Still don't believe he's a muslim?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Lamb wrote 23 fiction and 20 non fiction books was a student of Asia spoke French,Latin, Persian,Arabic, and a smattering of Mancho-Tarter. Just because he wrote something contrary to what you want to hear tough shit. Bet you discount the Bible because it was written a while back. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd better reread your Mr. Lamb, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp, because Mr. Lamb quite literally holds your position -- "the scoffer's" -- in contempt, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. You lyingly misrepresented Mr. Lamb's position, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

"FOR two centuries of the thousand-year strife between Islam and Christianity, the cross-bearers carried the war into Asia. They fortified themselves beyond the sea, making the valley of the Jordan the front line of Christendom. At the end of the two centuries they were driven out of this front line, because they were left without support in the face of the new Moslem forces drawn from central Asia. Counter-attacks launched from Europe failed to recover this ground, and in the next centuries the Moslem attack swept on over the Mediterranean and into eastern Europe. The crusaders sacrificed themselves in taking and holding that front line. While they were on the Jordan, the rest of Europe except in Spain, where the crusaders also appeared before long was safe from Moslem aggression. And after the crusaders were wiped out, the experience gained in their wars, the new weapons and lessons learned in strategy and in fortification, and especially the new fleets built up during the crusades, aided in the preservation of Europe when Christendom was placed on the defensive.

"So, as a military venture in that long war, the crusades gained much. The loss was in the sacrifice of lives and wealth the gain in experience, so says the soldier.

"With all this the scoffer will not agree. And just at present he is very much in fashion. He sees in the crusades a waste of hundreds of thousands of lives, and uncounted wealth. He reminds us that the first cross-bearers ate human flesh at need and stained their swords by savage massacres. And that later, adventurers and plunderers filled their ranks. It seems to him that these men set out to be saints and ended by being devils. He decries the whole thing as a failure. The scoffer, however, is weighing men of the Twelfth Century in scales of the Twentieth. If he had lived when the crusaders lived, he would have known:
That other men as well had eaten human flesh at need.

That the crusaders ceased the massacres after the first onrush, when they had settled in Outremer and thereafter the mamluks, for example, equaled the worst of their deeds....

That the venturesome crusaders instead of looking for fortunes in the East sold or mortgaged their property at home in order to journey into the East, and gained little thereby....
"For to their own dark age the crusaders brought the fire of unselfish purpose. Around this fire they drew men from all lands centuries before the first alliance of peoples in our modern world. And by this light they went out into the unknown regions centuries before Europe could send forth its colonists.

"And this spirit of the crusades was not in the world before they came, and it has not appeared again, after their passing.

"No words of ours can alter what these men did the best or the worst of them who followed a star. They drained the cup of devotion, and if they tasted the dregs of shame, they knew also the exaltation of victory. They reached the summit of daring.

"And the memory of that will endure long after our own workaday lives are ended."

(pp. 465-66, The Crusades: The Flame of Islam, 1930, by Harold Lamb).

Expiration date? In your dreams, assup! The term "grubered" is a permanent addition to the lexicon. There is no "expiration date" on the smug, condescending and damaging libtard attitudes for which Jonathan Gruber is Exhibit A. Originally Posted by lustylad

poor IBIdiot! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did I miss tbis meltdown?

SillY con carnage anyone?
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  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2015, 09:36 AM
How did I miss tbis meltdown?

SillY con carnage anyone? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually, this time the meltdown contains some actual substance.

It confirms that when faced with data, IB will ignore it.

It confirms that IB is very math challenged and probably should retake 2nd grade.

It confirms that many of his homophobic posts are likely manifestations of his insecurity. He admits now that he is embarrassed when people point out his dedication to posing drivel, a dedication that surpasses almost everyone else on here. Maybe he is equally embarrassed about his sexual competency and his excessive homosexual insults are his way of overcompensating? It does seem that way at times.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, this time the meltdown contains some actual substance.

It confirms that when faced with data, IB will ignore it.

It confirms that IB is very math challenged and probably should retake 2nd grade.

It confirms that many of his homophobic posts are likely manifestations of his insecurity. He admits now that he is embarrassed when people point out his dedication to posing drivel, a dedication that surpasses almost everyone else on here. Maybe he is equally embarrassed about his sexual competency and his excessive homosexual insults are his way of overcompensating? It does seem that way at times.
Originally Posted by Old-T
If you were to do a quick scan of your posts you will find that you are almost as fixated on this subject of "homophobic remarks" as you are on "post counts", and you conjure "homoerotic" images where none exist, Old-THUMPER, and that says much more about you than me, Old-THUMPER. BTW, not only are you preoccupied with this subject of "homophobic remarks", Old-THUMPER, you're still pathetically and trollishy stalking posts on a SHMB. You need some serious psychiatric help, Old-THUMPER. You're a seriously sick and perverted soul, Old-THUMPER.

How did I miss tbis meltdown?

SillY con carnage anyone?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do any of your posts ever make any sense? You and Yssup Rider and I'va Biggun all freely toss homoerotic insults at each other. Now you say the poster who points this out is the one with the problem? Bull shit. That's the same as claiming the fire department is the cause of the fire because they responded to it.

Lot of posts here come across as tongue in cheek. Not yours. You really believe the bull crap you post, don't you?

You hate Old-T, you hate Yssup Rider, you hate me for no other reason than I live in DC. You make up shit about my political leanings based upon nothing more than where I reside. You love you some southerners, that's for sure. But you only love the darkies that know their place, isn't that so? You like to quote people and say it proves your point but you disallow any citation that opposes your views.

You are easy to categorize. A disillusioned pensioner with nothing better to do than try and show your pretend intellectual superiority by browbeating anyone you perceive as liberal. A jail house lawyer who never met a stupid argument he wouldn't use as an opportunity to show how superior his brain is. How clever he thinks he is.

You need some professional help.

If you were to do a quick scan of your posts you will find that you are almost as fixated on this subject of "homophobic remarks" as you are on "post counts", and you conjure "homoerotic" images where none exist, Old-THUMPER, and that says much more about you than me, Old-THUMPER. BTW, not only are you preoccupied with this subject of "homophobic remarks", Old-THUMPER, you're still pathetically and trollishy stalking posts on a SHMB. You need some serious psychiatric help, Old-THUMPER. You're a seriously sick and perverted soul, Old-THUMPER.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do any of your posts ever make any sense? You and Yssup Rider and I'va Biggun all freely toss homoerotic insults at each other. Now you say the poster who points this out is the one with the problem? Bull shit. That's the same as claiming the fire department is the cause of the fire because they responded to it.

Lot of posts here come across as tongue in cheek. Not yours. You really believe the bull crap you post, don't you?

You hate Old-T, you hate Yssup Rider, you hate me for no other reason than I live in DC. You make up shit about my political leanings based upon nothing more than where I reside. You love you some southerners, that's for sure. But you only love the darkies that know their place, isn't that so? You like to quote people and say it proves your point but you disallow any citation that opposes your views.

You are easy to categorize. A disillusioned pensioner with nothing better to do than try and show your pretend intellectual superiority by browbeating anyone you perceive as liberal. A jail house lawyer who never met a stupid argument he wouldn't use as an opportunity to show how superior his brain is. How clever he thinks he is.

You need some professional help.
Originally Posted by TGBeldin
Point of fact, DCBelchin, Old-THUMPER has been overtly selective in casting insults and criticism, and Old-THUMPER does not direct his *problem solving comments* towards Stumpy or Assup. Another fact, DCBelchin, you invariably reveal yourself to be Old-THUMPER's WK and reach-around buddy, so animosity directed at you is founded on more than your home of record, DCBelchin. BTW, DCBelchin, Old-THUMPER has more than once wallowed in the muck and engaged in casting "homophobic" aspersions; hence, both of you sorry asses are congenital hypocrites. And why don't you ask your reach-around buddy about his perverted infatuation with my post count on a SHMB, DCBelchin, or his imaginary, homoerotic "blow-up doll" he has conjured from his perverted homoerotic fantasies, DCBelchin. Both of you need serious psychiatric help and a good dose of reality.
Just what I expect from you. I couldn't insult you worse that you just did to yourself.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just what I expect from you. I couldn't insult you worse that you just did to yourself. Originally Posted by TGBeldin
Don't short shrift yourself, DCBelchin, all you and Old-THUMPER have are insults because neither of you can substantively support your ignorant POVs.
This is how you substantively support your POV?

Point of fact, DCBelchin, Old-THUMPER has been overtly selective in casting insults and criticism, and Old-THUMPER does not direct his *problem solving comments* towards Stumpy or Assup. Another fact, DCBelchin, you invariably reveal yourself to be Old-THUMPER's WK and reach-around buddy, so animosity directed at you is founded on more than your home of record, DCBelchin. BTW, DCBelchin, Old-THUMPER has more than once wallowed in the muck and engaged in casting "homophobic" aspersions; hence, both of you sorry asses are congenital hypocrites. And why don't you ask your reach-around buddy about his perverted infatuation with my post count on a SHMB, DCBelchin, or his imaginary, homoerotic "blow-up doll" he has conjured from his perverted homoerotic fantasies, DCBelchin. Both of you need serious psychiatric help and a good dose of reality. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
lustylad's Avatar hate me for no other reason than I live in DC.... Originally Posted by TGBeldin
Well that's a good start, BeltwayBelchin.... keep posting and give us some more reasons....
Why not true at all! I directly responded to Rio's post--or are you somehow saying my post did not address his?

I am so very sorry if you take issue with the simple facts that I posted. You can easily check them if you wish.

FACT: You did indeed post over 700 consecutive times in the political forum. Probably WELL over, but I lost interest in counting by 25s.
FACT: It took you about one month.
FACT: Since Rio has only a bit over 700 posts since 2010, your one month total is roughly equivalent to his lifetime total.
FACT: 700x12 is 8400. That is a LOT of posts.

Which of those very straightforward comments do you take issue with? Speak up--we can't hear you.

These are facts about YOU. Facts YOU brought into existence. So what you are saying is you think it is unfair or improper for me to actually remind you of what YOU did. Where is that great sense of personal responsibility you are big on? Own those posts, as bad as most of them are! I didn't give you credit for a single one that isn't yours fair and square. This is as bad as you claiming that you took your own post out of context last week. Most folks would be embarrassed to admit they were that dumb.

Unlike you I don't have to change words or pretend past facts are actually something different. Go look up any of those facts for yourself. Just think, if you were a mod you could erase all those posts and then claim they never existed! Just like your gay blow-up doll avatar.

Rant on!
Originally Posted by Old-T
You mean you actually took the time to count his post and calculated how long it took him to post 700 times, lol. That's a little extreme. Does it really matter.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Frankly, I'm still curious as to why these fellas insist that POTUS is a Muslim, and why they can honestly say that 2.5 billion of the earth's inhabitants deserve to die.

It's just fear and smear bullshit.

Never an explanation. When someone calls any of that Clan, err, KLAN, on any of this TeaWipe hate BS, they default to assailing your patriotism, calling you a liar or accusing you of some other kind of horrible heresy.

If an honest debate were to take place outside of the "bubble," then I'd be delighted to participate. However, at this juncture, the only thing left to do herein is to call IBIdiot a cocksucker or something like that.

Carry on, boyz!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2015, 04:39 PM
You mean you actually took the time to count his post and calculated how long it took him to post 700 times, lol. That's a little extreme. Does it really matter.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Actually it took literally under five minutes. Probably closer to three. I went to "show other posts by this poster", then it brings it up in pages of 25, most recent first. It also shows the forum.

Scan corn the "forum" column, hit next page, repeat. On a fast internet it's a couple seconds per page. 28 pages brought the date of posing back a month. 28 x 25 = 700. I didn't time it but three minutes sounds about right. He isn't worth much more than that.

Does it really matter? No. But watching the fool melt down is certainly of some entertainment value in a slapstick way. The sad part is I have repeatedly told him exactly what I am doing but he is so stubborn and stupid he keeps melting down about it over and over.

It is not particularly nice of me, but I find that when faced with someone that pompous and that bad a liar the vigilante in me comes out.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You mean you actually took the time to count his post and calculated how long it took him to post 700 times, lol. That's a little extreme. Does it really matter.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And Old-THUMPER says he's not a trollish stalker.

This is how you substantively support your POV? Originally Posted by TGBeldin
You must be forgetting how about a third of your posts in this forum consist of some nonsubstantive aspersion cast in my direction, DCBelchin; hence, given the nature of your posts you're a fuckin' hypocrite if you expect not to receive replies in kind, DCBelchin. BTW, you can take your pretentious, more intellectual than thou attitude and shove it up your Hershey Beltway, DCBelchin. You're on record as wallowing in the muck, for example, you did once jump into a thread spouting generic insults by comparing dick size to IQs and equating weapons to phallic symbols, DCBelchin; so, go screw yourself, DCBelchin:

All these wonderful rants.

So, what is the simple (simplistic) solution that would prevent these things? This forum is 90% whining little boys with a gun-phalus problem and a hard-on for either the current or former president. Originally Posted by TGBeldin

Frankly, I'm still curious as to why these fellas insist that POTUS is a Muslim, and why they can honestly say that 2.5 billion of the earth's inhabitants deserve to die.

It's just fear and smear bullshit.

Never an explanation. When someone calls any of that Clan, err, KLAN, on any of this TeaWipe hate BS, they default to assailing your patriotism, calling you a liar or accusing you of some other kind of horrible heresy.

If an honest debate were to take place outside of the "bubble," then I'd be delighted to participate. However, at this juncture, the only thing left to do herein is to call IBIdiot a cocksucker or something like that.

Carry on, boyz!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Where's that miscreant, stalking troll, Old-THUMPER, with his hyperbolic insults about "homophobic" remarks?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2015, 04:57 PM
Dear Slow IB,

I actually posted the answer to your stupid rant ten minutes before you posted this piece of vomit.

But you were too busy constructing your vomit to observe what was going on around you, weren't you? Just another time you make yourself look stupid and illiterate without any outside help. You are sooooooo good at it.

Rant away!