New Private Forum Proposal

Well hell Phildo; I'm PrettyFuckingStupid. If you don't believe me you can ask some of my PrettyFuckingHotFriends that don't live on the board
Seeing as how the thread you referred to was posted several months before your meltdown and subsequent quest to prove something to somebody, I fail to see the "Loser" rationale in your post, but then I suppose for you it's better late to the party than not at all, eh? Gotta prove you really didn't take the chum for a value meal after all? A little embare-assed are you? I can see why.

I have made no bets, no commentary on success or failure of your project, I have merely asked (repeatedly) for you to present a prototype or a Beta, or even an outline, with a direct response that isn't you going all defensive psychobabble when pushed for details. Where do you get this stuff, making bets off of a post that has nothing to do with you at all made back in November? Are you going back in time to make things be about you?

All these little attack things, little digs, little speculative bits from your fluffers, that's kind of like bringing a butter knife to the OK corral. I've said my piece, been misconstrued, abused, named called, and you know what, my ass isn't showing here at all. And I like that. Because yours is. Well, yours and your lemming's.

So I'll ask one more time. How many geographic forums, how many short notice forums, how do you propose to monitor the short notice forums, how many geographic locations can a lady post in if she finds the one with her address is too limiting, and how often can she post, how have you defined any of this from a user standpoint other than to show up in non advertising venues advertising what is, at the moment, undefined air-ware? When you have answers instead of redirection, post them. Otherwise you and the lemmings can keep wasting bandwidth while we wait with bated breath for the realized outcome of your verbosity. You have enough attaboys in here for a dozen projects. Where's the beef? Originally Posted by phildo
Don't know your business background but the only person that she'd have to answer these questions to would be her banker. She's banking it herself even though several have offered to help her but she wants to do it on her own. It's obvious to I'd think about everyone at this point you're just trying to piss on her venture and no answer she could give would satisfy you.

We could use us a little SweaterPuppies and some BitchWaffles along in here right about now....or even some PrettyFuckingMarvelous...comed y is so much more fun than them as take this shit seriously. Originally Posted by phildo
Humor, debate, etc - get it, often love it. You're obviously well read based on your posts and references but you just are being an anonymous cyber bully to a girl. A few remarks? Fine. Some suggestions? Fine. At a certain point if someone really bothers you THAT much you'd just hit ignore if you didn't love getting a rise out of them. Say all you want, there's nothing to be proud of in being a continual bully to a girl.

Like I've said, you've got real anger issues and this is your venue to lash out at people because you can't do it in the real world. Say it's being taken too seriously? You've long ago gone past the point of having fun with her. It's personal, to ridicule, harass, and get rise is what you're after. Really wish you'd reconsider your pattern with her because you've had many posts I've enjoyed but this really undermines your true credibility.
Moon Balls's Avatar
Hard to argue there.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Well Phildo, since you didnt have the balls to take the challenge ...
maybe you should take the advise ,,, IJS

Oh btw Romo, if you decide to continue being on your period instead of growing your balls back, it means you have to either find a plug for your hole or go bleed somewhere else. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I said my piece. Ho goes batshitcrazy leftfield about balls and bets and money, from where I have no idea. I get business lessons from somebody who has obviously never brought a product to market, or did it without a mockup or proto. I get bullshit from a Mod who ties my hands so Darth can post selfies with ho's leash in his mouth. I'm a bully because a ho can't answer a question without going all defensive.

My opinion now is that the OP was never intending to engage in a virtual NGT for development and was only interested in accolades for conceptual design without content. But that's my opinion. So I'm a bully without balls who is a Romoesque failure for exactly twat reasons, again? For asking questions? Being skeptical of the concept of foolproofing hooker advertising, a process that would require removing the fools from all of hobbyland? Please.

Am I skeered? Did I really lose my balls? Nah, none of you blinded by the quest for the damsel (not) in distress clowns fool me, nor or any of you worth a ban. I know how the mod game is played in Dallas. I may have fallen off the turnip truck, but not yesterday. This thread is a great conundrum, all vitriolic and empty, made vile by the Pied Piper's Lemmings. Tragic, don't you think, over a simple question of viable content? Something this entire thread has very little of, I must say. I'm not the one who should be ashamed here, bros, I'm the only one not looking at another Lemming's ass. How funny is that?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Just stop it. Please. All of you.
DarthDVader's Avatar
You said your piece? Plus 3 loooooooong useless paragraphs now ...
... you forgot to take your Prozac this morning ...
Since you mention your business advisor and how good you are at it, Ill give you some pointers from my business developement experience as soon as I finish in my office ...
I hope after that you can realize how dumb and hateful youve been looking ... IJS
We could use us a little SweaterPuppies and some BitchWaffles along in here right about now....or even some PrettyFuckingMarvelous...comed y is so much more fun than them as take this shit seriously. Originally Posted by phildo
Nah your anger issues and mock rage bore me. You do a great job getting all worked up over nothing all on your own. It doesn't matter who says it or what the topic is, phildo will find a reason to be pissed about it and proceed to have diarrhea of the fingers all over the internet about it.

Phildo and everyone, have a nice weekend.

And thank goodness I have other hobbies to spend time and money on too.
Moon Balls's Avatar
Nah your anger issues and mock rage bore me. You do a great job getting all worked up over nothing all on your own. It doesn't matter who says it or what the topic is, phildo will find a reason to be pissed about it and proceed to have diarrhea of the fingers all over the internet about it.

Phildo and everyone, have a nice weekend.

And thank goodness I have other hobbies to spend time and money on too. Originally Posted by pfmtony
(edit to remove any personal information)
The idea of a short-notice availability private forum sounds great to me. I can't think of the number of times at work where a free afternoon and Junior suddenly pop up, but...either you ladies are unresponsive or by the time i reach out and you ladies get back to me, that window closes. I've even stopped trying.

Couple suggestions, THN:

1. If the ladies say they are available, posting their phone # as their contact should be there. Nothing faster than a text or phone call. Short-notice should mean I can be with you within the hour. Short-notice should also mean if the guy contacts her and he didn't beat the buzzer, she immediately responds back.

2. Cull the ladies who abuse it, like the previous one TinMan tried. Follow the rules...maybe a 6:00AM to 6:00PM window and a 6:00PM to 6:00AM window, two Short-Notice time frames?

Haven't read every post in this thread; not sure if I'm repeating suggestions but...
I'm sure you've received lots of suggestions/ideas but this place has sorely needed a well-managed, Short-Notice Forum. Would love to see it work.
TinMan's Avatar
I like the idea that Prolongus and several others have mentioned to pull posting privileges of women who use the short notice thread as just a daily ad forum. There are other means for them to post that they are always available short notice, so save the proposed thread for those ladies who truly only want to post occasionally.

Also, I suspect some ladies stopped using the previous short notice thread for fear they would be lumped into the high-volume classification that characterizes frequent posters to the ISO forum. Being more selective may take away that stigma.
Agreed. Ladies can post daily ads under their location sticky. If they are constantly posting ads everywhere and abusing the privilege I'll pull them from the forum.

I can understand how some ladies may have missed or misunderstood some of the criteria in the previous short notice thread. The rules for ad posting in the private forum will be fairly simple. If they can't grasp it then they probably need to stick with the limited options in the open forum.

Also, muffinman asked about notifications earlier and I failed to answer it in my original reply. If I understand correctly, users may subscribe to any threads they wish. There should be an icon on the thread itself that allows members to subscribe. Ladies can subscribe to the short notice NEED sticky and gents can subscribe to the short notice AVAILABILITY sticky (as well as the ad sticky for their preferred location(s)). The notifications come straight to the email address you used when setting up your account here. If you get instant email notifications on your mobile device that should do the trick. As always, individual screening is a must, even from within a private forum. Please hobby at your own risk.

As to why I'm not "sharing" my business plan or a prototype, that is pretty self-explanitory. Why would I divulge that info to potential competitors? Perhaps this forum IS the prototype for something else in the future. Or perhaps I lost a bet and this is my debt to pay. Perhaps I'm a spoiled little batshit crazy rich girl and have no plan whatsoever but enjoy doing random shit like this for grins. Perhaps I'm a desperate old whore trying to get some attention with an outlandish story about some crazy forum I have no intention of actualizing. Perhaps I had an idea brewing for a while about a private ad forum that needed an angle and when I finally saw how polarizing positive vs negative postings have become on the board via a series of recent thread postings from both sides of the aisle, I wondered if the silent majority would enjoy a more civilized and protected area to discuss the hobby. Perhaps I spotlighted the social divide by arguing about it in certain threads. Perhaps all of that. Perhaps none.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps....

Time will tell what my true intentions were. Time is the only reliable measure of any one's true intentions. If you can't wait for time then it's probably not worth waiting for. I believe this forum will be worth the time and effort I'm putting into it. I hope it serves to be a valuable resource for the members.

I feel this thread has served its purpose and run its course. Thank you everyone for your suggestions, questions, support and commentary. The forum will be live within a week. Please pm me for further inquiries or suggestions. I'll request that this thread be closed today (whether or not that actually occurs is a bigger mystery to me than the holy trinity lol).

Thanks again everyone. See many of yall in the new forum.

Mods, will you please close this thread.
Boltfan's Avatar
I like the idea that Prolongus and several others have mentioned to pull posting privileges of women who use the short notice thread as just a daily ad forum. There are other means for them to post that they are always available short notice, so save the proposed thread for those ladies who truly only want to post occasionally.

Also, I suspect some ladies stopped using the previous short notice thread for fear they would be lumped into the high-volume classification that characterizes frequent posters to the ISO forum. Being more selective may take away that stigma. Originally Posted by TinMan
Unless something has changed in the admin capabilities of these private forums there is no ability to remove posting privileges without just removing that member entirely from the forum.
TinMan's Avatar
Perhaps a short vacation, then. If they don't get the message the first time, then make it a longer one the second time, or even a permanent ban from the forum.
aldo3178's Avatar
I think this would be a great forum, especially if I could find out who needs their cobwebs knocked loose.