, discretion is always job 1 as a provider for obvious and understood reasons.

Our provider network has been more close-knit in the past than recently, however still remains viable in regard to quickly obtaining responses to verify requests. My A-list:

Betzi - prompt & thorough
SarahSmiles - " "
SensualSophia - prompt & thorough

Frankly, I haven't had to verify many reference requests of late as most of my clients are regulars or referred in advance by other ladies. Also, there's been a notable increase in the number of hobbyists using P411 for scheduling which further facilitates efficient TCB. Way to go, Folks!

Have fun out there!
blenderhead's Avatar
Geez! No reason to jump to the wrong conclusions immediately, now is there? Just being artfully vague in our responses here so as to avoid that misperception but it doesn't seem to have worked. Anyway, discretion is always job 1 as a provider for obvious and understood reasons. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
In my case I actually had this conversation with a girl and she told me in great detail what kind of references she likes to give and receive. And in case anybody reading this likes to do it the same way, I figured it would be good to let you know that for some of us discretion is extremely important. Even if you think the information you're passing along is innocent, it would be better to err on the side of caution and stick with the basics. This girl obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with giving out the information she did, so there may be others here that think the same way.

When I read that a provider gives extra information I tend not to want to see that provider. One of the providers (not any of you girls) that has at some point been mentioned as one that gives extra information in references also gave me unsolicited information about various clients during our session. She may have thought she didn't give enough facts, but I knew who one of the clients was and the other was unique enough that the information could easily be googled. I don't have a P411 OK for her for that reason, because what if she was contacted for a reference and gave all kinds of info about me? Will I see her again and let her find out more information about me? No.

Please, just be discrete.
WOW.......Blenderhead.....just wow.

Sorry I guess the word discretion was never mention to her in the game, I wonder if she has anything to lose? Maybe not since she was so easy to mention others information.

I too hope that other providers will look at what you have posted and take in consideration of such.

You have a PM.