Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

TinMan's Avatar
Cuban is not a racist remark to anyone. Probably not even to Donald Trump. NYr just got heavy handed because he doesn't like DM. Personally, I think his behavior waters down true racist remarks. Originally Posted by armature
The "she's Cuban on Tuesdays" was an insulting remark, regardless of its racial intent (or lack thereof). It may have been mild compared to some of Dorthy's other posts, but it still wasn't the smartest thing to do after being warned by a mod.

You have a legitimate gripe if she's the only one that received points after NYr's warning, as there were numerous unnecessary insults thrown about subsequent to him laying down the gauntlet. Some of the mods commenting on this thread seem to be saying (without coming out and saying it) that no one else got the same treatment. That's really what I was trying to get cleared up.
Boltfan's Avatar
The "she's Cuban on Tuesdays" was an insulting remark, regardless of its racial intent (or lack thereof). It may have been mild compared to some of Dorthy's other posts, but it still wasn't the smartest thing to do after being warned by a mod.

You have a legitimate gripe if she's the only one that received points after NYr's warning, as there were numerous unnecessary insults thrown about subsequent to him laying down the gauntlet. Some of the mods commenting on this thread seem to be saying (without coming out and saying it) that no one else got the same treatment. That's really what I was trying to get cleared up. Originally Posted by TinMan
Most of the time I agree with you but...

Considering her past deception about pictures (who else remembers the thread where Ze pointed out all the edits) how is her story about her ethnicity or lack thereof not fair game? A witty response wasn't a violation of the rules nor was it insulting unless you were searching for a violation.
Woke up and couldn't sleep, read this entire thread and will only say this...Who cares and I'm the retard for reading this entire thread!
Woke up and couldn't sleep, read this entire thread and will only say this...Who cares and I'm the retard for reading this entire thread! Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
It's is much like a car accident...
You can't help but look!
SMH... I am guily as well. I check in everyday to see more shenanigans.
TinMan's Avatar
Most of the time I agree with you but...

Considering her past deception about pictures (who else remembers the thread where Ze pointed out all the edits) how is her story about her ethnicity or lack thereof not fair game? A witty response wasn't a violation of the rules nor was it insulting unless you were searching for a violation. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I read it as meaning to insult, so I'm not surprised someone else did, too. I'm no Kitty supporter. I purposely avoided her thread, as I've become accustomed to doing, until I came across this one and wanted to see what the fuss was about. I'm neutral on both NYr and Dorthy. Actually, I kinda dig Dorthy's spunk, as I do THN, CD3 and several other ladies I've met who have drawn fire for what they post.

If it had been me receiving admonishment, I would have done as I believe Lindsay Lee did (remember, she was warned, too). I would have unsubscribed to the thread, then ignored it so as not to risk saying something that might earn me points. As you know, I don't get into pissing matches often, so when I think I'm about to get drawn into one, I remove the temptation by no longer following the thread. My world won't get rocked if someone else has the last word.

If I'm going to second-guess NYr on anything (which is so easy to do now, right?), I would have advised him not to specifically call out the three people he called out, but just give a general warning to all participants in the thread. Then, anytime someone posted an insult, quietly give them their points and let them bitch and moan. As long as he was giving points out to everyone who threw down an insult from that point forward, there would be no credible claim to unfairness.
TinMan's Avatar
One last thought relating to the awarding of points. If the Dallas mods want a kinder and gentler Dallas forum, then they need to be nipping these pissing matches in the bud earlier on all the coed threads that develop into bomb-throwing competitions. Show some consistency, gentlemen, and you'll start seeing fewer threads like this one.
dearhunter's Avatar
Tinman, DM was the only one to receive points in the thread after the warning.........with the exception of one hijack for something posted that had nothing to do with the topic. That infraction was not given by NYr.
pyramider's Avatar
Makes one go HHhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
TinMan's Avatar
Tinman, DM was the only one to receive points in the thread after the warning.........with the exception of one hijack for something posted that had nothing to do with the topic. That infraction was not given by NYr. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Thanks, dearhunter. That lends credibility to the complaints, then, particularly if the mods aren't seen as evenhanded in applying that rationale to other people in other threads.

I'm fine either way (i.e., kinder, gentler or free-for-all), but figure out where you want to draw that line in the sand and stick with it.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ich bin alle aus Popcorn. Zeit für Hot Dogs
[I am all out of popcorn. Time for hot dogs]
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So there are those on this forum that actually believe that their "area" belongs to them and others should not be allowed to visit and comment.
You have achieved epic fail.
The whole board is for everybody regardless of their "area". Members are not assigned an "area" and we are not here to control and confine members to a certain "area".

You remind me of the frog that lives in the well.
The world to you is a small circle above your head and nothing else.
Texas653678's Avatar
You remind me of the frog that lives in the well.
The world to you is a small circle above your head and nothing else. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Maybe it's off-topic, but I am so going to steal this and I'll be using it at work tomorrow. Awesome...
Victoriajolie's Avatar
So there are those on this forum that actually believe that their "area" belongs to them and others should not be allowed to visit and comment.
You have achieved epic fail.
The whole board is for everybody regardless of their "area". Members are not assigned an "area" and we are not here to control and confine members to a certain "area".

You remind me of the frog that lives in the well.
The world to you is a small circle above your head and nothing else. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That is actually pretty funny!

Well a troll is a troll and she very good a it.No one was interested in her jumping on every treads to get the spotlight because one is bored..
Your Houston greatness didn't give a F...
dearhunter's Avatar
Your "interest" is irrelevant to the open policy for anyone posting in extended areas of the board.
Whisk3yJack's Avatar
Dorthy is combative and mouthy (not in a good way) She is on several cities forums contributing her opinion weather solicited or not..... Originally Posted by Zee Man
This isn't directed at you, Zee Man, but those who think this, and only what I quoted. If you don't like someone else's post there is an easy solution; ignore them. I really don't see why all of this drama. There are several on here that are anathema to me. So, I just don't engage them. I'm farily new and am not sure if this feature is available on this forum, but most others give users the option to block other users. It's great you'll never see another post from them again.