Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

Ignorant fucs like you do not understand numbers. Right now we are paying for folks that do not have insurance by way of ER care. Now at least they will be taxed(according to the SC) . Dumb fucs like you seem to have no other solution. Originally Posted by WTF
Nice rebuttal, you moronic buffoon. The numbers don't work out even with the 12 million young healthy people pay the tax. They are ONLY 12 million against 120 million in a nation of 310 million.

But the numbers always work out with you because you keep your own scorecard.

I agree with taxing folks that use services that they do not pay for (like ER).....

Hard choices need to be made, unlike you chickenshits, I voice mine. You crybabies want limited government on one hand and then scream like two year olds when that limited government might effect you or yours. Originally Posted by WTF
So why aren't you screaming against Obamacare? There are 70 million in Medicaid. Its going to expand it several more million. Wouldn't you agree that many of those people haven't paid a DIME into medicaid and probably more Grannies haven't paid in nearly what they put in? Tough choices need to be made someone said.

Moronic buffoon hypocrite.
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 07:07 AM
"Originally Posted by WTF
Is Medicaid working out for us? People are living longer. "

Originally Posted by LexusLover

Is Medicaid working out for us?

! Originally Posted by LexusLover

People are living longer. "

LexusLiar, can you at least repost things correctly? You asked the question, not me. I answered it, correctly I might add and I supplied a link showing so. You and gnadfly are having so much fun slapping each other on the ass , you fail to realize factual evidence and then you distort my posts. Don't you have some latent racist comments to make? More like these...
the period of time that folks "enjoy" the benefits of yet another "entitlement program" ... so the welfare-nanny state cannot continue providing medical care for the 18 year-olds for the rest of their life, like their parents and grandparents have done with the assistance of their food stamps, section 8 grants, and free this with free that?

The 3rd generation income taxpayers are getting tired of .....

........................... supporting Escalades by the front door while they have to walk a block.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You are about as ready for the "majors" as ObaminableCare is ready for the internet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nobody elected you judge of who the fuc is ready or not to be in the majors. You are a legend in your own old mind. An old white man clinging to his latent racism.
opps Originally Posted by WTF
Another 'mulligan' for WTF.
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 07:16 AM
Nice rebuttal, you moronic buffoon. The numbers don't work out even with the 12 million young healthy people pay the tax. They are ONLY 12 million against 120 million in a nation of 310 million.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They work out better by them paying something compared to nothing you diptshit. It is a way to get a foot in the door. That tax will increase once people understand how they are freeloading on the ER system. Excluding morons like you, you will never understand.

So why aren't you screaming against Obamacare? There are 70 million in Medicaid. Its going to expand it several more million. Wouldn't you agree that many of those people haven't paid a DIME into medicaid and probably more Grannies haven't paid in nearly what they put in? Tough choices need to be made someone said.

Moronic buffoon hypocrite. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I've made the tough choice. I want to spend more on the young and less on the very very old at the very end of their life. Problem is the old get to vote and the very young do not. The old selfish bastards want others to pay for their end of life care....even though they have had a life time to save for it.

Think of it like an investment....Would you invest in a young kids say Medical education or would you spend that money on some 85 year old to get his MD? That is wtf you are wanting to do. Medical care is an investment and with a limited supply of money , you need to make smarter investment choices. If granny wants to become a doctor at 90, let her pay for it out of pocket. She have no way of returning our investment like a younger person does. Cold hard facts. Tough choices for you Sara Palin types.
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 07:24 AM
Another 'mulligan' for WTF. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Is that all you got? Lies and now this. . I notice you never admit any mistakes. Key word being admit...
They work out better by them paying something compared to nothing you diptshit. Originally Posted by WTF
Duh. So you agree that the numbers don't work out. Moronic buffoon.

It is a way to get a foot in the door. That tax will increase once people understand how they are freeloading on the ER system. Excluding morons like you, you will never understand. Originally Posted by WTF
I wrote earlier in this thread that the tax would likely increase when they found the numbers weren't working out you moronic buffoon.

So WTF, give me a breakdown, on who is 'walking' on their ER bills that is causing so much pain in healthcare system. Other than "people without insurance."

I've made the tough choice. I want to spend more on the young and less on the very very old at the very end of their life. Problem is the old get to vote and the very young do not. The old selfish bastards want others to pay for their end of life care....even though they have had a life time to save for it.

Think of it like an investment....Would you invest in a young kids say Medical education or would you spend that money on some 85 year old to get his MD? That is wtf you are wanting to do. Medical care is an investment and with a limited supply of money , you need to make smarter investment choices. If granny wants to become a doctor at 90, let her pay for it out of pocket. She have no way of returning our investment like a younger person does. Cold hard facts. Tough choices for you Sara Palin types. Originally Posted by WTF
Typical of you. Set up a strawman argument that is different that what you've been arguing. Attribute arguments to the debater that were never made.

At least the person on Medicare PAID (or INVESTED) into the system. Many people in Medicare haven't put in dime one...and will never put in dime one. The people in Medicaid EXCEEDS the number in Medicare. 99% of the people in Medicare will never be MDs.

We are talking numbers and you think killing Granny will save Obamacare.
Is that all you got? Lies and now this. . I notice you never admit any mistakes. Key word being admit... Originally Posted by WTF
People with poor reading comprehension don't notice a lot (and believe they've been lied to).

Speedracerxxx made the same assertion in another thread. You need to find my response.
LexusLover's Avatar
ILexusLiar, can you at least repost things correctly? Originally Posted by WTF

I posted it just the way you posted, hair brain. Now you gonna try to rewrite history?

You hit your ball into the rough ... and you are now trying to claim it was the fairway?

If I'm an "old fart" ... at least I have an excuse for not remembering ....

..... you have none!!

All you got is your sleazy name-calling bullshit and your racist, discriminatory remarks.
LexusLover's Avatar
... and you think killing Granny will save Obamacare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Bet he doesn't say that to his Granny? She'd kick his ass!
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Nobody elected you judge of who the fuc is ready or not to be in the majors. Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody has to be a judge to realize you are not ready.

When you post it is painfully obvious with your kindergarten name-calling bullshit.

Does that make your GFs' panties wet to see you name-calling?
LexusLover's Avatar
Post by WTF #252:
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Those are separate questions ... sorry to challenge your inability to multi-task ...

On this post I will take the theme of pissing off money to make things "better" ... Like the War in Iraq?

Is Medicaid working out for us? People are living longer.

How about the post office? You do understand that the Post Office worked great. Information is conveyed differently now. Kinda like the Pony Express was not a failure, just outdated. You are smart enough to understand right?

How about the stimulus packages ... saving the U.S. automakers? Was the Bush/Obama stimulus packages a failure, is that your question?

I know it is challenging, but try to separate those questions from your customary knee JERK response of .... IT'S BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH DID IT, CHENEY IS TO BLAME, and The truth is not challenging at all, you ought to try it sometime.

think of the questions as examples of trying to spend taxpayer's money to get rid of the national debt ... so we don't have to keep borrowing more money ... that them.

Medicare was fully funded. What has not been fully funded is wars that you support. That money is taken from SS and Medicare and left a big IOU. SS and Medicare are then blamed for not having money. Can you grasp simple math problems?

Did the above 3 items "work out for us"?

On the whole, I'd say yes.
______________________________ ___________________________
End of Quoted Material from WTF's post at 252.

"On the whole, I'd say" .... you are the liar....or are you just senile?

Give it up ... know nothing ... you can't even remember what you post!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 08:47 AM

So WTF, give me a breakdown, on who is 'walking' on their ER bills that is causing so much pain in healthcare system. Other than "people without insurance."

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you Jim DeMint's bastard child?

In 1989, the Heritage Foundation was at the forefront of advocating for a requirement to purchase coverage through as system of regulated health care marketplaces, the very centerpiece of Obama’s health care reform, and later lobbied Congressional Republicans to offer the initiative as an alternative to President Bill Clinton’s health proposal.

Duh. So you agree that the numbers don't work out. Moronic buffoon.

I wrote earlier in this thread that the tax would likely increase when they found the numbers weren't working out you moronic buffoon.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The law is already written to increase you dumbshit. Next you will claim it was because of you.

At least the person on Medicare PAID (or INVESTED) into the system. Many people in Medicare haven't put in dime one...and will never put in dime one. The people in Medicaid EXCEEDS the number in Medicare. 99% of the people in Medicare will never be MDs.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Really...that Granny that never worked a day in her life paid into SS and Medicare?

At least the person on Medicare PAID (or INVESTED)

We are talking numbers and you think killing Granny will save Obamacare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It will help save Medicare. Tell me why you think it is ok to have Granny drain the system for two more months of life? Tell me why she or her family should not pay for their own end of life care. Not transfer all her assets into some trust so that the government can pay for her end of life care instead of the family.
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 08:52 AM

"On the whole, I'd say" .... you are the liar....or are you just senile?

Give it up ... know nothing ... you can't even remember what you post!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I stated that you need to learn how to quote correctly...your post just shows exactly how true my statement was and how hard it is for you to do so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLIdiot strikes again.

still can't find Clarksville.
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 09:12 AM
I posted it just the way you posted, hair brain.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is hare brain, hare brain.

If I'm an "old fart" ...

All you got is your sleazy name-calling bullshit and your racist, discriminatory remarks. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You claim to be old....nobody doubts you are a fart.

I'm not the one claiming that people are on food stamps and driving Escalade's. That is right out of Ronnie Reagans southern playbook. It was racist then and it is racist now. And a lie.

It probably won’t surprise you to find out that some studies have shown that the “Welfare Queen” story incites racial animosity. A more unkind person might even speculate that it was deliberately intended to stir up resentment and anger to make it easier for Americans to accept cuts to social safety net programs