Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

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  • 05-30-2013, 12:49 PM
Ohhh! You posted a link. That makes it official then. Originally Posted by ExNYer
you didn't bother to read the study now did you. probably because you're perfect and you already know it all
Ekim the Inbred, your genetically defective opinion doesn't bear the substantive intelligence or relevance as the article and the citation provided. That article substantively illustrates that it was your favorite "Martian," not Zimmerman, who was a bully and a thug, Ekim the Inbred. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

In Bred Hankering babbling again about a non existent article .I bet Fathers day was confusing for you as a boy. Repeating the same thing over and over only works for conservatives independents think for ourselves,
It seems the Prosecutors office has been hiding information; actually worse - deleting information from the evidence case files............

Why do liberals always resort to cheating, under-handed tactics, and such ?
Uncle Han's Avatar
It seems the Prosecutors office has been hiding information; actually worse - deleting information from the evidence case files............

Why do liberals always resort to cheating, under-handed tactics, and such ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Because they are wrong all the time.

When you are right with the facts and analysis, your supporters admire you when you articulate yourself well and persuade others.

When you are wrong with the facts and analysis, your supporters admire you when you articulate yourself well and fool others.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In Bred Hankering babbling again about a non existent article .I bet Fathers day was confusing for you as a boy. Repeating the same thing over and over only works for conservatives independents think for ourselves,

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You claim to think for yourself as an independent, Ekim the Inbred. However, your poor math skills, spelling, punctuation and grammar reveal a genetically defective mind incapable of intelligent, orderly thought.

The article does "exist," Ekim the Inbred, and it was posted for the second or third time @:

LexusLover's Avatar
My 'obsession' with gayness on this board has to do with equality.

The only reason it puts people on the defensive is because they .... Originally Posted by WTF
#1, thanks for confirming your obsession ... equality is an excuse..... like poverty is to stealing.

#2, thanks for admitting the "defensive" ploy for which you use the name calling.

"pigheaded"? I did run to the mirror to see if my hair had fallen out. Nope.

Your not interested in "equality" .. you are interested in creating "noise" to get attention.
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  • 05-30-2013, 02:55 PM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1052960920]#1, thanks for confirming your obsession ... equality is an excuse..... like poverty is to stealing/QUOTE] notice the quote around obsession. If your snout didn't get in the way you would have noticed that! Once these homophobic righties quit denying the homosexual's equal rights the sooner my 'obsession' will subside. Funny how that works. Kinda like the civil right whites obsessed with equality for blacks. I guess with your thought process that made them black!
Randy4Candy's Avatar

Why do liberals always resort to cheating, under-handed tactics, and such ?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It beats the shit outta me, you piss-leaking in-need-of-oral-Depends buffoon.

Why the hell don't you dig up Nick Dixon and get his take on cheating, underhanded tactics?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It beats the shit outta me, you piss-leaking in-need-of-oral-Depends buffoon.

Why the hell don't you dig up Nick Dixon and get his take on cheating, underhanded tactics? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Remember you said that when Obamacare is paying for your Depends, you asshole stretched from buttfucking faggot.
You claim to think for yourself as an independent, Ekim the Inbred. However, your poor math skills, spelling, punctuation and grammar reveal a genetically defective mind incapable of intelligent, orderly thought.

The article does "exist," Ekim the Inbred, and it was posted for the second or third time @:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Still got nothing Idiot Boy you love wallowing in ignorance like a pig in shit. Enjoy. Your article has nothing to do with the question I asked silly shit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Still got nothing Idiot Boy you love wallowing in ignorance like a pig in shit. Enjoy. Your article has nothing to do with the question I asked silly shit. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Despite your ignorant protestations, the article is entirely relevant, Ekim the Inbred. It establishes that your favorite "Martian" participated in a beat down given to a homeless man. Educated people consider such behavior pretty low and despicable: even thuggish. It was your favorite "Martian" who was the bully and the thug, not Zimmerman, you genetically defective hayseed.
Despite your ignorant protestations, the article is entirely relevant, Ekim the Inbred. It establishes that your favorite "Martian" participated in a beat down given to a homeless man. Educated people consider such behavior pretty low and despicable: even thuggish. It was your favorite "Martian" who was the bully and the thug, not Zimmerman, you genetically defective hayseed. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Still has nothing to do with the question I asked when you jumped in so get your head out of the ass and quit trotting it out and admit you are full of shit. Martin article has nothing to do with the question about Zimmerman walking away. Dumb ass . Just another thug from Chicago..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Still has nothing to do with the question I asked when you jumped in so get your head out of the ass and quit trotting it out and admit you are full of shit. Martin article has nothing to do with the question about Zimmerman walking away. Dumb ass . Just another thug from Chicago.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are one ignorant, genetically defective hayseed-fuck, Ekim the Inbred! Are you now trying to deny posting about someone being a bully? The article confirms your favorite "Martian" was a bully and a thug, Ekim the Inbred. Your favorite "Martian" participated in a beat down on a homeless man, Ekim the Inbred, and your favorite "Martian" bragged about busting another kid in the nose! Yet, your ignorant, inbred hayseed-ass is still trying to make your favorite "Martian" out to be an innocent fourteen year-old. He was a thug and a bully, and your favorite "Martian's" phone records establish that as fact.
You are one ignorant, genetically defective hayseed-fuck, Ekim the Inbred! Are you now trying to deny posting about someone being a bully? The article confirms your favorite "Martian" was a bully and a thug, Ekim the Inbred. Your favorite "Martian" participated in a beat down on a homeless man, Ekim the Inbred, and your favorite "Martian" bragged about busting another kid in the nose! Yet, your ignorant, inbred hayseed-ass is still trying to make your favorite "Martian" out to be an innocent fourteen year-old. He was a thug and a bully, and your favorite "Martian's" phone records establish that as fact. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Zimmerman is a documented bully also ...One more time Martian article you keep trotting out had nothing to do with the question I asked.. You lose give up dismissed.
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  • 05-30-2013, 07:06 PM
I suspect any forensic evidence will allow the Court to re-live the entire occurrence. At least we would hope it does.

I personally do not have a dog in this fight, my whole contention is this was an unfortunate happening that escalated out of control that ended up in a death.

How it escaladed out of control is one of the major facts that the Court will have to determine. If it escaladed out of controle because Zimmerman confronted Travon Martin with gun in hand and said, (paraphrase), "hey boy, what are you doing in this neighborhood", then Zimmerman will be found guilty.

If it escaladed out of control because after the initial encounter, where no firearm was involved, Travon then jumped on Zimmerman and said, (paraphrase), "hey man, your getting ready to get you head pounded", then Zimmerman will in all likely hood be found not guilty. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You clearly do not understand the rules of this thread. You are injecting some rationality and logic--that is decidedly not allowed in any discussion of this sort.