Biden will do exactly what he did during the 2009 H1n1 pandemic - exactly nothing.
Turns out - against the advice of eh 'medical experts' - that - and protecting the elderly and immunosuppresed vulnerable - may be the best management.
Sweden has emerged from teh pandemic after not locking down. and doing well
Spain had rigorous economy shattering lockdowns - and now that they are loosened up - virus is back - with Spanish government threatening more lockdowns on an economy already shattered. Citizens are on the verge of revolt at the economic damage.
Comrade dumBlasio has instituted a fiat requiring masks (For everyone except Dumblasio and family) - and fines rigorously enforced. Second time offenders will go directly to riker's island for -re-education. Third time offenders will 'disappear' - into the hudson river/shipment to china to their -re-education camps with the Uighurs. .