TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey and did you notice the scientific miracle which just happened ; an unfortunate man in Washington state has died from a " Hoax ".
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar unfortunate man in Washington state has died from a " Hoax ". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Why would you think it is a "hoax"? Did you get that fake news from a fake news reader on fake news channels?
sportfisherman's Avatar
No,actually I listened to his and his son's comments in which they tried to minimize the virus outbreak and intimate that the democrats were exaggerating the situation. They said it was the dems "new hoax".
Yet you are still alive....

No,actually I listened to his and his son's comments in which they tried to minimize the virus outbreak and intimate that the democrats were exaggerating the situation. They said it was the dems "new hoax". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
- pondering...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
- pondering... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And what proof is there that illegal immigrants in this country are not vaccinated? None. The fact is that Mexico has a higher rate of vaccinations than the U.S.
Wow. You believe that? Common sense tells me that alot of ILLEGAL immigrants are not going to be vaccinated. And it just takes one to come here unvaccinated and get around someone with the measles( one of those anti- vaxxer people whos kid got the measles) and than spread it. You do know that,right?

And what proof is there that illegal immigrants in this country are not vaccinated? None. The fact is that Mexico has a higher rate of vaccinations than the U.S. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Wow. You believe that? Common sense tells me that alot of ILLEGAL immigrants are not going to be vaccinated. And it just takes one to come here unvaccinated and get around someone with the measles( one of those anti- vaxxer people whos kid got the measles) and than spread it. You do know that,right? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I go with legitimate sources of data. You have absoutely no proof that the percentage of illegal immigrants in this country that are unvaccinated is greater than zero. Your meme has no validation but since it meets your agenda you consider it correct.

Yes, it only takes one unvaccinated person to start an epidemic. And the odds are that that person will be from the U.S. and not Mexico. Take a moment and educate yourself by reading the folllowing. Vaccinations in Mexico are mandatory and free. Sometimes socialzed medicine works very well.

Mexico’s Universal Vaccination program is based on vaccination cards, and therefore, all Mexican children and babies should have one. Mexico’s mandatory vaccination scheme is for and includes all children under the age of five.

Important facts about Vaccinations for babies and children in Mexico:

Mexico’s vaccination system: Mexico has one of the most advanced vaccination schemes in Latin America.

Mandatory vaccination: Vaccination is mandatory in Mexico, and it is also a universal right.

Mexico’s Universal Vaccine Program: it was founded in 1991 and is one of the cornerstones of Mexico’s public health system.

Cost of vaccines in Mexico: All Vaccines are free in Mexico.

Where to get vaccines in Mexico, free of cost: free vaccination services are available in all of the following public hospitals; Secretaria de Salud, IMSS, ISSSTE, DIF, etc.

Vaccination cards: All Mexican babies and children must have a vaccination card. In fact, most nurseries and public schools in Mexico demand a child’s national vaccination card before enrollment.

First year without Polio: 1991 was the first year without any cases of poliomyelitis in Mexico.

The last case of Diphtheria: The last case of Diphtheria in Mexico happened in 1992.

First year without Measles: 1997 was the first year without any Measles cases in Mexico.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...They said it was the dems "new hoax". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Bet you can't even recall all the Demonicrats' hoaxes any more.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I go with legitimate sources of data. You have absoutely no proof that the percentage of illegal immigrants in this country that are unvaccinated is greater than zero. .. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

The so-called "anti-vaccination" movement has been in the news of late. For example, the New York Times ran an opinion piece captioned "Measles Is Making a Comeback. Here's How to Stop It" in which its editorial board took on what it termed "anti-vaccine propaganda and vaccine misinformation". In the midst of this campaign, however, there has been scant attention paid to the dangers of our current border crisis as they relate to the outbreak of serious contagious diseases in the United States.

Interestingly, a recent article from Reuters ("Mumps, other outbreaks force U.S. detention centers to quarantine over 2,000 migrants") failed to make the connection, although it spoke in explicit detail about detained aliens who were quarantined because of exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases. The key paragraph in that article (from my perspective) states:
ICE health officials have been notified of 236 confirmed or probable cases of mumps among detainees in 51 facilities in the past 12 months, compared to no cases detected between January 2016 and February 2018. Last year, 423 detainees were determined to have influenza and 461 to have chicken pox. All three diseases are largely preventable by vaccine.
Speed, there are illegals coming from South America too. The meme does not just reference Mexico.
Either way, common sense will tell you that the healthiest people are NOT the ones ILLEGALLY crossing our borders. Jeesh.
sportfisherman's Avatar
You trying to distract from the point that Chump tried to minimize the significance of the virus outbreak and to couch it as the "new dem hoax".
I don't hear anything about a "hoax" now.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Yes Granny, I am still alive. And I suppose that under Chump's admin I should just feel lucky that I am.I see you and Jethro are on point.I hope no illegals are threatening the "cement pond".
I'm personally just kinda tired of the Coronavirus hysteria.

It's literally a variation of the common cold. The flu is more dangerous, and both are potentially lethal to folks with compromised immune systems.

It's doing REALLY well in Wuhan, because:
- Tenement living creates very high population density, making it easier to spread
- Lower quality of life, cultural norms, and superstition leading to lower-to-middle-class folks having substandard sanitation and medical facilities.
- Air/Water pollution increasing the number of immunocompromised people.
- Asian people just fucking live longer for reasons scientists of all stripes try taking a crack at constantly. (Is it diet? Exercise? all the powdered Rhino horn? Who knows!), and the elderly are practically immunocompromised by default.

This is just SARS 2.0, and watching the media try to create a panic about it, and even worse, listening to politicians try to make a platform out of it is simply exhausting.

The only real disease going around is the internet and 24/7 outrage media coverage.
sportfisherman's Avatar
The data I reviewed by the CDC showed mortality rate for Influenza to be 0.2 % whereas the corona mortality rate was 2 %. that is ~ 10x higher mortality rate than regular influenza.
Perhaps you could become Chump's new Surgeon General. He too thinks he knows more than the Generals,the Intelligent specialists,all journalists,and now scientists and doctors.
You would fit right in his administration.