Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

  • Laz
  • 03-12-2012, 04:55 PM
But you asked me what kind of tax system I was for. After none, my choice is a VAT. Originally Posted by WTF
Another hidden tax so the sheep will not know how badly they are being sheared. No thanks.

I want a tax that is in your face every time you pay it so that everyone will be reminded of the cost of this out of control government spending. The fair tax would be a good solution since it would accomplish that as well as make US manufacturers more competitive.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not on any coin with you, WTF. Why do you insist that anything that tends toward liberty is anarchy? I hope you run out of straw soon, you are getting very boring.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-12-2012, 05:29 PM
I hope you run out of straw soon, you are getting very boring. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Boy that's rich!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hi Doofe! How you doing? Still can't come up with a coherent thought, I see, but keep trying. Don't give up just because everyone here thinks you're an idiot. Fight through that! You will have a thought one of these days, I know it! I believe in you! Hang in there, man!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2012, 06:22 PM
Boy that's rich! Originally Posted by Doove
I'm starting to think cutiepie was in the wizard of Oz. Scarecrow and looking for his god damn brain! I have never heard a grown man scream strawman as much in my life!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2012, 09:14 PM
Another hidden tax so the sheep will not know how badly they are being sheared. No thanks.

I want a tax that is in your face every time you pay it so that everyone will be reminded of the cost of this out of control government spending. The fair tax would be a good solution since it would accomplish that as well as make US manufacturers more competitive. Originally Posted by Laz
Would you have been for a tax to pay for the Irag war?

I sure was but what did Bush do...wait, wait, wait let us all think. He did what we all would do, he put it on our credit card and told us to party on like it was 1999.

I would love to have a chart to actually show people where their tax money goes. That way, they would know that SS and Medicare are in the Surplus. Now military spending and the resulting debt that needs to service the borrowing we did for that war is in the red and we need to raise taxes to pay for that war.

Wait, you say you want to cut SS money so the military can have more money to buy shit?

I would love for there to be a tax on the actual items that the government spends shit on! Great idea. I bet the military do not think it such a great idea though.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm starting to think cutiepie was in the wizard of Oz. Scarecrow and looking for his god damn brain! I have never heard a grown man scream strawman as much in my life! Originally Posted by WTF
I've never seen anyone using strawmen as much as you do. You are always changing the subject, or distorting it, and then congratulating yourself on your intelligence. With you it is less of a problem, and more of a tradition.

But I understand. If you tried to stay on topic, you'd realize how ignorant you are, so you are compelled to change the subject to something you can win on. Therapy would really help you with that.

Well Rush Limbaugh now has National Ad suspension..lmao

Now at 109 sponsors and counting "rushing" to get away from Rush.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rush is turning down advertisers that want to come back.
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  • WTF
  • 03-12-2012, 09:50 PM
I've never seen anyone using strawmen as much as you do. You are always changing the subject, or distorting it, and then congratulating yourself on your intelligence. With you it is less of a problem, and more of a tradition.

But I understand. If you tried to stay on topic, you'd realize how ignorant you are, so you are compelled to change the subject to something you can win on. Therapy would really help you with that.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I get tired of you ignorant bitch's crying about big government on one had and wanting the government out of your Medicare on the other!

That ain't no strawman. That is pure ignorance on the issues. 99 and 44% pure ignorance!

You like talking about the little picture, I like talking about the entire movie. Of course your lil pea brain would think that is a strawman.

I'm trying to learn you to fish and all you want to bitch about is how much fish cost at the market!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok. This thread is about Rush Limbaugh. And you have no idea what you're talking about. I think I won this one. Thanks, WTF! Now listen, I mean it. Therapy. Use it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2012, 10:10 PM
Ok. This thread is about Rush Limbaugh. And you have no idea what you're talking about. I think I won this one. Thanks, WTF! Now listen, I mean it. Therapy. Use it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This thread turned into a debate on healthcare costs.

You and JD have shown how very little you know on that subject.

If you do not even understand the concept of Employee untaxed plans vs. single proprietor taxed healthcare and how we single proprietors are paying for employee plans like JD's, then fuc man, you need to act like your colostomy bag is full and make a bee line to the nearest shitter .Exit stage left gracefully and quit drawing attention to yourself.
  • Laz
  • 03-12-2012, 10:11 PM
Would you have been for a tax to pay for the Irag war?

I sure was but what did Bush do...wait, wait, wait let us all think. He did what we all would do, he put it on our credit card and told us to party on like it was 1999.

I would love to have a chart to actually show people where their tax money goes. That way, they would know that SS and Medicare are in the Surplus. Now military spending and the resulting debt that needs to service the borrowing we did for that war is in the red and we need to raise taxes to pay for that war.

Wait, you say you want to cut SS money so the military can have more money to buy shit?

I would love for there to be a tax on the actual items that the government spends shit on! Great idea. I bet the military do not think it such a great idea though. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, YES. I have no problem with people having to pay a tax and know where the money is going. Yes, I know that the republicans would oppose this just as much as the democrats which is why I have no faith it will ever happen unless the people get so fed up they demand it. That will not happen as long as they can continue the illusion that the government can hand out all of these freebies that the "rich" pay for. The rich will always be rich since that cost will simply be passed on to everyone else in a way that they do not see it as a tax. A lot of what goes into the price of a product are the taxes paid during the manufacturing and distribution process. Since the tax is hidden the consumer never sees how much they are paying.

As for military spending I would support paying taxes for that. It is the number one function of the federal government. I believe in a military so powerful that no one would fuck with us. If they are stupid enough to try I want them to have such overwhelming capability that the cost in lives is minimized. That being said I also want us to follow the constitution and go to war only if declared by Congress. The president should not use the military without authorization unless there is an immanent threat that requires immediate action.
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  • WTF
  • 03-12-2012, 10:19 PM

As for military spending I would support paying taxes for that. It is the number one function of the federal government. I believe in a military so powerful that no one would fuck with us. . Originally Posted by Laz
But if people just knew how much the military cost, I doubt that you would have the money to fund a military that our founding fathers clearly never wanted. It will never happen as you suggest but an interesting thought experiment.

Do you know the history of the third amendment?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This thread turned into a debate on healthcare costs.

You and JD have shown how very little you know on that subject.

If you do not even understand the concept of Employee untaxed plans vs. single proprietor taxed healthcare and how we single proprietors are paying for employee plans like JD's, then fuc man, you need to act like your colostomy bag is full and make a bee line to the nearest shitter .Exit stage left gracefully and quit drawing attention to yourself. Originally Posted by WTF
Ah, WTF. Such a pompous blowhard. I have forgotten more about those health insurance plans than you will ever know. But go on, keep congratulating yourself. Meanwhile, the rest of us will sit back and laugh. But since I know you're unstable, please know that we are laughing with you, not at you. Yeah, that's it.