Roe to be overturned!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whats p********? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
never mind i think i know what it is.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar

I'm going to start hanging around porta-potties
eccieuser9500's Avatar
move out of the sticks sparky.


don't care where or how u became indoctrinated .. you now possess the commie gene.

you fool. name one place where the full monty commie worked? name one.


all of your erstwhile commie dogma has failed because all your sacred commies cowtards like chomsky, wolff and any number of idiot radical econs like robert riech and Paul "putzhead" krugman et el. are all wrong and so r u.

so keep quoting these idiots .. we'll keep laughing Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We? Do you mean to take the persona of Putin? I'll leave that for another, precious, moment in the future.

We (you and I) represent the extreme ends in this loony bin when you also depict Jack laughing. You with your swastika scare tactics towards me, and I with the Ché and Bernie campaign memoranda to everyone here tuning in.

It was not an indoctrination. I was born to work. Unlike you. A lazy techie bankinng-IT-nerd who needs children as slaves to cut the grass of your art-filled (I appreciate that by the way) property.

I think we've come a long way. Hopefully we'll never see something like the internment of Japanese Americans again. But there's still a ways to go. Think about the Afghans who helped the U.S. military who we left behind at the mercy of the Taliban. We had years to vet them. Also the temporary blanket bans on travel to the USA for people from certain Islamic countries. I think I remember a story about two Sikhs being pummelled to death by people who thought they were Islamic. Ridiculous. The Sikhs and Muslims have fought many battles through the centuries and in some places are still at each others throats.

Btw, Republicans don't want to reinstate slavery. That's just Democratic Party propaganda. Originally Posted by Tiny
Eventually. Unless I can nip it in the "bud".

I did not say Trump colluded with Putin....although I have no doubt he would have.

I said that the Steele dossier was not the impetus for the collusion investigation.

Many of you Trump apologist seem to think it was.

I've stated facts....His campaign manger was Pro Russian and they were responsible for changing language in the GOP in Russia's favor. He pardoned Manafort who clearly broke the law. Originally Posted by WTF
I like the way you think. Not so much you write.

Corny? I like the way he's writing. Not so much the way he thinks.


Love it. Or Fuck it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sometimes I amaze myself at my ability to see things before they happen. If you noticed in one of my previous posts, I suggested that if Roe is overturned and it goes to the States for a vote, a woman in any State that bans abortions will be given money either by the Corporation they work for or a go-fund me kinda deal by all the rich elitists who will contribute to such a fund.

Well knock me down with a feather. Just saw a report about how companies like Levi Strauss, Amazon and even Tesla, now owned by a racist, fascist, Apartheid loving White man, will be offering in some cases, up to $4400, ( don't know how they came up with that number ) to cover travel and medical expenses and will of course get full pay for how ever long it takes to recuperate. I have the feeling recuperation time will end up being much, much longer than it was before this generous package.

So settle down people, it's all good. If you can't move to an abortion loving state, either your job or rich White people with their White guilt and White privilege, will pickup the tab. What a great country we live in.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sometimes I amaze myself at my ability to see things before they happen. If you noticed in one of my previous posts, I suggested that if Roe is overturned and it goes to the States for a vote, a woman in any State that bans abortions will be given money either by the Corporation they work for or a go-fund me kinda deal by all the rich elitists who will contribute to such a fund.

Well knock me down with a feather. Just saw a report about how companies like Levi Strauss, Amazon and even Tesla, now owned by a racist, fascist, Apartheid loving White man, will be offering in some cases, up to $4400, ( don't know how they came up with that number ) to cover travel and medical expenses and will of course get full pay for how ever long it takes to recuperate. I have the feeling recuperation time will end up being much, much longer than it was before this generous package.

So settle down people, it's all good. If you can't move to an abortion loving state, either your job or rich White people with their White guilt and White privilege, will pickup the tab. What a great country we live in. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I just saw a report titled
HedonistForever A MORON?

Just take my word for it. No citation necessary.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Another great idea!!! Abortion insurance!!! Think it won't happen if this passes?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Oh well. Couldn't volley my return serve. Not much of a research guy. Too bad. I thought you could.

Brilliant Ostrich technique Kung Fu hustle move. Put me on ignore so as not to see me ask if you can answer my return serve. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge on.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge on. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

You're the one with your head up your ass you dumb mother-. . . .

Just tell the board you can't do a simple search to answer my questions. Then I'll retort.

Until then, I'll be on imaginary ignore.

Unfortunate typo on my part. Should have read: So why are you even leveraging the Civil War to talk about abortion or illegal alien birthing rights anyway? (Ouch)

I'll leave you on the Ignore list to play Dodge Ball by yourself. Won't lie, I had hopes for a bit there. Silly me. Fair chance over. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I like your garage suffocation theme.

Okay, the thirteenth amendment didn't abolish slavery completely.

So the answer is no - no I do not agree that your assessments are accurate.

Return serve:

Which states failed to ratify the 13th amendment in 1865? Which state didn't abolish slavery until 1995? Or officially in 2013. It won't surprise you, of course.

Here's some help:

National Archives

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The charismatic leader is distinguished from other leaders by his capacity to inspire loyalty toward himself as the source of authority, apart from an established status. Charismatic appeal is validated through the perceptions of the followers. Its possession depends upon the leader's ability to draw upon and manipulate the body of myth in a given culture and the actions and values associated with these myths. Attributes of the charismatic leader tend to vary from society to society. In new states the breakdown of traditional and colonial-legal systems of authority produces conditions of uncertainty conducive to the emergence of charismatic leadership. Through strategies of cultural management, the charismatic leader legitimizes his claims by associating with himself the sacred symbols of the culture. Disintegration of nationalist unity after independence often makes incompatible the simultaneous pursuit of the two goals of political development: the consolidation of the state and the growth of central government capacity to modernize. Charismatic appeal is initially concentrated on and contributes to the achievement of national cohesion.

You're not the first.

To put me on "ignore."
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You're the one with your head up your ass you dumb mother-. . . .

Just tell the board you can't do a simple search to answer my questions. Then I'll retort.

Until then, I'll be on imaginary ignore... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
In an abortion thread <you are hear> You spouted off with "Persons born> and then quoted the 14th amendment. To what end or purpose?

Sorry your own ass oozed through your own fingers. Not sorry. Just don't be smelling your own fingers now. That would be so-o-o chimp like.
bambino's Avatar
In an abortion thread <you are hear> You spouted off with "Persons born> and then quoted the 14th amendment. To what end or purpose?

Sorry your own ass oozed through your own fingers. Not sorry. Just don't be smelling your own fingers now. That would be so-o-o chimp like. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
He licks his fingers. So, there you have it.
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2022, 02:55 PM
Sometimes I amaze myself at my ability to see things before they happen. If you noticed in one of my previous posts, I suggested that if Roe is overturned and it goes to the States for a vote, a woman in any State that bans abortions will be given money either by the Corporation they work for or a go-fund me kinda deal by all the rich elitists who will contribute to such a fund.

Well knock me down with a feather. Just saw a report about how companies like Levi Strauss, Amazon and even Tesla, now owned by a racist, fascist, Apartheid loving White man, will be offering in some cases, up to $4400, ( don't know how they came up with that number ) to cover travel and medical expenses and will of course get full pay for how ever long it takes to recuperate. I have the feeling recuperation time will end up being much, much longer than it was before this generous package.

So settle down people, it's all good. If you can't move to an abortion loving state, either your job or rich White people with their White guilt and White privilege, will pickup the tab. What a great country we live in. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hedonist, I'm confused. I thought you said you're pro-choice. And you said restrictions on abortion or lack thereof should be left to the states.

So why do you care if Elon Musk and Tesla give some poor mother from a pro-life state an airline ticket and a free abortion? She probably has enough problems supporting herself and any children she already has, without one more mouth to feed.

I can see the point in not having government pay for abortions. People like Bambino who think it's the same as murder shouldn't have their tax dollars spent that way. Actually Joe Biden used to believe that too. But he had to change his position, on the Hyde Amendment, in order to win the Democratic primaries.

And that's where charities and, perhaps the private sector should step in. So pro lifers don't have to see their tax dollars spent on abortion.
bambino's Avatar
Hedonist, I'm confused. I thought you said you're pro-choice. And you said restrictions on abortion or lack thereof should be left to the states.

So why do you care if Elon Musk and Tesla give some poor mother from a pro-life state an airline ticket and a free abortion? She probably has enough problems supporting herself and any children she already has, without one more mouth to feed.

I can see the point in not having government pay for abortions. People like Bambino who think it's the same as murder shouldn't have their tax dollars spent that way. Actually Joe Biden used to believe that too. But he had to change his position, on the Hyde Amendment, in order to win the Democratic primaries.

And that's where charities and, perhaps the private sector should step in. So pro lifers don't have to see their tax dollars spent on abortion. Originally Posted by Tiny
It’s murder. Just think if your mother decided to pull the plug on you when you were just a blop of mush? At least you wouldn’t have taken four jabs. You aborted yourself. You just don’t know it yet. Poetic justice I guess.
texassapper's Avatar
I can see the point in not having government pay for abortions. People like Bambino who think it's the same as murder shouldn't have their tax dollars spent that way. Originally Posted by Tiny
Does Tesla get tax breaks? Then we're paying for abortions... I wonder do they also give 4K to mothers that keep their kids? Because if they don't they aren't pro choice, they are pro baby butchering.