As to how they "got it".... How clueless are you?
It's there. Use it or don't.
Originally Posted by Whispers
In answer to your question . . . As clueless as everyone else, since the new owners have verbatim told us, "It's none of your business" (and at the same time openly re-hawking their wares on this and, I assume, other boards
(and no, there's nothing wrong with that - Hopefully I'll save you having to respond to that issue). Yes, even us "clueless" people have a right to express our opinions, I think.
And regarding your conjecture that Owner Passes away and sister ends up with some of her possessions, please clue me in why, when Owner passes away, sister "ends up with" database but not the software with which to access it; if she had, gosh, there could have been some continuity from Owner to sister, then the paying hobbyists wouldn't have had interruption in service and be subjected to requests for "donations" or have to again pay for what they didn't receive when A*PD died.
If I had satisfactory answers to those questions, I might consider re-joining. Absent those answers, however, I don't feel the need to be hoodwinked again.
Since we've been told, "It's none of your business," I just plan to stay far, far away.
And since Angelimnot blasted me as a classless jerk (in this thread, which she later deleted), I doubt I'd be welcome on that board anyway.
My apologies (to the thread-readers, no one in particular) for stating my opinion . . . probably too damn many times.