What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

Naomi4u's Avatar
Hi Camille. FYI i have already lived in the states at one point, just not on a permanent base. So i know my way around. And - sorry to say - the people that are REALLY educated and have all the careers they state on their webpages - do not speak so much about it. Just my 5 cents. I never heard someone that is Harvard educated constantly talking about the fact that he can read and talk. But i have seen plenty of people having not really so much of a career outside that business writing pages of resumes with mostly no substance to it. Again - i might be biased.
But also, i talked a lot with a lot of providers and sometimes some think its education when you screw a client for getting a job in HIS office! Which is a shame, seriously ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
LOL! I agree.
In my country (Nigeria), Everyone is not as privileged to attend university. You are either rich or poor in Nigeria, There is no such thing as middle class so it's either you go to school or you don't. My family was fortunate enough to be able to provide me with proper schooling/good education. It IS "normal" for us fortunate ones to go to school/get an education so YES I do find it ridiculous when escort plaster on their homepage that they attended university and obtained so and so degree. If you are so smart/well-educated/"cultured" you wouldn't have to tell anyone.... isn't that right?

I have always found these "HDH" websites a bit intriguing because it's like one person went around telling these ladies what to plaster on their pages and made all of them look silly in the process. So Nina I do agree with you on this one. I think these HDHs need to come up with something new. If their sessions were anything like their homepage I feel bad for their "patrons", I bet they're bored to death! Just sayin' Originally Posted by Naomi4u
yes that is right!
The next thing is these reviews some post on their homepages. Most of them look so ridiculous and state things as if the lady in question must have been an ALIEN from outerspace because its simply not possible to be THAT extraordinary :-). It seems to me some women have either the same gents posting on all of their pages (of course in the utmost "oh she is the best of the best of the best of the best and sooooo beautiful and whatnot - then you look at the page , see some mediocre gal having mediocre photos and SERIOUSLY wonder !!! I mean its not like Angelina Jolie was advertising on the homepage ;-) .... or some supermodel like Gisele Bundchen....or they write these reviews themselves.

so to me: if someone is smart then they do not post reviews on their own homepage, because that is simply ridiculous. Because anyways, who would post a NEGATIVE review on their own homepage. For me its simply a good laugh.

I personally like the best the regular homepages of regular gals and the ones who are written in less comparative terms. There are a lot of women out there who advertise and do not feel the urge to state their superiourity with every word. It simply does not come around well. For the general gents that is. Most of my clients would also roll on the floor laughing about such things. And they are all ivy league educated
Very well said here London.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

There is a big difference between high-end and expensive.

Most of the ladies I've seen are just .... expensive. No need to name names.


Ms.Sastri: You're clearly an intelligent woman though there are a few things you've said here that I can't agree with you on. Still heart yOu though . Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Heart you tooo darling! I am provocative you know :-) xox I just want to roll up points within discussions from the other end of the rainbow :-).
and using this money to support addicitions to shopping and/or cocaine, and perhaps an abusive deadbeat boyfriend on the side. Originally Posted by Natalie
Hi Natalie,
this is also a classic! I mean if a woman in that business supports a man its a bad thing (not that i ever do, i am way too greedy...:-)....), but tons of men support their wives and none of them gets degraded for being financially dependent on their husbands income. But its absolutely outrageous for a lady to support her man. Another patriarchal stereotype...;-).

I was once very biased myself towards women who had "boyfriends" at home and also supported them. But talking to numerous collegues of mine who have such relationships (and not they are not getting pimped) has taught me differently. When you have a marriage or a commitment then the income gets divided most of the time. So why should it be different for a guy who has less income than his woman?
There is a big difference between high-end and expensive.

Most of the ladies I've seen are just .... expensive. No need to name names. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
And here all this time I didn't think you saw ladies...at least that is the impression you've given on this board.
I wouldn't be so offended by what other people say to market themselves. Some clients prefer to see women who are low-volume, and some don't care at all. Women who talk about the low number of clients they see are trying to appeal to men who care about that and are willing to pay more for it. I noticed on your site, you mention that you are college-educated. Originally Posted by Natalie
darling, i am UNIVERSITY educated with a MA in psychology (but that i did not state on my page)... .....how could you have missed that :-). The point was not that stating you have an education is wrong, stating the comparative issues is politically incorrect.
If i say "I cater to the elite" that automatically is derogatory! If i say "I offer quality over quantity" that is derogatory. If i say "I am more beautiful than the rest of the women because i stick out of every crowd" that is derogatory - for the crowd (unless you are a supermodel or some filmstar or such - but then some headhunter would have already found you...)

If i state i am university educated and offer a certain kind of service (here the individuals approach to that business comes to mind - so if someone is REALLY educated that would be the POINT to be creative and differ from the NORM or the peers) then it is not derogatory. But simply stating i am university educated and having the same page like all the other HDHs is not really intriguing for me. (same photos, same texts, same whatnot ....)

But thanks for taking a look at my site and if you find something else that you think is not such a great approach i am happy to alter it. My english at times is not so great :-( and some things definetely need improval as well. So i am happy for every feedback i get, thanks for that! Feel free to do so!

I think focusing on education listed in ads is a big problem for you. First of all, from a hobbyists standpoint, I want to know if a lady can carry on a conversation. Although she may say she can, if she also says she has a college education, then that helps. I've seen my share of ladies who can't speak correct English, and I don't care to see more of them.

Of course, education isn't everything. Take you, for example. You say you're well educated, but your posts here belie that. IMHO, you say some pretty ignorant things. And you can't spell worth shit. Your use of grammar belies a knowledge of it.

Although we might agree somewhat on politics (I'm one of the more liberal members of this board), I'm not a Communist like you...far from it.

And based on your posts on this board, not only would I NOT see you, I'd go out of my way to spend time away. You're just not a good time, IMO. I can't tell you how to run your business. No hobbyist can do that. I can just tell you what I think, and whether or not I find you attractive. And I don't find your persona (any of them), or you, attractive.
discreetgent's Avatar
And here all this time I didn't think you saw ladies...at least that is the impression you've given on this board. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Nina, it's not bragging, it's simply a different culture. Originally Posted by Camille
Exactly. Nina, I don't know if anyone has told you, but in the US, the Large tube of toothpaste is actually the smaller one.
Hi Camille. FYI i have already lived in the states at one point, just not on a permanent base. So i know my way around. And - sorry to say - the people that are REALLY educated and have all the careers they state on their webpages - do not speak so much about it. Just my 5 cents. I never heard someone that is Harvard educated constantly talking about the fact that he can read and talk. But i have seen plenty of people having not really so much of a career outside that business writing pages of resumes with mostly no substance to it. Again - i might be biased.
But also, i talked a lot with a lot of providers and sometimes some think its education when you screw a client for getting a job in HIS office! Which is a shame, seriously ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
Knowing your way around is not the same as knowing the people. It's just not. I'd lived here for about 3 years before I really started to get a handle on the people and why they do the things they do. We might speak the same language and we might have similar protocol about many things..but our motivations are vastly different culturally. I am currently working on British based project that requires US private equity. Packaging it without paying attention to the senstive nuances of cultural difference just would not work. You have to adapt to the circumstances you are in...otherwise it's an uphill battle just starting the day. If you can't adapt then it's no biggie...you just move as I did when I lived in Portugal briefly. It just wasn't for me. If you can't absorb other cultures then you can't expect them to absorb you.

FWIW, I have found people pay much closer attention to education OUTSIDE of this business than they do in England. I don't think I have ever been asked in England if I have a degree (other than when I have applied for a job and it has been required) or where I got it. I doubt many of my friends back home (apart from the ones I went to University with) even know I have any. It's just not the same issue. Here, it is comes up pretty quickly in dating circles. I would expect it is due to similar experiences (outside of this business) that women include such details on their website. It's obviously important to some people, just as rates are to others...so it's included. Why people ask in the first place is a whole different topic..but if people want the information I see no harm in providing it. There have been several occasions where the actual type of degree I have has been instrumental in pulling off a "cover story" where colleagues have been around. It's been as important as my age for creating a credible cover...

Lest it be said (because I can see this coming) that I have kissed ass and become "Americanised" I haven't. I have adapted to the ways of living here and I don't have to agree with all viewpoints to do that. Lord knows, there are enough back posts on this forum where I have disagreed politically, socially and economically on a number of general subjects...but I have made living here work for me without having to give up being English. When in Rome and and all that...

Naomi4u's Avatar
And here all this time I didn't think you saw ladies...at least that is the impression you've given on this board. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Don't be a dick..you know what I meant. lol
Naomi4u's Avatar

I think focusing on education listed in ads is a big problem for you. First of all, from a hobbyists standpoint, I want to know if a lady can carry on a conversation. Although she may say she can, if she also says she has a college education, then that helps. I've seen my share of ladies who can't speak correct English, and I don't care to see more of them.

Of course, education isn't everything. Take you, for example. You say you're well educated, but your posts here belie that. IMHO, you say some pretty ignorant things. And you can't spell worth shit. Your use of grammar belies a knowledge of it.

Although we might agree somewhat on politics (I'm one of the more liberal members of this board), I'm not a Communist like you...far from it.

And based on your posts on this board, not only would I NOT see you, I'd go out of my way to spend time away. You're just not a good time, IMO. I can't tell you how to run your business. No hobbyist can do that. I can just tell you what I think, and whether or not I find you attractive. And I don't find your persona (any of them), or you, attractive. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, when you have nothing positive to say .. don't say it at all. Please be nice!

And you can't spell worth shit. Your use of grammar belies a knowledge of it.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, that's a harsh thing to say to someone who does not speak English as their first language.

Did Bill Gates not complete a college education? Poor guy, it's a shame he hasn't done anything with his life.

Having a degree doesn't ensure the ability to think or have common sense. Yes saying it does offer the potential that the person does have a few synapses functioning. With this biz and any other biz, marketing is king. In my biz there are some certifications I can put next to my name. I don't put any; I personally think it is puffery so I don't bother. I don't think the consumer gives a rat's patootie (tech term). Most of those certification courses are designed to lighten my wallet more than anything else. I'd rather spend it in the demimonde world.

I think focusing on education listed in ads is a big problem for you. First of all, from a hobbyists standpoint, I want to know if a lady can carry on a conversation. Although she may say she can, if she also says she has a college education, then that helps. I've seen my share of ladies who can't speak correct English, and I don't care to see more of them.

Of course, education isn't everything. Take you, for example. You say you're well educated, but your posts here belie that. IMHO, you say some pretty ignorant things. And you can't spell worth shit. Your use of grammar belies a knowledge of it.

Although we might agree somewhat on politics (I'm one of the more liberal members of this board), I'm not a Communist like you...far from it.

And based on your posts on this board, not only would I NOT see you, I'd go out of my way to spend time away. You're just not a good time, IMO. I can't tell you how to run your business. No hobbyist can do that. I can just tell you what I think, and whether or not I find you attractive. And I don't find your persona (any of them), or you, attractive. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
At least i can handle criticism :-). My spelling is indeed worth shit :-) and i agree that you and me would be best stay as far from each other as possible, because ignorance is a two way street. If i have to read that screwing racists is ok AS LONG AS YOU DON`T TALK about it, then i wonder what is more ignorant? Or if comparisons on behalf of other peers in the same crowd are not ignorant (ok i do get the quality over quantity approach - its just a phrase and not to be taken verbally - like the bible that is??? ) then i see my ignorant posts as ignorant.

I do get the fact that cultures are different. but that can also be a good thing?