Off the Clock

phatdaty's Avatar
Says the annoying one from the Queen City. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
What are you gay bashing on a SHMB? Gee, that is a real good idea.
phatdaty's Avatar
UConn doesn't think it is a "pussy" sport. Go Huskies.

A side note, if buzzed, it is best to push the keyboard away. If I could only listen to my own advice. Originally Posted by SR Only
Are you really going to suggest basketball, especially Big East basketball, is more manly than hockey?

It doesn't look like this site does many organized socials, but maybe we should try one at a hockey game and one at basketball game and see which venue made the ladies more interested in sex as they shared off the clock time with us.
discreetgent's Avatar
Big East basketball they bash each other all the time; otoh if you asked about sissy ACC basketball ...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-27-2011, 08:59 PM
This is how I find out? On a message board?

Originally Posted by Ansley
How do you think I feel?
Hey, give me a break. It was just a one-night cockle warming. Sheesh!
MajorHands's Avatar
Are you really going to suggest basketball, especially Big East basketball, is more manly than hockey? Originally Posted by phatdaty
We used to have a saying, and I'm sure it's still in use out there..."I'd rather wrestle and lose, than play basketball." While it's still true for me, I have to confess that at the heart of the sentiment is some envy that B-ball was the more popular sport and their cheerleaders were generally cuter than ours...

I have to wonder...can a sport have a gender? How manly is women's hockey or basketball?
MajorHands's Avatar
As for OTC time...most of what everyone has said on the topic, to include those that directly contradict each other are true and valid. Every provider needs to figure out her own model for managing this phenomenon, and clearly what works for one may be untenable for harm, no foul.

I think we Hobbyists can reasonably walk away with an understanding that levying expectations about OTC as any kind of obligation upon a provider is a losing proposition for all parties involved. It's disrespectful toward the provider and inevitably lowers the provider's estimation of the hobbyist.

For me, there's a distinction between the interaction, even in a public/social setting, for OTC and compensated time. If I'm in an OTC situation with a provider, I make sure I observe the appropriate level of decorum and respect for her personal space. If we're within bounds of an appointment, then there's a profound difference in, for lack of a better word, access. I would anticipate far more personal interaction to be appropriate within the context of an appointment. For the latter, the compensation is completely called for and deserved. For the latter, as long as both parties are comfortable, there's no compelling need for compensation nor any great compromise of the provider's business model if she chooses to spend some of her off time with a client. As others have noted, there is some personal value to not make every human interaction about monetary transactions.
phatdaty's Avatar

This just in. . .

The latest research shows that fun and friendly times can be enjoyed right here in Hobbyville. Apparently the old wisdom that OFF THE CLOCK activities between a hobbyist and provider should be avoided as disease of sick minds was actually about as factual as global warming. . .uhm. . .that is climate change. Our reporters in the field have found yet another example of the positive benefits of such activities:

I just spent the past 3 hours having drinks with WTF, and I just want to say I had such a fabulous time.... When I first joined the board he and I had our differences, but we got past those quickly. I have spent the last 3 hours getting to know him, and while months ago I couldn't fathom meeting him, we have become friends and I am so glad we did. You are a really good person WTF and I had a GREAT time tonight talking over cocktails!...I guess my point in this thread is not just to say thanks for a great time, but to also point out that I think too many of us have preconceived notions of one another and a lot of the time we are wrong... I really try and keep an open mind and love getting to know new people, there has been so much drama lately on here and I hope at some point everyone can get along.....

Val Originally Posted by Valerie
He's very interesting person, and very blunt like myself, which I like...I think too many people give him shit on here, when in reality, he is a very fun and interesting person! Originally Posted by Valerie
Did WTF give you a discount for giving him a positive review? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Lmao!...There was no transaction made! Just some drinks and good convo! Simple as that! Originally Posted by Valerie
I strongly suspect the OP would disagree violently with what Val did.
I strongly suspect the OP would disagree violently with what Val did. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm bettin'.

What we do is a very personal. Live a little. Have fun. I do.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2011, 01:38 PM
Yeah%2C because somebody can pick me out of a crowd of about 120,000 people or so, as opposed to WTF leaking shit a provider has revealed to him.

. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I haven't leaked shit. I know nothing about you to leak. I have no idea WTF you are talking about. You got something to say just say it or pm me. But enough of this crap that someone has pm'd me anything about you. They haven't. Though if anyone wants to, feel free to clue me in on as to why phatdaddy keeps thinking that I know some personal shit about him.

As others have noted, there is some personal value to not make every human interaction about monetary transactions. Originally Posted by MajorHands

Our reporters in the field have found yet another example of the positive benefits of such activities: Originally Posted by phatdaty

OTC time does have value it is just intrinsic value. Intrinsic value is subjective, thus I am not sure why we are trying to say if it is right or wrong. It just is and it varies from person to person and from interaction to interaction. What may be of value to some contain no value to others. Drinks with phatdaddy would have a different value point than drinks with Val, even though the drinks would cost me the exact same. See easy example of the difference in value to us all in the exact same encounter. No right , no wrong. You seem to want to generalize what is a very personal choice.
I strongly suspect the OP would disagree violently with what Val did. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why is that? WTF is not a "client" of mine....just a friend...
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why is that? WTF is not a "client" of mine....just a friend... Originally Posted by Valerie
Exactly. OP was talking about OTC with clients. So Charles, what is your point? you lost this one buddy.
We have a new land speed record. From banned to back.

I'll not apologize for thinking that since they met on a SHMB their encounter would be hooker/client. But since they choose not to do that, that's their business. I was just pointing out the OP probably would not have done that given the nature of all her posts here. It had nothing to do with what Val did or did not choose to do.

N--you need to read more critically instead of following blindly.
We have a new land speed record. From banned to back.

I'll not apologize for thinking that since they met on a SHMB their encounter would be hooker/client. But since they choose not to do that, that's their business. I was just pointing out the OP probably would not have done that given the nature of all her posts here. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
No one wants an apology Charlie...was just pointing out to you, that your assumption was wrong....bottom line.

If the OP would not have had drinks with a FRIEND, then that's her choice...not sure why you feel the need to point it out though...