Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Opinions change based on new information becoming available. There is still a lot to be learned about the coronavirus. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's not the reason for Fauci lying. That's an excuse that Ding Dongs made up to cover for Fauci lying, but the official reason Fauci himself has given for his lies was not about having faulty information.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah , distortion , manipulating the public. moving the goal post , the control goal
matchingmole's Avatar
CDC has said everything mask no masks we all gonna die Originally Posted by rexdutchman

the sawmill
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still whining???

Just like Tucker.


(Get over it boys... you’re still alive ain’t cha?)
matchingmole's Avatar
Tucker Carlson has been pretty conning
adav8s28's Avatar
The poll is ridiculous in it's concept but I'll play along; Tucker Carlson has been pretty consistent in what he says. He has never claimed to be an expert but he has relied on experts for his opinion. The CDC (and Faucci) have been all over the place; go out and party, there's nothing to see here, there is something to see here, panic!!!, don't wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks, once we have the vaccine (which will be in about 10 years) then we can get back to normal, we have the vaccine but we can't get back to normal, we'll never get back to normal, 5 million dead is a conservative analysis, 3.5 million dead is more likely, one person dead is one too many (and it's Trump's fault) (actual result: 581,000 with many questionable).

Yeah, the CDC has been wrong so often about so many things that I'll go with Tucker. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yes, the CDC changed their story about wearing a mask early on. But they never said it would just go away like magic like former president Trump.

Tucker has a bachelor's degree in History from Trinity college in CT. I doubt he even understands the advice he gets from other doctors.

CDC please.
  • Tiny
  • 06-13-2021, 10:15 PM
Yes, the CDC changed their story about wearing a mask early on. But they never said it would just go away like magic like former president Trump.

Tucker has a bachelor's degree in History from Trinity college in CT. I doubt he even understands the advice he gets from other doctors.

CDC please. Originally Posted by adav8s28
This is the tip of the iceberg adav8s28. Tucker discouraged some people from getting vaccinated. Lives were lost.

I don't get it. President Trump's Administration helped bring vaccines to Americans in record time. The ex-President and almost all the big names in the Republican Party have gotten vaccinated and have encouraged others to do so. Two exceptions are Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, but they had the disease. Trump criticized the CDC for temporarily pulling the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from the market. And still you've got Carlson, who has a huge following among Republicans, misrepresenting evidence to overstate the risks of the vaccines. Shame on you Tucker Carlson.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is the tip of the iceberg adav8s28. Tucker discouraged some people from getting vaccinated. Lives were lost.

Prove it!

And he did not "tell them" to not get vaccinated. If he "discouraged" them, it was to discourage them from blindly following and not doing do diligence before you put an experimental medicine in your body. Like I said, I listen to him every single night and I got vaccinated because I made my own choice. Nobody convinces or doesn't convince me from doing anything. Anybody that doesn't have that strength, well, that's what Darwinism is all about.

I don't get it. President Trump's Administration helped bring vaccines to Americans in record time. The ex-President and almost all the big names in the Republican Party have gotten vaccinated and have encouraged others to do so. Two exceptions are Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, but they had the disease. Trump criticized the CDC for temporarily pulling the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from the market. And still you've got Carlson, who has a huge following among Republicans, misrepresenting evidence to overstate the risks of the vaccines. Shame on you Tucker Carlson. Originally Posted by Tiny

Overstating ( in your opinion ) compared to "hiding the risks" which if you think about it, cost every single person who did die from the vaccine.

I'll wait patiently for your list of those that died listening to Tucker Carlson. Maybe if you hadn't told us you were going to be really, really, sarcastic going forward, I might take you more serious.

  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2021, 01:11 PM
Overstating ( in your opinion ) compared to "hiding the risks" which if you think about it, cost every single person who did die from the vaccine.

I'll wait patiently for your list of those that died listening to Tucker Carlson. Maybe if you hadn't told us you were going to be really, really, sarcastic going forward, I might take you more serious.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
OK, I'll admit it, "Lives were lost" was stupid. And I kind of knew it was stupid when I wrote it, but the troll inside me made me do it.

I do however believe that "probably lives have been and/or will be lost" is a correct statement. About 3 million people a night listen to Tucker. About 0.2% of the American population has died from COVID. Apply that to 3 million Tucker Carlson viewers and you've got 6,000 deaths. How many of those people died because Tucker Carlson scared them? Damn few because he didn't start with the propaganda until a couple of months ago, fortunately. But I bet there have been or will be a few viewers, maybe more, who have died or will die because of misgivings about the vaccine because they believed the shoddy analysis of the data by Carlson and his staff. Some people who watched the VAERS and myocarditis episodes were discouraged from getting vaccinated.

I may be misreading what you wrote, but the number of people who have and who will die from taking the vaccine is virtually nothing compared to the number who will die because they don't take the vaccine. Maybe a few hundred people die from the vaccine in the USA, compared to hundreds of thousands of deaths from the disease.

Please prove that no one has died from COVID because he listened to Tucker Carlson and decided based on what he saw not to get vaccinated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
OK, I'll admit it, "Lives were lost" was stupid. And I kind of knew it was stupid when I wrote it, but the troll inside me made me do it.

The difference between you and a Democrat, is that you will admit it and they won't.

I do however believe that "probably lives have been and/or will be lost" is a correct statement.

And I could easily then say, "I believe the same from the mixed messages coming from Fauci and the CDC. How many lives may have been lost in the early days when Fauci said "don't go out and buy masks because they won't work" for what ever reason he did?


While Fauci, along with several other US health leaders, initially advised people not to wear masks, Fauci later said that he was concerned that there wouldn’t be enough protective equipment for health care workers. This was also early in the pandemic before public health experts fully knew how contagious the disease was and how it spread.

So how many lives did that cost because he was trying to save the masks for health car workers?

How many lives were lost by telling people to "stay inside" which is were most infections happened? How many lives were lost by arrogant people like Gov. Cuomo who insisted that nursing homes "should have been prepared" to take back Covid positive patients because, well, because they are a health facility just like a hospital!

So, shall we do an analysis of who cause more harm with their information, Tucker or Fauci, CDC, Governors?

Free speech, the right to question everything, is a bed rock principal that can not be silenced just because there are dumb people in this world willing to listen to any one person. We can't possible silence every single person who says "question what you are being told" which AGAIN, any way you cut it, is what Tucker did. If Tucker "discouraged" people, so did Fauci, your God! Who cost the most lives?

About 3 million people a night listen to Tucker. About 0.2% of the American population has died from COVID. Apply that to 3 million Tucker Carlson viewers and you've got 6,000 deaths.

If you assume they all thought the same thing. I didn't, how do you know they all weren't just like me? You don't but since you dislike the man, you make assumptions to try and punish him. In fact, you don't know that a single person died because they thought Tucker Carlson was telling them that under no circumstances should they take the vaccine. But we know for a fact that VP Harris told the entire world, that she would not be taking any vaccine that Trump recommended. How many would you guess died because of that advice? Sorry Tiny but you lose this argument any way you look at it.

How many of those people died because Tucker Carlson scared them? Damn few

So less than 6,000?

because he didn't start with the propaganda until a couple of months ago, fortunately.

You say propaganda, I say "cautioning".

But I bet there have been or will be a few viewers, maybe more, who have died or will die because of misgivings about the vaccine because they believed the shoddy analysis of the data by Carlson and his staff. Some people who watched the VAERS and myocarditis episodes were discouraged from getting vaccinated.

You are guessing. You are not providing facts which makes this whole "who killed more people", ridiculous from the beginning and you must know that.

I may be misreading what you wrote, but the number of people who have and who will die from taking the vaccine is virtually nothing compared to the number who will die because they don't take the vaccine. Maybe a few hundred people die from the vaccine in the USA, compared to hundreds of thousands of deaths from the disease.

I agree but what we have been discussing, is why some people won't take the vaccine and were they encouraged, dissuaded, lied to, is what we are discussing.

Please prove that no one has died from COVID because he listened to Tucker Carlson and decided based on what he saw not to get vaccinated. Originally Posted by Tiny

I can't and you can't but I'm not the one that said that nobody did. You are worried about dumb people, I am not. There are some not so smart people in this world and they can't all be protected from themselves.

All I have to go by is the fact that I listen to the guy every night and I got vaccinated so nothing he said or didn't say effected me. I have no sympathy for anybody that takes the word of one man absent all the other information available. Fuck em'

The principal of free speech, which in this case comes down to somebody asking you to question what you are being told, can not be silenced because of a few ignorant people like the ones that decided drinking fish bowl cleaning solution, chloroquine phosphate, would work as well as Hydroxycloriquine. Should Hydroxychloriquine never have been mentioned because some dumb ass might mistake something else for it?


Man Dies, Wife Hospitalized From Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner to Prevent COVID-19

By Tom Rosenthal
Self-medication by a Phoenix-area couple in their 60s with chloroquine phosphate in the mistaken belief the additive, commonly used by aquariums to clean fish tanks, was a prophylactic for COVID-19 resulted in the husband’s death and his spouse in critical care, according to officials.

So, to some up, neither of us can say with any proof, how many dumb people in this world will listen to one person, think they know what that person is saying when they actually don't because they are to ignorant to recognize sarcasm and complex issues and that we can't simple silence people who have a different opinion than the "over lords". It's really that simple.

The Democrats that hated Trump had the right to kill as many people as they could saying they would not take the vaccine because of their hatred of Trump and his support for the new vaccine and Tucker had the right to kill as many people as he could because he hates Democrats.

Some world we live in huh?
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2021, 09:42 PM
I can't and you can't but I'm not the one that said that nobody did. You are worried about dumb people, I am not. There are some not so smart people in this world and they can't all be protected from themselves.

All I have to go by is the fact that I listen to the guy every night and I got vaccinated so nothing he said or didn't say effected me. I have no sympathy for anybody that takes the word of one man absent all the other information available. Fuck em'

The principal of free speech, which in this case comes down to somebody asking you to question what you are being told, can not be silenced because of a few ignorant people like the ones that decided drinking fish bowl cleaning solution, chloroquine phosphate, would work as well as Hydroxycloriquine. Should Hydroxychloriquine never have been mentioned because some dumb ass might mistake something else for it?


Man Dies, Wife Hospitalized From Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner to Prevent COVID-19

By Tom Rosenthal
Self-medication by a Phoenix-area couple in their 60s with chloroquine phosphate in the mistaken belief the additive, commonly used by aquariums to clean fish tanks, was a prophylactic for COVID-19 resulted in the husband’s death and his spouse in critical care, according to officials.

So, to some up, neither of us can say with any proof, how many dumb people in this world will listen to one person, think they know what that person is saying when they actually don't because they are to ignorant to recognize sarcasm and complex issues and that we can't simple silence people who have a different opinion than the "over lords". It's really that simple.

The Democrats that hated Trump had the right to kill as many people as they could saying they would not take the vaccine because of their hatred of Trump and his support for the new vaccine and Tucker had the right to kill as many people as he could because he hates Democrats.

Some world we live in huh?
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Well, yes, the CDC made mistakes. Not encouraging people to wear masks, even homemade ones, from the start was a mistake. Another fuck up that you don't mention is bungling the testing. We lost weeks because the CDC was trying to develop its own COVID test and preventing others, like hospitals and private companies, developing and distributing theirs. These mistakes occurred during the early days of the epidemic, when time was of the essence.

I don't blame Fauci. He was parroting the CDC on masks, which is understandable, because the CDC are supposed to be the experts.

Still the people at the CDC are extremely knowledgeable and looking out for the best interests of the public. Kamala Harris and Tucker Carlson on the other hand are sanctimonious, hyper-partisan and looking out for what's best for themselves. On the subject of vaccines they don't know jack compared to the virologists and epidemiologists at the CDC. Both Kamala and Tucker encouraged, to one extent or another, people to not get vaccinated, contrary to the advice of the CDC and President Trump. I'll admit that Kamala's position was more extreme, and it's harder to make a case against Tucker because he's slippery in the way he phrases things. He actually in some episodes encouraged people to get vaccinated, I believe earlier on before he realized a large number of his loyal fans are anti-vaxxers. And yes, I believe you're much smarter than many people who watch Carlson, and yes, I do worry about dumb people. Carlson has every right to say what he did, he should not be censored. But he should be more responsible.

Why won't he say whether he's gotten the vaccine? Why is it a closely guarded secret?
matchingmole's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Well, yes, the CDC made mistakes.

See, if we talk long enough about this, we find agreement.

Not encouraging people to wear masks, even homemade ones, from the start was a mistake.

And likely killed people, we just don't know how many. I like where this is going.

Another fuck up that you don't mention is bungling the testing.

Oh, but I mentioned it several times in previous threads. I just didn't want to over load you with examples.

We lost weeks because the CDC was trying to develop its own COVID test and preventing others, like hospitals and private companies, developing and distributing theirs. These mistakes occurred during the early days of the epidemic, when time was of the essence.

I don't blame Fauci. He was parroting the CDC on masks, which is understandable, because the CDC are supposed to be the experts.

He is the highest paid medical person in government and known as the world's expert in his field and you are going to give him a pass for "parroting" the CDC? Uh, no.

Still the people at the CDC are extremely knowledgeable and looking out for the best interests of the public.

I think like every other government agency, they look out for themselves first because if they didn't, they wouldn't be in business long. We are fast reaching the point where we can see that the CDC was not looking out for our best intersts but their own. IMHO

Kamala Harris and Tucker Carlson on the other hand are sanctimonious, hyper-partisan and looking out for what's best for themselves. On the subject of vaccines they don't know jack compared to the virologists and epidemiologists at the CDC. Both Kamala and Tucker encouraged, to one extent or another, people to not get vaccinated, contrary to the advice of the CDC and President Trump. I'll admit that Kamala's position was more extreme,

Thank you for your honesty.

and it's harder to make a case against Tucker because he's slippery in the way he phrases things.

I don't think I would use the word slippery but I concede your point about his "phrasing" which is a lot more sarcasm than I think he should be using. But I'll remind you that on numerous occasions I have heard him say "don't believe me, look it up, check for yourself". If people didn't, that's on them not HIM.

He actually in some episodes encouraged people to get vaccinated, I believe earlier on before he realized a large number of his loyal fans are anti-vaxxers.

You just can't help yourself, can you.

And yes, I believe you're much smarter than many people who watch Carlson, and yes, I do worry about dumb people. Carlson has every right to say what he did, he should not be censored. But he should be more responsible.

I honestly believe he thinks he is. I believe he thinks he is doing a service by telling people to question authority.

Why won't he say whether he's gotten the vaccine? Why is it a closely guarded secret? Originally Posted by Tiny

Because he knows it fuck's with the brain's of liberals and apparently a few Independents too. And no matter what his answer would be, each side would use it against him so why even comment
HedonistForever's Avatar
Still the people at the CDC are extremely knowledgeable and looking out for the best interests of the public. Originally Posted by Tiny

I just finished watching what I would call a very in-depth report with the former Director of the CDC, Dr. Redfield, who after a couple of weeks ago going on tv and saying that he believes the lab leak theory is the more plausible one, took a break from commenting because he was getting death threats. Can you imagine? "If you don't stop talking about an alternate theory, we will kill you"? What the fuck is that all about?

He went on to say that he was disappointed that Dr. Fauci was so wedded, to the bat to intermediate host ( that nobody can identify yet ) to human and so dismissive of the lab leak theory. It just didn't seem like something a scientist would do, discount a plausible theory with such rigor.

What am I hearing the former Director of the CDC, that was there at the beginning, that had the highest security clearance of any scientist at the time working side by side with the Secy. of State trying to figure all this out, is that he doesn't quite understand what motivated Fauci., Dr Dazak, head of ECCO Health that actually gave the money to the Wuhan lab to do gain of function research, to take the path they took, other than to cover their ass because they are in a direct line of American money, going to a lab in China who has apparently lied about literally everything concerning the origins of Covid.

That doesn't sound like an organization that was looking out for the best interests of the public.

The best interest of the public would have been better served by pressing China, not giving them carte blanche to write a report resolving them of any responsibility in all this.

He imagined a conversation between Dazak and Fauci going something like this, "what if it gets out that we gave this lab money to do this research that we have now said we don't think they were doing" and Dazak saying there were no bats in that lab with now video proof from Australian TV that there were indeed bats in that lab. This whole mess could be dropped right at their feet! 600,000 dead Americans and they weren't as forth coming as they should have been.

Yeah, sounds like they had their own interest above that of the public with regard to the information that was available in the beginning had they been honest.

Did they do all that they could do to help stop this once it started, maybe and maybe they should get credit for that but that's only one part of this story. What if it is confirmed, I think it already has been, that Fauci and Dazak were less than truthful because their ass was on the line if any of this got out?

Would that change your opinion? That just maybe the CDC was manipulated by various players like the Medical Journal Lancet seems to have been manipulated to stop this lab theory in it's tracks because this could open up a real "can of worms" for a lot of people?

Why was Fauci so determined to squash the lab leak theory? As a scientist, he should have said from day one that both theories would be investigated and never have picked one over the other to support with all the information now coming forth that it would appear he had a conflict of interest to say the least in all this.

So combine the mistakes of the CDC and the "apparent" ( to me and others ) attempt to down play the lab leak theory and to me, the CDC does not come out of this looking like they had the best interest of the public at heart.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar


Man Dies, Wife Hospitalized From Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner to Prevent COVID-19

By Tom Rosenthal
Self-medication by a Phoenix-area couple in their 60s with chloroquine phosphate in the mistaken belief the additive, commonly used by aquariums to clean fish tanks, was a prophylactic for COVID-19 resulted in the husband’s death and his spouse in critical care, according to officials.

So, to some up, neither of us can say with any proof, how many dumb people in this world will listen to one person, think they know what that person is saying when they actually don't because they are to ignorant to recognize sarcasm and complex issues and that we can't simple silence people who have a different opinion than the "over lords". It's really that simple.


Some world we live in huh? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
this turned out to be homicide!