#DiedSuddenly reporting

I was getting a lot more poontang. I have a large nose and masks cover that up. Furthermore, back in April and May of 2020, having a large supply of medical grade 3M N95 masks was better than having a Corvette or a big house. I was in the cat birds seat. I felt like those GI's back in post World War II France who had a ready supply of nylons and cigarettes.

Five N95 masks that cost me around $1.00 a piece in 2005 after SARS would get CFS. Of course DATY, BBBJ and DFK were off the table. Who wanted to get laid if you had to take off your N95 and aviator goggles to do it? Originally Posted by Tiny
texassapper's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Remind me of how many people died of flu in 2020 and 2021? COVID is NOT as deadly as was initially claimed. A claim that was used to justify the lockdowns and destroy the economy.

It's one big sucker job and well, you fell for it hook line and sinker.... Originally Posted by texassapper
this was some what discussed in the one of the 2020 covid threads.

a statistics graph from the CDC was posted; it was noticed that there was something odd about it. it was noted that the numbers for flu and pneumonia were way down; covid way up.

it was speculated that the hospitals were cooking the numbers by merging flu and pneumonia numbers as covid just to get some govt. money. this was early on during the lock down.

its my understanding that the introduction of a new disease do not cause a decline of another disease.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this was some what discussed in the one of the 2020 covid threads.

a statistics graph from the CDC was posted; it was noticed that there was something odd about it. it was noted that the numbers for flu and pneumonia were way down; covid way up.

it was speculated that the hospitals were cooking the numbers by merging flu and pneumonia numbers as covid just to get some govt. money. this was early on during the lock down.

its my understanding that the introduction of a new disease do not cause a decline of another disease. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

sure it does, it you want to create a "feardemic" to make the sheep march to your orders.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
this was some what discussed in the one of the 2020 covid threads.

a statistics graph from the CDC was posted; it was noticed that there was something odd about it. it was noted that the numbers for flu and pneumonia were way down; covid way up.

it was speculated that the hospitals were cooking the numbers by merging flu and pneumonia numbers as covid just to get some govt. money. this was early on during the lock down.

its my understanding that the introduction of a new disease do not cause a decline of another disease. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The flu is not as easily transmitted as Covid so the simple wearing of masks and social distancing is believed to have drastically lowered the number of flu cases during Covid.

"Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.

Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a February 11, 2021 Vox article that while more people received a flu vaccine this year, the sharp drop in cases was probably largely driven by mask-wearing and distancing. Kissler suggested that wearing masks in the future could be an effective way of helping control flu outbreaks. “Wearing masks in the wintertime, I think it’s something that might be here to stay,” he said."

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Irrefutable Evidence Vaccine Mandates Killed & Disabled Countless Americans Originally Posted by texassapper
Once again you found an article that supports your POV and incorrectly ran with it.

Evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the risk of death, contrary to claim by financier Edward Dowd


COVID-19 vaccines are causing excess deaths around the world; sudden adult death syndrome is new




Inadequate support: There’s no evidence supporting the claim that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are generally more likely to die compared to unvaccinated people. In fact, the evidence indicates otherwise.

Factually inaccurate: Sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) isn’t new. Reports of SADS date back to the 90s. The term is simply perceived as new by many people, likely because of a change in public awareness of the term.

Multiple pieces of evidence show that COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t increase the risk of death. Like all medical interventions, the COVID-19 vaccines carry side effects, but most of these are mild and short-lived. Certain COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an increased risk of heart inflammation or blood clots, but these risks are smaller than those associated with COVID-19 itself.

The flu is not as easily transmitted as Covid so the simple wearing of masks and social distancing is believed to have drastically lowered the number of flu cases during Covid.

"Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.

Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a February 11, 2021 Vox article that while more people received a flu vaccine this year, the sharp drop in cases was probably largely driven by mask-wearing and distancing. Kissler suggested that wearing masks in the future could be an effective way of helping control flu outbreaks. “Wearing masks in the wintertime, I think it’s something that might be here to stay,” he said."

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hs...d-19-pandemic/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What was the Scientific Method Kissler used to arrive at his conclusion that mask wearing was the reason for the decline in Flu transmission?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What was the Scientific Method Kissler used to arrive at his conclusion that mask wearing was the reason for the decline in Flu transmission? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Why the flu was defeated, but not Covid-19

How could mask-wearing and distancing bring the flu to a halt, while Covid-19 rages on?

It goes back to something scientists were saying at the beginning of the pandemic: Covid-19 is way, way worse than the seasonal flu because it’s more contagious.

Scientists describe the contagiousness of a disease with a figure called R0 (pronounced r-naught). The number describes, on average, how many new cases each case of a disease goes on to generate. For the seasonal flu, the R0 is between 1 and 2. For Covid-19, it’s more likely between 2 and 3, if not a little higher.

Our collective actions have brought the effective R number for Covid-19 down to a little more than 1. As long as the R number is greater than 1, the virus will keep spreading. But, when it comes to the flu, all that collective action has indeed brought the effective R for the flu below 1.

To Kissler, this is textbook epidemiology: “Anything that is less contagious [than Covid], but that spreads in a similar way, is going to be brought well below that R threshold of 1, and it’s just going to be wiped out.”

texassapper's Avatar
Once again you found an article that supports your POV and incorrectly ran with it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOL... fact checked by the same experts being funded by Pfizer telling us it's safe & effective.

LOL. that's called a circle jerk. Looks like you're going to be going last..
Why the flu was defeated, but not Covid-19

How could mask-wearing and distancing bring the flu to a halt, while Covid-19 rages on?

It goes back to something scientists were saying at the beginning of the pandemic: Covid-19 is way, way worse than the seasonal flu because it’s more contagious.

Scientists describe the contagiousness of a disease with a figure called R0 (pronounced r-naught). The number describes, on average, how many new cases each case of a disease goes on to generate. For the seasonal flu, the R0 is between 1 and 2. For Covid-19, it’s more likely between 2 and 3, if not a little higher.

Our collective actions have brought the effective R number for Covid-19 down to a little more than 1. As long as the R number is greater than 1, the virus will keep spreading. But, when it comes to the flu, all that collective action has indeed brought the effective R for the flu below 1.

To Kissler, this is textbook epidemiology: “Anything that is less contagious [than Covid], but that spreads in a similar way, is going to be brought well below that R threshold of 1, and it’s just going to be wiped out.”

https://www.vox.com/science-and-heal...t-does-it-mean Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
First of all Viruses don't exist out side of viable Human or Animal cell lines. In other words Viruses don't attack the body from the outside. The term Viral shedding isn't a source of contagion. To say that Covid-19 is more transmissible than the Flu is just a frivolous statement because Covid-19 has never been isolated from any human suspected of having covid-19. You'll never find any Scientific Document anywhere to show how Covid-19 was cultured and isolated and then made a healthy animal or human sick. It's never been done not once. Your article is not Scientifically valid because it lacks the Scientific Method to confirm the ability of a disease causing agent and contagious transmission.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
LOL... fact checked by the same experts being funded by Pfizer telling us it's safe & effective.

LOL. that's called a circle jerk. Looks like you're going to be going last.. Originally Posted by texassapper
Please support your misguided belief that the Pfizer Covid vaccine is neither safe nor effective. You can't. Keep making ridiculous posts. I keep proving your posts to be factually incorrect. You don't like it. Too bad.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
First of all Viruses don't exist out side of viable Human or Animal cell lines. In other words Viruses don't attack the body from the outside. The term Viral shedding isn't a source of contagion. To say that Covid-19 is more transmissible than the Flu is just a frivolous statement because Covid-19 has never been isolated from any human suspected of having covid-19. You'll never find any Scientific Document anywhere to show how Covid-19 was cultured and isolated and then made a healthy animal or human sick. It's never been done not once. Your article is not Scientifically valid because it lacks the Scientific Method to confirm the ability of a disease causing agent and contagious transmission. Originally Posted by Levianon17
So your medical expertise is superior to those whose opinions from skilled medical practitioners and virologists differ from your statements.

When you have the educational background and work history of people like Stephen Kistler then I will take your opinion over the opinion of him and others.

Likewise, I would not expect you to accept my opinion, which is why I always try to support my opinion with supporting statements from people considered to be experts in the specific field.

Flu Has Disappeared for More Than a Year

Mask wearing, social distancing and other steps to stop COVID-19 have also curtailed influenza

Since the novel coronavirus began its global spread, influenza cases reported to the World Health Organization from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have dropped to minute levels. The reason, epidemiologists think, is that the public health measures taken to keep the coronavirus from spreading—notably mask wearing and social distancing—also stop the flu. Influenza viruses are transmitted in much the same way as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and they are less effective at jumping from person to person.

So your medical expertise is superior to those whose opinions from skilled medical practitioners and virologists differ from your statements.

When you have the educational background and work history of people like Stephen Kistler then I will take your opinion over the opinion of him and others.

Likewise, I would not expect you to accept my opinion, which is why I always try to support my opinion with supporting statements from people considered to be experts in the specific field.

Flu Has Disappeared for More Than a Year

Mask wearing, social distancing and other steps to stop COVID-19 have also curtailed influenza

Since the novel coronavirus began its global spread, influenza cases reported to the World Health Organization from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have dropped to minute levels. The reason, epidemiologists think, is that the public health measures taken to keep the coronavirus from spreading—notably mask wearing and social distancing—also stop the flu. Influenza viruses are transmitted in much the same way as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and they are less effective at jumping from person to person.

https://www.scientificamerican.com/a...vid-pandemic1/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you think I am making this shit up? You have no medical background or Scientific Knowledge what so ever. You don't even know enough to post actual Scientific Data of how SarsCov2 was even discovered and was determined to be a Pathogenic Virus and you won't because nothing exists to prove it. So it's pretty funny to watch you jump through hoops posting hypothetical nonsense from so called experts who can't back up their claims with Scientific evidence through the Scientific Process.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The flu is not as easily transmitted as Covid so the simple wearing of masks and social distancing is believed to have drastically lowered the number of flu cases during Covid.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Might be a great opportunity for you to explain how an air born flu virus differs in transmissibility over the covid air born transmission. Could maybe delve into SARS-Covid versus SARS-Covid2. Surely they must be entirely different in the ways they transmit. Right?